System will automatically delete the directory
标签: automatically directory System delete
上传时间: 2013-09-09
Many CAD users dismiss schematic capture as a necessary evil in the process of creating\r\nPCB layout but we have always disputed this point of view. With PCB layout now offering\r\nautomation of both component placement and track routing, getting the des
标签: schematic necessary creating dismiss
上传时间: 2013-09-25
本文简单讨论并总结了VHDL、Verilog,System verilog 这三中语言的各自特点和区别As the number of enhancements to variousHardware Description Languages (HDLs) hasincreased over the past year, so too has the complexityof determining which language is best fora particular design. Many designers and organizationsare contemplating whether they shouldswitch from one HDL to another.
标签: Verilog verilog System VHDL
上传时间: 2013-10-16
Methods for designing a maintenance simulation training system for certain kind of radio are introduced. Fault modeling method is used to establish the fault database. The system sets up some typical failures, follow the prompts trainers can locate the fault source and confirm the type to accomplish corresponding fault maintenance training. A training evaluation means is given to examining and evaluating the training performance. The system intuitively and vividly shows the fault maintenance process, it can not only be used in teaching, but also in daily maintenance training to efficiently improve the maintenance operation level. Graphical programming language LabVIEW is used to develop the system platform.
上传时间: 2013-11-19
Introduce High-Speed Digital System Design.
标签: High-Speed Digital Design System
上传时间: 2013-10-20
Xilinx公司推出的DSP设计开发工具System Generator是在Matlab环境中进行建模,是DSP高层系统设计与Xilinx FPGA之间实现的“桥梁”。在分析了FPGA传统级设计方法的基础上,提出了基于System Generator的系统级设计新方法,并应用新方法设计验证了一套数字下变频系统,通过仿真和实验结果验证了该方法的有效性和准确性。
上传时间: 2013-11-18
Abstract: Most magnetic read head data sheets do not fully specify the frequency-dependent components andare often vague when specifying other key parameters. In some cases, the specifications of two very similarheads from two different manufacturers might be quite different in terms of parameters specified and omitted.The limitations in the data sheets make designing an optimum card reading system unnecessarily difficult andtime consuming. This document outlines a strategy to overcome the above shortcomings and offers guidelinesto overcome the noise issues.
上传时间: 2013-11-13
A MEMS microphone IC is unique among Analog Devices, Inc., products in that its input is an acoustic pressure wave. For this reason, some specifications included in the data sheets for these parts may not be familiar, or familiar specifications may be applied in unfamiliar ways. This application note explains the specifica-tions and terms found in MEMS microphone data sheets so that the microphone can be appropriately designed into a system.
上传时间: 2013-10-31
Abstract: Using a DAC and a microprocessor supervisor, the system safety can be improved in industrial controllers, programmablelogiccontrollers (PLC), and data-acquisition systems. The analog output is set to zero-scale (or pin-programmable midscale) when amicroprocessor failure, optocoupler failure, or undervoltage condition occurs. A simple application is shown on how to implement thisfunction.
上传时间: 2013-10-17
This unique guide to designing digital VLSI circuits takes a top-down approach, reflecting the natureof the design process in industry. Starting with architecture design, the book explains the why andhow of digital design, using the physics that designers need to know, and no more.Covering system and component aspects, design verification, VHDL modelling, clocking, signalintegrity, layout, electricaloverstress, field-programmable logic, economic issues, and more, thescope of the book is singularly comprehensive.
标签: Integrated Digital Circuit Design
上传时间: 2013-11-04