本程序修改自飞天BBS 7.0 将原来的ASP语法迁移为ASP.NET并封装成DLL ASP.NET相对ASP有更快的执行效率以及更高的并发访问量 基于ASP.NET的DLL可以运行在支持ASP.NET的虚拟**上,不需要注册DLL,更新DLL也不需要重起IIS 本程序采用了Web.Config文件的HttpHandlers机制,不需要明文的ASPX文件 VBSource目录为ASP.NET程序的源代码,不需要上传到Web服务器 WebFolder目录为上传到Web服务器的虚拟目录,没有源代码,只有DLL和其他的图片资源 可使用VS.NET 2005打开工程,修改当中的源代码并重新生成DLL 修改内容需要安装Visual Studio.NET 2005开发环境,在运行的服务器上需要开通ASP.NET2.0服务
上传时间: 2014-01-10
基于18f4550ICD2、16F877的PIC单片机烧写器仿真器ICD2制作源码 错误更正:877的RA4口要上拉一个5K电阻,R11<4R7,74hc07不行必须用74LS07 如果想重烧IC,4550的CONFIG请参考BMP文件 1。调试时最好有一个有保护的HUB,分步进行 2。焊好后,电位器旋到0,不插队IC,通电测各点电压,并调好12V 3。只插4550,连PC,应能发现新硬件,重点查晶体,USB电压, 4。插好所有IC,连PC,用ICD2的自检功能,能读出三个电压,见CHECK。BMP 5。最后连是连目标板,如果复位电容大于103原装ICD2都不会认识目标IC,不同目标IC最好用不同IDE,如16F639用6。61版可以,可进入7。5版就不好用,有些IDE版很不完善,可以多试
上传时间: 2014-08-18
Dos 以功能个性化和人性化为基础,Dos提供了多种不同样式针对浏览用户的功能,友好的站内交流系统、友好的发表编辑器、全面的用户自身信息浏览和管理、对论坛浏览和操作更加方面的快捷链接等。Dos 提供了一套标准化的插件开发接口和说明文档,为广大的东网论坛爱好者们提供了一个广阔的论坛服务扩展空间。 使用Access 数据 请解压后,把 data下的 data.mdb 的user 权限设为可读可写 使用 SqlServer 数据库,请新建立一个DoNetBbs的数据库,然后停止SqlServer数据库,把 data文件夹下的 DoNetBbs_Data.MDF 和 DoNetBbs_Log.LDF 覆盖你建立的数据库,启动 SqlServer数据库 Web.config 需要修改为 管理员为 admin 码为 admin888
上传时间: 2013-12-26
As I write this foreword, I am collaborating with four leading user interface (UI) component vendors on a presentation for the 2004 JavaOneSM conference. In our presentation, the vendors will show how they leverage JavaServerTM Faces technology in their products. While developing the presentation, I am learning some things about the work we’ve been doing on JavaServer Faces for the past three years. The vendors have their own set of concerns unique to adapting their product for JavaServer Faces, but they all voice one opinion loud and clear: they are very relieved to finally have a standard for web-based user interfaces.
标签: collaborating component interface foreword
上传时间: 2014-08-27
一个采用三层架构开放的办公自动化系统,可以设置各个角色的权限 主要功能:人事管理、项目管理、文档管理、内部信息传递、系统管理 安装说明:数据库文件在db_51aspx文件夹下,附加后在web.config中设置相关信息 设置webs文件夹为虚拟目录(名称为hotop100) 默认超级管理员帐号密码均为51aspx
上传时间: 2014-01-17
如果数据库只由一个数据文件和一个事务日志文件组成,则可以使用本工具将数据库附加到 Microsoft SQL Server,配置文件Config.ini,静默模式命令行 /silent ,属于sql部署工具
上传时间: 2014-01-27
《JSF入门》简体中文版。压缩包中有《JSF标签》,《JSF入门》, JavaServer Faces.ppt
上传时间: 2017-07-23
I2C Controller VHDL used to communicate two devices. In general this communication is used to configure some device.
标签: used communication communicate Controller
上传时间: 2017-07-30
un the configuration script ---------------------------- In the CGIs directory there is a configure.s and a configure.bat file. Run this file after you ve moved the CGIs directory to it s desired location. The configure script will create a file nammed apache.conf. Append this file the the httpd.conf file. LINUX: [prompt]$ ./configure.s [prompt]$ cat apache.conf >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Note: you may need to set the executable flag on the script chmod 755 configure.s WINDOWS: prompt> configure.bat Copy the contents of apache.conf to httpd.conf
标签: configuration the directory config
上传时间: 2014-01-25
face detection Face detection can be regarded as a more general case of face localization In face localization, the task is to find the locations and sizes of a known number of faces (usually one). In face detection, one does not have this additional information. Early face-detection algorithms focused on the detection of frontal human faces, whereas newer algorithms attempt to solve the more general and difficult problem of multi-view face detection. That is, the detection of faces that are either rotated along the axis from the face to the observer (in-plane rotation), or rotated along the vertical or left-right axis (out-of-plane rotation),or both.
标签: detection face localization regarded
上传时间: 2014-01-10