---实现的部分VHDL 程序如下。 --- elsif clk1x event and clk1x = 1 then ---if std_logic_vector(length_no) >= “0001” and std_logic_vector(length_no) <= “1001” then -----数据帧数据由接收串行数据端移位入接收移位寄存器---rsr(0) <= rxda --- rsr(7 downto 1) <= rsr(6 downto 0) --- parity <= parity xor rsr(7) --- elsif std_logic_vector(length_no) = “1010” then --- rbr <= rsr --接收移位寄存器数据进入接收缓冲器--- ...... --- end if
标签: clk1x std_logic_vector length_no elsif
上传时间: 2015-10-28
Student status management system is development two aspects that typical information management system, IMS( MIS), its development includes primarily the background database creates with support and the front end applies the procedure.Creates to rise to the former request the consistency of data is strong with the integrity, the library that the safeness of data like.But request the latter very much to apply the procedure function complete, easy usage etc. characteristics.
标签: management development information Student
上传时间: 2015-11-01
<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <!--#include file="conn.asp" --> <% ProductClass_2=request("ProductClass_2") set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") sqltext="select * from Product" if request("Product_Name")<>"" then sqltext=sqltext &" where Product_Name like %"& request("Product_Name") &"% " else sqltext=sqltext &" where Product_Name like %"& "" &"% " end if if request("Product_Class")<>"" then sqltext=sqltext &" and Class_1 like %"& request("Product_Class") &"% " end if
标签: ProductClass lt LANGUAGE VBSCRIPT
上传时间: 2013-11-25
<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <!--#include file="conn.asp" --> <% Id=Session("LoginSuccess") ProductList = Session("ProductList") Products = Split(Request("cpbm"), ", ") For I=0 To UBound(Products) PutToShopBag Products(I), ProductList Next Session("ProductList") = ProductList ProductList = Session("ProductList") If Len(ProductList) =0 Then Response.Redirect "Nothing.asp" response.end end if
上传时间: 2013-12-09
<%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <!--#include file="conn.asp" --> <% Id=Session("LoginSuccess") ProductList = Session("ProductList") Products = Split(Request("cpbm"), ", ") For I=0 To UBound(Products) PutToShopBag Products(I), ProductList Next Session("ProductList") = ProductList ProductList = Session("ProductList") If Len(ProductList) =0 Then Response.Redirect "Nothing.asp" response.end end if
上传时间: 2014-08-18
% 文件名:randlsbget.m % 程序员:余波 % 编写时间:2007.6.25 % 函数功能: 本函数将完成提取隐秘于上的秘密信息 % 输入格式举例:result=( scover.jpg ,56, secret.txt ,2001) % 参数说明: % output是信息隐藏后的图象 % len_total是秘密信息的长度 % goalfile是提取出的秘密信息文件 % key是随机间隔函数的密钥 % result是提取的信息 function result=randlsbget(output,len_total,goalfile,key) ste_cover=imread(output) ste_cover=double(ste_cover) % 判断嵌入信息量是否过大 [m,n]=size(ste_cover) frr=fopen(goalfile, a ) % p作为信息嵌入位计数器将信息序列写回文本文件 p=1 % 调用随机间隔函数选取像素点 [row,col]=randinterval(ste_cover,len_toal,key) for i=:len_toal if bitand(ste_cover(row(i),col(i)),1)==1 fwrite(frr,1, bit1 ) result(p,1) else fwrite(frr,0, bit1 ) result(p,1)=0 end if p==len_total break end p=p+1 end fclose(frr)
标签: randlsbget result scover 2007
上传时间: 2015-11-10
演示Kruskal算法和Prim算法 集合的并,元素查找的操作及应用 说明: 代码均在vc++6.0环境下编译均通过 在非VC++6.0环境下编译请去掉头文件 windows.h 和函数 end()
上传时间: 2013-12-17
上传时间: 2013-12-19
Make and answer phone calls Detect tone and pulse digit from the phone line Capture Caller ID Support blind transfer, single-step transfer/conference, consultation transfer/conference, hold, unhold. Control of the local phone handset, microphone and speaker of the modem Send and receive faxes Play and record on the phone line or sound card Play music in background mode Silence detection VU Meter Wave sound editor that allows your end-users to edit their own sound files. Voice recognition and voice synthesis. Full control over the serial port device ZModem file transfer utility File compression and encryption utility
上传时间: 2013-11-30
Linux in a Nutshell, 5th Edition By Stephen Figgins, Robert Love, Arnold Robbins, Ellen Siever, Aaron Weber ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... Publisher: O Reilly Pub Date: July 2005 ISBN: 0-596-00930-5 Pages: 944 Over the last few years, Linux has grown both as an operating system and a tool for personal and business use. Simultaneously becoming more user friendly and more powerful as a back-end system, Linux has achieved new plateaus: the newer filesystems have solidified, new commands and tools have appeared and become standard, and the desktop--including new desktop environments--have proved to be viable, stable, and readily accessible to even those who don t consider themselves computer gurus.
标签: Nutshell Edition Figgins Stephen
上传时间: 2015-12-03