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  • Javascript source code for time challenge game

    Javascript source code for time challenge game

    标签: Javascript challenge source code

    上传时间: 2017-06-11


  • 按键开关控制器简化系统设计

      Handheld designers often grapple with ways to de-bounceand control the on/off pushbutton of portable devices.Traditional de-bounce designs use discrete logic, fl ipflops, resistors and capacitors. Other designs includean onboard microprocessor and discrete comparatorswhich continuously consume battery power. For highvoltage multicell battery applications, a high voltageLDO is needed to drive the low voltage devices. All thisextra circuitry not only increases required board spaceand design complexity, but also drains the battery whenthe handheld device is turned off. Linear Technology addressesthis pushbutton interface challenge with a pairof tiny pushbutton controllers.

    标签: 按键开关 控制器 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • DN436微型全桥压电马达驱动器

      Piezoelectric motors are used in digital cameras for autofocus,zooming and optical image stabilization. Theyare relatively small, lightweight and effi cient, but theyalso require a complicated driving scheme. Traditionally,this challenge has been met with the use ofseparatecircuits, including a step-up converter and an oversizedgeneric full-bridge drive IC. The resulting high componentcount and large board space are especially problematicin the design of cameras for ever shrinking cell phones.The LT®3572 solves these problems by combining astep-up regulator and a dual full-bridge driver in a 4mm× 4mm QFN package. Figure 1 shows a typical LT3572Piezo motor drive circuit. A step-up converter is usedto generate 30V from a low voltage power source suchas a Li-Ion battery or any input power source within thepart’s wide input voltage range of 2.7V to 10V. The highoutput voltage of the step-up converter, adjustable upto 40V, is available for the drivers at the VOUT pin. Thedrivers operate in a full-bridge fashion, where the OUTAand OUTB pins are the same polarity as the PWMA andPWMB pins, respectively, and the OUTA and OUTB pinsare inverted from PWMA and PWMB, respectively. Thestep-up converter and both Piezo drivers have their ownshutdown control. Figure 2 shows a typical layout

    标签: 436 DN 全桥 压电

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • GPON系统的APD偏置解决方案

      Avalanche photo diode (APD) receiver modules arewidely used in fi ber optic communication systems. AnAPD module contains the APD and a signal conditioningamplifi er, but is not completely self contained. It stillrequires signifi cant support circuitry including a highvoltage, low noise power supply and a precision currentmonitor to indicate the signal strength. The challenge issqueezing this support circuitry into applications withlimited board space. The LT®3482 addresses this challengeby integrating a monolithic DC/DC step-up converter andan accurate current monitor. The LT3482 can supportup to a 90V APD bias voltage, and the current monitorprovides better than 10% accuracy over four decades ofdynamic range (250nA to 2.5mA).

    标签: GPON APD 方案

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • wp379 AXI4即插即用IP

    In the past decade, the size and complexity of manyFPGA designs exceeds the time and resourcesavailable to most design teams, making the use andreuse of Intellectual Property (IP) imperative.However, integrating numerous IP blocks acquiredfrom both internal and external sources can be adaunting challenge that often extends, rather thanshortens, design time. As today's designs integrateincreasing amounts of functionality, it is vital thatdesigners have access to proven, up-to-date IP fromreliable sources.

    标签: AXI4 379 wp 即插即用

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • wp379 AXI4即插即用IP

    In the past decade, the size and complexity of manyFPGA designs exceeds the time and resourcesavailable to most design teams, making the use andreuse of Intellectual Property (IP) imperative.However, integrating numerous IP blocks acquiredfrom both internal and external sources can be adaunting challenge that often extends, rather thanshortens, design time. As today's designs integrateincreasing amounts of functionality, it is vital thatdesigners have access to proven, up-to-date IP fromreliable sources.

    标签: AXI4 379 wp 即插即用

    上传时间: 2013-11-11


  • 能量收集系统的设计挑战

    Modern electronic systems solve so many difficult problems that they often seem like magic. Nonetheless, these systems all have thesame basic limitation: they need a source of electrical power! Most of the time this is a straightforward challenge for the electronicdesigner, because there are many power-delivery solutions. Yet sometimes a device has no direct power source, and running wiresor replacing batteries is impractical. Even when long-life batteries are usable, they eventually need to be replaced, which requires aservice call.

    标签: 能量收集

    上传时间: 2015-01-03


  • This handbook presents a thorough overview in 45 chapters from more than 100 renowned experts in the

    This handbook presents a thorough overview in 45 chapters from more than 100 renowned experts in the field. It provides the tools to help overcome the problems of video storage, cataloging, and retrieval, by exploring content standardization and other content classification and analysis methods. The challenge of these complex problems make this book a must-have for video database practitioners in the fields of image and video processing, computer vision, multimedia systems, data mining, and many other diverse disciplines. Topics include video segmentation and summarization, archiving and retrieval, and modeling and representation.

    标签: handbook chapters presents overview

    上传时间: 2013-12-15


  • Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture is written in direct response to the stiff challenge

    Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture is written in direct response to the stiff challenges that face enterprise application developers. The author, noted object-oriented designer Martin Fowler, noticed that despite changes in technology--from Smalltalk to CORBA to Java to .NET--the same basic design ideas can be adapted and applied to solve common problems. With the help of an expert group of contributors, Martin distills over forty recurring solutions into patterns. The result is an indispensable handbook of solutions that are applicable to any enterprise application platform

    标签: Architecture Application Enterprise challenge

    上传时间: 2013-12-12


  • The goal of our final project was to design an efficient elevator simulator that can accept input fr

    The goal of our final project was to design an efficient elevator simulator that can accept input from a user and mechanically operate (on a small scale) a system of 4 floors and 3 elevators using pulleys and stepper motors. Users enter input using physical pushbuttons or the computer. This input is then processed by the MCU and orders are given to the elevators. We attempted to devise an algorithm that can optimally handle any number of floors. This project seemed like a fun challenge and something that had practical applications. Both of us have been frustrated at times by the inefficiency of some of the elevators here at Cornell, and we wanted to see if we could do a better job.

    标签: efficient simulator elevator project

    上传时间: 2013-11-25
