Ship version 1.7--utility to encode, split, and mail binary data and reconstruct the data at the other end (ship will unship).
标签: data reconstruct and the
上传时间: 2015-07-24
Procedure TSPSA: begin init-of-T { T为初始温度} S={1,……,n} {S为初始值} termination=false while termination=false begin for i=1 to L do begin generate(S′form S) { 从当前回路S产生新回路S′} Δt:=f(S′))-f(S) {f(S)为路径总长} IF(Δt<0) OR (EXP(-Δt/T)>Random-of-[0,1]) S=S′ IF the-halt-condition-is-TRUE THEN termination=true end T_lower end end
标签: Procedure init-of-T TSPSA begin
上传时间: 2013-12-20
Bing is a point-to-point bandwidth measurement tool (hence the b ), based on ping. Bing determines the real (raw, as opposed to available or average) throughput on a link by measuring ICMP echo requests roundtrip times for different packet sizes for each end of the link
标签: Bing point-to-point measurement determines
上传时间: 2015-09-15
This document describes the uIP TCP/IP stack. The uIP TCP/IP stack is an extremely small implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite intended for embedded systems running low-end 8 or 16-bit microcon-trollers. The code size and RAM requirements of uIP is an order of magnitude smaller than other generic TCP/IP stacks today.
标签: stack implementat TCP describes
上传时间: 2015-09-18
.data val1 sword 0 val sword -276 .code main proc mov ax,val cwd mov bx,10 idiv bx mov val1,ax call writebin call crlf mov ax,dx call writebin exit main endp end main
上传时间: 2015-09-21
This tutorial attempts to get you started developing with the Win32 API as quickly and clearly as possible. It is meant to be read as a whole, so please read it from beginning to end before asking questions... most of them will probably be answered. Each section builds on the sections before it. I have also added some solutions to common errors in Appendix A. If you ask me a question that is answered on this page, you will look very silly.
标签: developing tutorial attempts clearly
上传时间: 2015-09-29
Visual Basic 6.0可以通过调用API函数格式化一个磁盘,无论是软盘还是硬盘。 打开一个新的项目(工程1) ,如果你没有更改过缺省模式,那么Visual Basic 6.0会自动添加一个form1文件,在form1上添加一个命令控件,将下面的代码拷入。 Option Explicit Private Declare Function SHFormatDrive Lib"shell32"( ByVal Hend AS Long,ByVal Drive AS Long,ByVal FormatID AS Long,ByVal Options AS Long) as Long Private Sub FormatDisk(intDrive as integer,blnQuickFormat as Boolean) dim lngReturn As Long if (blnQuickFormat) then lngReturn= SHFormatDrive(0,intDrive,0&,1&) else lngReturn= SHFormatDrive(0,intDrive,0&,0&) end if end Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() call FormatDisk(0,True) end Sub 运行此程序。 注意FormatDisk函数的第一个变量很重要,他的值是0,1,2时代表格式化的分别是:A、B、C盘。
上传时间: 2015-10-05
This manual describes omniidl, the omniORB IDL compiler. It is intended for developers who wish to write their own IDL compiler back-ends, or to modify existing ones. It also documents the design of the compiler front-end for those poor souls who have to track the IDL specification.
标签: developers describes compiler intended
上传时间: 2015-10-07
The goal of this library is to make ODBC recordsets look just like an STL container. As a user, you can move through our containers using standard STL iterators and if you insert(), erase() or replace() records in our containers changes can be automatically committed to the database for you. The library s compliance with the STL iterator and container standards means you can plug our abstractions into a wide variety of STL algorithms for data storage, searching and manipulation. In addition, the C++ reflection mechanism used by our library to bind to database tables allows us to add generic indexing and lookup properties to our containers with no special code required from the end-user. Because our code takes full advantage of the template mechanism, it adds minimal overhead compared with using raw ODBC calls to access a database.
标签: recordsets container library ODBC
上传时间: 2015-10-11
利用WM5 实现电话功能 在程序中进行电话拨号 “项目”—“添加引用”—“Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Telephony”—“确定” Imports Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Telephony Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim TestPhone As New Phone TestPhone.Talk("1001") end Sub
标签: Microsoft WindowsMobile Telephony Imports
上传时间: 2013-12-20