MIMO-OFDM 国外博士论文 1.Transmitter strategies for closed-loop MIMO-OFDM,2.Spatial processing, power control, and channEl allocation for OFDM wireless communications....
标签: MIMO-OFDM Transmitter closed-loop strategies
上传时间: 2014-06-26
This experiment uses the Blackfi n BF533/BF537 EZ-KIT to run a simple FIR fi lter on stereo channEls at a sampling frequency of 48 kHz. The CYCLE register is embedded in the main program ( process_data.c) to benchmark the time needed to process two FIR fi lters. A background telemetry channEl (BTC) is set up to display the cycle count.
标签: experiment Blackfi EZ-KIT channe
上传时间: 2013-12-27
4 16 64 QAM plots for simulated and theoretical results for OFDM system under a standard Rayleigh channEl
标签: theoretical for simulated Rayleigh
上传时间: 2017-06-02
无线信道阴影效应和多径效应的MATLAB仿真程序,来自 Modeling the Wireless Propagation channEl
上传时间: 2017-06-10
This Simulink model simulates as an example the transmission and reception of random digital data modulated with GMSK. The purpose of this model is to illustrate how part of the GSM transmission and reception works. It also measures the BER, affected by an AWGN channEl.
标签: transmission simulates reception Simulink
上传时间: 2017-07-28
Wi-Fi pollution, or an excessive number of access points in the area, especially on the same or neighboring channEl, can prevent access and interfere with the use of other access points by others, caused by overlapping channEls in the 802.11g/b spectrum
标签: especially pollution excessive the
上传时间: 2017-07-29
This is an example program showing how to use the LMX2326 chip. The program configures the chip and then prompts the user for a channEl number. When the channEl number is entered, the pll tunes to the desired frequency.
标签: program chip configures the
上传时间: 2017-08-04
檔案傳輸協定(FTP)為目前相當普遍與廣泛使用之網路 應用。然而在傳統檔案傳輸協定之設計下,資料 傳輸透過Out-of-Band(OOB)之機制,意即透過控制頻道(control channEl)傳輸指令 ,而實際資料 傳輸則另外透過特定之通訊埠以及TCP連 線,進行 傳送。如此一來 可確保資料 傳輸之可靠與穩定性,但另一方面則會造成傳輸率 (throughput)效能低落 。因此,在本計劃中,我們透過使用SCTP協定並利 用多重串 流 (multi-stream)機制,達到以In-Band機制達成Out-of-Band傳輸之相同效果。在本研究之最後亦透過於開放原始碼系統實作並實際量 測,証
上传时间: 2013-12-10
The goal of this thesis is the development of traffic engineering rules for cellular packet radio networks based on GPRS and EDGE. They are based on traffic models for typical mobile applications. Load generators, representing these traffic models, are developed and integrated into a simulation environment with the prototypical implementation of the EGPRS protocols and models for the radio channEl, which were also developed in the framework of this thesis. With this simulation tool a comprehensive performance evaluation is carried out that leads to the traffic engineering rules.
标签: development engineering cellular traffic
上传时间: 2014-01-11
This is an analog signal communication simulator, usign frequency modulation. It is designed in MATLAB-Simulink. The communications channEl beetween the transmitter and the reciever is supposed to be affected by additive white Gaussian noise.
标签: communication modulation frequency simulator
上传时间: 2013-12-25