This book is about multipoint cooperative communication, a key technology to overcome the long-standing problem of limited transmission rate caused by inter- point interference. However, the multipoint cooperative communication is not an isolated technology. Instead, it covers a vast range of research areas such as the multiple-input multiple-outputsystem, the relay network, channEl state information issues, inter-point radio resource management operations, coordinated or joint transmissions, etc. We suppose that any attempt trying to thoroughly analyze the multipoint cooperative communication technology might end up working on a cyclopedia for modern communication systems and easily get lost in discussing all kinds of cooperative communication schemes as well as the associated models and their variations.
标签: Communication Multi-point Cooperative Systems
上传时间: 2020-05-31
The family of recent wireless standards included the optional employment of MIMO tyechniques. This was motivated by the observation according to the classic Shannon-Hartley law the achiev- able channEl capacity increases logarithmically with the transmit power. By contrast, the MIMO capacity increases linearly with the number of transmit antennas, provided that the number of receive antennas is equal to the number of transmit antennas.
标签: Multi-Functional Near-Capacity Systems MIMO
上传时间: 2020-05-31
The family of recent wireless standards included the optional employment of MIMO tyechniques. This was motivated by the observation according to the classic Shannon-Hartley law the achiev- able channEl capacity increases logarithmically with the transmit power. By contrast, the MIMO capacity increases linearly with the number of transmit antennas, provided that the number of receive antennas is equal to the number of transmit antennas.
标签: Simulation Modeling Network and
上传时间: 2020-05-31
Rapid growth of wireless communication services in recent decades has created a huge demand of radio spectrum. Spectrum scarcity and utilization inefficiency limit the development of wireless networks. Cognitive radio is a promising tech- nology that allows secondary users to reuse the underutilized licensed spectrum of primary users. The major challenge for spectrum sharing is to achieve high spectrum efficiency while making non-intrusive access to the licensed bands. This requires in- formation of availability and quality of channEl resources at secondary transmitters, however, is difficult to be obtained perfectly in practice.
标签: Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing
上传时间: 2020-05-31
Since the advent of optical communications, a great technological effort has been devoted to the exploitation of the huge bandwidth of optical fibers. Start- ing from a few Mb/s single channEl systems, a fast and constant technological development has led to the actual 10 Gb/s per channEl dense wavelength di- vision multiplexing (DWDM) systems, with dozens of channEls on a single fiber. Transmitters and receivers are now ready for 40 Gb/s, whereas hundreds of channEls can be simultaneously amplified by optical amplifiers.
标签: Communication Techniques Optical Theory and
上传时间: 2020-05-31
The ever-increasing demand for private and sensitive data transmission over wireless net- works has made security a crucial concern in the current and future large-scale, dynamic, and heterogeneous wireless communication systems. To address this challenge, computer scientists and engineers have tried hard to continuously come up with improved crypto- graphic algorithms. But typically we do not need to wait too long to find an efficient way to crack these algorithms. With the rapid progress of computational devices, the current cryptographic methods are already becoming more unreliable. In recent years, wireless re- searchers have sought a new security paradigm termed physical layer security. Unlike the traditional cryptographic approach which ignores the effect of the wireless medium, physi- cal layer security exploits the important characteristics of wireless channEl, such as fading, interference, and noise, for improving the communication security against eavesdropping attacks. This new security paradigm is expected to complement and significantly increase the overall communication security of future wireless networks.
标签: Communications Physical Security Wireless Layer in
上传时间: 2020-05-31
The purpose of this book is to introduce the concept of the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radio channEl, which is an intelligent communication method based upon using multiple antennas. The book opens by explaining MIMO in layman’s terms to help stu- dents and people in industry working in related areas become easily familiarised with the concept. Therefore the structure of the book will be carefully arranged to allow a user to progress steadily through the chapters and understand the fundamental and mathematical principles behind MIMO through the visual and explanatory way in which they will be written. It is the intention that several references will also be provided, leading to further reading in this highly researched technology.
上传时间: 2020-05-31
This book is a result of the recent rapid advances in two related technologies: com- munications and computers. Over the past few decades, communication systems have increased in complexity to the point where system design and performance analysis can no longer be conducted without a significant level of computer sup- port. Many of the communication systems of fifty years ago were either power or noise limited. A significant degrading effect in many of these systems was thermal noise, which was modeled using the additive Gaussian noise channEl.
标签: Communication Principles Simulation Systems of
上传时间: 2020-05-31
Radio propagation measurements and channEl modelling continue to be of fundamental importance to radio system design. As new technology enables dynamic spectrum access and higher data rates, radio propagation effects such as shadowing, the presence of multipath and frequency dispersion are the limiting factors in the design of wireless communication systems. While there are several books covering the topic of radio propagation in various frequency bands, there appears to be no books on radio propagation measurements, which this book addresses at length.
标签: Propagation Measurement Radio
上传时间: 2020-06-01
In this thesis several asp ects of space-time pro cessing and equalization for wire- less communications are treated. We discuss several di?erent metho ds of improv- ing estimates of space-time channEls, such as temp oral parametrization, spatial parametrization, reduced rank channEl estimation, b o otstrap channEl estimation, and joint estimation of an FIR channEl and an AR noise mo del. In wireless commu- nication the signal is often sub ject to intersymb ol interference as well as interfer- ence from other users.
标签: Communications Space-Time Processing Wireless for
上传时间: 2020-06-01