Protel for Windows v1.5 软件为例来介绍一下高频电路布线时. Protel 软件 能提供的一些特殊对策 ...Protel for WindowsV1.5 能提供16 个铜线层和4 个. 电源层 合理选择层数能大幅度降低印板尺寸能充分利用中间层来设置屏蔽 ...\r\n
上传时间: 2013-09-20
Proteus examples for fun!
上传时间: 2013-09-25
上传时间: 2013-09-26
In this paper, we discuss efficient coding and design styles using verilog. This can beimmensely helpful for any digital designer initiating designs. Here, we address different problems rangingfrom RTL-Gate Level simulation mismatch to race conditions in writing behavioral models. All theseproblems are accompanied by an example to have a better idea, and these can be taken care off if thesecoding guidelines are followed. Discussion of all the techniques is beyond the scope of this paper, however,here we try to cover a few of them.
标签: Efficient Verilog Digital Coding
上传时间: 2013-11-22
本文论述了状态机的verilog编码风格,以及不同编码风格的优缺点,Steve Golson's 1994 paper, "State Machine Design Techniques for Verilog and VHDL" [1], is agreat paper on state machine design using Verilog, VHDL and Synopsys tools. Steve's paper alsooffers in-depth background concerning the origin of specific state machine types.This paper, "State Machine Coding Styles for Synthesis," details additional insights into statemachine design including coding style approaches and a few additional tricks.
标签: Synthesis Machine Coding Styles
上传时间: 2013-10-15
Portable, battery-powered operation of electronic apparatushas become increasingly desirable. Medical, remotedata acquisition, power monitoring and other applicationsare good candidates for battery operation. In some circumstances,due to space, power or reliability considerations,it is preferable to operate the circuitry from a single 1.5Vcell. Unfortunately, a 1.5V supply eliminates almost alllinear ICs as design candidates. In fact, the LM10 opamp-reference and the LT®1017/LT1018 comparators arethe only IC gain blocks fully specifi ed for 1.5V operation.Further complications are presented by the 600mV dropof silicon transistors and diodes. This limitation consumesa substantial portion of available supply range, makingcircuit design diffi cult. Additionally, any circuit designedfor 1.5V operation must function at end-of-life batteryvoltage, typically 1.3V. (See Box Section, “Componentsfor 1.5V Operation.”)
标签: Circuitry Operation Single 1017
上传时间: 2013-12-20
Abstract: Using a wafer-level package (WLP) can reduce the overall size and cost of your solution.However when using a WLP IC, the printed circuit board (PCB) layout can become more complex and, ifnot carefully planned, result in an unreliable design. This article presents some PCB designconsiderations and general recommendations for choosing a 0.4mm- or 0.5mm-pitch WLP for yourapplication.
标签: Considerations Guidelines and Design
上传时间: 2013-10-14
Portable, battery-powered operation of electronic apparatushas become increasingly desirable. Medical, remotedata acquisition, power monitoring and other applicationsare good candidates for batteryoperation. In some circumstances,due to space, power or reliability considerations,it is preferable to operate the circuitry from a single 1.5Vcell. Unfortunately, a 1.5V supply eliminates almost alllinear ICs as design candidates. In fact, the LM10 opamp-reference and the LT®1017/LT1018 comparators arethe only IC gain blocks fully specifi ed for 1.5V operation.Further complications are presented by the 600mV dropof silicon transistors and diodes. This limitation consumesa substantial portion of available supply range, makingcircuit design diffi cult. Additionally, any circuit designedfor 1.5V operation mustfunction at end-of-life batteryvoltage, typically 1.3V. (See Box Section, “Componentsfor 1.5V Operation.”)
标签: Circuitry Operation Single Cell
上传时间: 2013-10-30
上传时间: 2013-10-16
STM8S实验 ASM源程序代码,可修改
上传时间: 2013-10-16