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  • 远程抄表系统的客户端程序 安徽六安项目-客户端程序 0 开发环境 Delphi 7.0 所需控件 mxOutlookBar 数 据 库 Sybase 11.5 1 04-12-

    远程抄表系统的客户端程序 安徽六安项目-客户端程序 0 开发环境 Delphi 7.0 所需控件 mxOutlookBar 数 据 库 Sybase 11.5 1 04-12-17 根据安徽六安项目需求开发。 2 04-12-31 基本功能模块定义完毕。 05-01-10 开发基本完毕。 3 05-3月下旬 六安现场调试、测试、试运行、正式运行。 4 05-07-19 更改可以远方调试DSP参数,新增加 50 - 59号指令。 更改数据库结构 alter table tx_BianTai add fd_DspMaxU decimal(6,2) null, fd_DspMinU decimal(6,2) null, fd_DspMaxT decimal(6,2) null, fd_DspMinT decimal(6,2) null, fd_DspMaxXB decimal(6,2) null, fd_DspTQTime decimal(6,2) null, //投切间隔 fd_DspLQTime decimal(6,2) null //冷却时间 更改一些小细节,比如:密码验证模块等等。 5 05-07-19

    标签: mxOutlookBar Delphi Sybase 11.5

    上传时间: 2016-12-31


  • There are three ways of specifying an immediate dump Immediate dumps can be specified using the AL

    There are three ways of specifying an immediate dump Immediate dumps can be specified using the alter SESSION command alter SESSION SET EVENTS immediate trace name dump level level Immediate dumps can be specified in ORADEBUG ORADEBUG DUMP dump level

    标签: specifying Immediate immediate specified

    上传时间: 2014-01-17


  • simple ATM [Automatic Teller Machine] system the basic functions Login including write-offs, inquiri

    simple ATM [Automatic Teller Machine] system the basic functions Login including write-offs, inquiries, deposits, withdrawals and alter the code. Simulation of ATM terminal users logged in, their account numbers and passwords through the ATM network to transmit to the server, ATM database server based on the information to confirm the account number and password is correct, the results back to the ATM terminal. If the correct account number and password, the ATM into the next terminal interface Otherwise prompt mistakes. Cancellation notice for the operation of the server ATM transactions concluded inquiries, deposits, withdrawals and alter the code operations are first sent an order to ATM servers, ATM by the database server implementation of the corresponding operation and operating res

    标签: write-offs Automatic functions including

    上传时间: 2014-01-20


  • In engineering, compensation is planning for side effects or other unintended issues in a design. Th

    In engineering, compensation is planning for side effects or other unintended issues in a design. The design of an invention can itself also be to compensate for some other existing issue or exception. One example is in a voltage-controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO), which is normally affected not only by voltage, but to a lesser extent by temperature. A temperature-compensated version (a TCVCXO) is designed so that heat buildup within the enclosure of a transmitter or other such device will not alter the piezoelectric effect, thereby causing frequency drift. Another example is motion compensation on digital cameras and video cameras, which keep a picture steady and not blurry.

    标签: compensation engineering unintended planning

    上传时间: 2013-12-11


  • pci pci转local bus总线的应用

    pci pci转local bus总线的应用,使用IPcore alter器件

    标签: pci local bus 总线

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • 学生成绩管理

    #include<stdio.h> #include<windows.h> int xuanxiang; int studentcount; int banjihao[100]; int xueqihao[100][10]; char xm[100][100]; int xuehao[100][10]; int score[100][3]; int yuwen; int shuxue[000]; int yingyu[100]; int c[100]; int p; char x[1000][100]="",y[100][100]="";/*x学院 y专业 z班级*/  int z[100];  main() { void input(); void inputsc(); void alter(); void scbybannji(); printf("--------学生成绩管理-----\n"); printf("请按相应数字键来实现相应功能\n"); printf("1.录入学生信息   2.录入学生成绩       3.修改学生成绩\n"); printf("4.查询学生成绩   5.不及格科目及名单   6.按班级输出学生成绩单\n"); printf("请输入你要实现的功能所对应的数字:"); scanf("%d",&xuanxiang); system("cls"); getchar(); switch (xuanxiang) { case 1:input(); case 2:inputsc(); case 3:alter(); /*case 4:select score(); case 5:bujigekemujimingdan();*/ case 6:scbybanji; } } void input() { int i; printf("请输入你的学院名称:"); gets(x); printf("请输入你的专业名称:"); gets(y); printf("请输入你的班级号:"); scanf("%d",&z); printf("请输入你们一个班有几个人:"); scanf("%d",&p); system("cls"); for(i=0;i<p;i++) { printf("请输入第%d个学生的学号:",i+1); scanf("%d",xuehao[i]); getchar(); printf("请输入第%d个学生的姓名:",i+1); gets(xm[i]); system("cls"); } printf("您已经录入完毕您的班级所有学生的信息!\n"); printf("您的班级为%s%s%s\n",x,y,z); /*alter(p);*/ } void inputsc() { int i; for(i=0;i<p;i++) { printf("\n"); printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); printf("\t\t\t\t录入学生的成绩\n\n\n"); printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); printf("\t\t\t\t%s\n",xm[i]); printf("\n"); printf("\t\t\t\t数学:"); scanf("%d",&shuxue[i]); printf("\n"); getchar(); printf("\t\t\t\t英语:"); scanf("%d",&yingyu[i]); printf("\n"); getchar(); printf("\t\t\t\tc语言:"); scanf("%d",&c[i]); system("cls"); } } void alter() { int i;/*循环变量*/ int m[10000];/*要查询的学号*/ int b;/*修改后的成绩*/ char kemu[20]=""; printf("请输入你要修改的学生的学号"); scanf("%d",&m); for (i=0;i<p;i++) { if (m==xuehao[i]) { printf("%s的数学成绩为%d,英语成绩为%d,c语言成绩为%d,xm[i],shuxue[i],yingyu[i],c[i]");  printf("请输入你想修改的科目");} } gets(kemu); getchar(); if (kemu=="数学"); { scanf("%d",&b); shuxue[i]=b;} if (kemu=="英语"); { scanf("%d",&b); yingyu[i]=b;} if (kemu=="c语言"); { scanf("%d",&b); c[i]=b; } printf("%s的数学成绩为%d,英语成绩为%d,c语言成绩为%d,xm[i],shuxue[i],yingyu[i],c[i]"); } void scbybannji() { int i; char zyname[20]; int bjnumber; printf("请输入你的专业名称"); scanf("%s",&zyname); printf("请输入你的班级号"); scanf("%d",&bjnumber); for (i=0;i<p;i++) { if (zyname==y[i]); if (bjnumber==z[i]); printf("专业名称%s班级号%d数学成绩%d英语成绩%dc语言成绩%d,y[i],z[i],shuxue[i],yingyu[i],c[i]"); } }

    标签: c语言

    上传时间: 2018-06-08


  • Multiple-Input+Multiple-Output+Channel+Models

    Many wireless communications channels consist of multiple signal paths from the transmitter to receiver. This multiplicity of paths leads to a phenomenon known as multipath fading. The multiple paths are caused by the presence of objects in the physical environment that, through the mechanisms of propagation, alter the path of radiated energy. These objects are referred to as scatterers. In the past, researchers often looked at ways to mitigate multipath scattering, such as in diversity systems. Multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) systems, on the other hand, use multipath diversity to their advantage; a MIMO system has the ability to translate increased spatial diversity into increased channel capacity. 

    标签: Multiple-Output Multiple-Input Channel Models

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Service+Robotics+within+the+Digital+Home

    Over the past few decades there has been an exponential growth in service robots and smart home technologies, which has led to the development of exciting new products in our daily lives. Service robots can be used to provide domestic aid for the elderly and disabled, serving various functions ranging from cleaning to enter- tainment. Service robots are divided by functions, such as personal robots, field robots, security robots, healthcare robots, medical robots, rehabilitation robots and entertainment robots. A smart home appears “intelligent” because its embedded computers can monitor so many aspects of the daily lives of householders. For example, the refrigerator may be able to monitor its contents, suggest healthy alter- natives and order groceries. Also, the smart home system may be able to clean the house and water the plants.

    标签: Robotics Service Digital within Home the

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(73)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(73)资源包含以下内容:1. 定标电压表程序.2. 电路原理图 电路原理图 电路原理图 电路原理图.3. 红外线检测模块.4. 一本老师推荐的经典的VHDL覆盖基础的入门书籍.5. 一本有关FPGA设计的经验的汇总.6. 下载的一些重要的电子设计文档.7. 搜集过来的相关cpld 的书籍 比较经典的几篇文章.8. 2410原理图1 2410原理图1 2410原理图1 2410原理图1.9. CH452驱动程序.10. s3c2440开发板的wince源代码完全无需修改应用在开发板上.11. s3c2440开发板的usb驱动程序经过测试完全适用.12. NIOSII的7个c语言源码.13. cheertek952原理图和PCB图跟BOM清单.14. 简单的m序列产生办法(存储m序列.15. 一种任意方波信号的产生方法.16. cpld 与8051的总线接口VHDL源码 非常好用 试过的.17. altera的ip核.18. altera的ip核.19. altera的ip核.20. 控制器为NT7532的LCD-cgg128064M02显示屏的示例程序.21. 压缩包中含有DS10B20,JM12864液晶模块的资料,以及DS18B201有LCD显示温度的2个KEIL C程序.和电路原理图..22. TI公司的zigbee的文档说明.23. 单总线和i2c总线结合实现数字温度计的程序.24. IC卡身份识别开关的程序.25. 步进电机控制的程序.26. U盘电路原理图.27. LINUX44B0I2C驱动验证过 现在可以用 是中断方式的驱动.28. Atmel算法(pid)-步进电机驱动源码 HOWTO,不好用你找我,绝对ok!.29. 12bitAD-ThermocoupleSensorIC max6675(工业级标准) 不好用你找我.30. U盘和MP3上用的Fat文件系统源码.31. 精确定时+中断+进制转换+移位+LED显示+按关键加速+EEPROM 存储测试.32. CY7C63722的全部设计资料.33. Cygnal 8051F000 I2C Example Program.34. 一些常用串口的例子.35. PS2Key.c键盘扫描+液晶1602显示.36. 很好的51显示程序!做为一个人机对话,HAO.37. 完整的Linux 设备驱动第3版.38. 232同485转换的原理图.39. c51 单片红外通信 c51 单片红外通信.40. alter的CPLD/FPGA配置芯片的手册.

    标签: 机械系统 动态分析

    上传时间: 2013-07-22
