标签: usb
上传时间: 2022-02-04
USB TO RS232驱动,在配置的时候会用到,适合hl usb转RS232。USB转串口线COM USB-RS232九针串口。安装好即可使用usb to rs232 转换设备。
上传时间: 2013-07-12
上传用户:eeworm VIP专区 单片机源码系列 73资源包含以下内容:1. ICCAVR软件中文使用说明书.pdf2. 单片机原理及系统设计.rar3. iccavr v6.31a破解版下载.rar4. mcs-51单片机应用教程.rar5. AVR单片机应用设计 ,pdf.rar6. C51单片机并行口扩展设计及应用.pdf7. ATmega8原理及应用手册.rar8. AVR Studio 帮助文件中文翻译.rar9. AVR系统单片机C语言编程与应用实例.rar10. ICCAVR中文使用说明.pdf11. 单片机应用技术选编3.rar12. ICCAVR教程.pdf13. 单片机应用技术选编10.rar14. 51定时器计算软件.rar15. AVR单片机C语言开发入门指导.pdf16. 单片机应用技术选编1.rar17. 基于Proteus的单片机出租车计价器的设计.pdf18. 16 16点阵显示汉字原理及显示程序.rar19. STC定时器2的操作.pdf20. PS/2鼠标和单片机的接口.pdf21. 4位八段数码管的十进制加计数仿真实验(含电路图和仿真文件).rar22. MCU复位电路和振荡电路应用.pdf23. 汇编+保护模式+教程.rar24. 6位8段数码管驱动电路及C语言驱动程序.rar25. 基于PIC单片机控制的数字视频混合器.pdf26. 基于CAN总线的智能寻位制造系统.pdf27. 用单片机实现温度远程显示.rar28. 带I2C串行CMOS EEPROM、精密复位控制器和看门狗定.pdf29. 经典看门狗电路设计.pdf30. 单片机应用技术选编11.rar31. 看门狗复位芯片.pdf32. USB/EPP转接系统的硬件设计与分析.pdf33. 单片机应用技术选编9.rar34. 51单片机复位电路分析.pdf35. USB摄像头微处理器硬件设计.pdf36. 单片机复位电路设计.pdf37. 基于多点网络的水厂自动监控系统设计.pdf38. 提高PLC程序运行速度的几种编程方法.pdf39. 基于单片机的汽车多功能报警系统设计.pdf40. rs232串口通信大全.pdf41. 双单片机数据采集系统中TCPIP网络模块的实现.pdf42. 基于变频调速的水平连铸机拉坯辊速度控制系统.pdf43. tms320vc33应用电路原理图.pdf44. 基于USB接口的数据采集模块的设计与实现.pdf45. 51单片机驱动步进电机(含电路图和C语言源程序代码).doc46. 基于ST62单片机的称重显示控制器.pdf47. 单片机教程下载.rar48. 单片机系统“PC”失控的软件措施.pdf49. cx51编译器用户手册.pdf50. 4x4鍵盤的设计与制作.pdf51. keil c51使用说明(使用教程).doc52. 基于ADSP-BF561 的数字摄像系统设计.pdf53. keil uvision2使用教程.rar54. PL2303 USB to Serial Adapter.pdf55. 51仿真器(含原理图,PCB和监控程序).rar56. RS232串行接口电平转接器.pdf57. keil c51 v8.12下载.rar58. USB鼠标设计资料 (含原理图和源程序).zip59. 单片机在工业无线网络中的具体应用.pdf60. GM814x兼容SPITM总线的UART扩展芯片并联扩展应用.pdf61. 51单片机读写u盘(含源程序和原理图).zip62. 跟我学单片机教程(实验与指令教程).pdf63. 51单片机c语言.pdf64. I2C总线高频头控制程序(Keil C51程序 基于芯片TS.doc65. PLC TM卡开发系统汇编程序(ATM8051).pdf66. 微机原理与接口课件.rar67. 51单片机C语言编程实例.doc68. 51单片机实验程序.rar69. 单片机实用子程序(MCS-51库).rar70. PIC单片机的C语言编程.pdf71. 51汇编程序实例.rar72. 单片机控制交通灯程序及设计.rar73. 单片机c语言入门教程.pdf74. 汇编程序实例下载.rar75. 单片机外围电路设计(第2版).rar76. pic单片机c语言教程.pdf77. 用单片机配置FPGA—PLD设计技巧.pdf78. 《51单片机C语言应用程序实例精讲》.doc79. 51单片机c语言入门.pdf80. Keil Cx51 V7.0单片机高级语言编程与uVisio.rar81. 高速SOC单片机C8051F.pdf82. 51单片机外部中断程序.rar83. 51单片机c语言教程.pdf84. 一种基于C8051F单片机的直流无刷电机转速控制系统.doc85. 单片机入门学习.rar86. HT48&HT46 MCU用软件执行I2C总线的控制功能的方.pdf87. C8051F040单片机开发与C语言编程(例子).rar88. MCS-51单片机原理与应用.rar89. i2c总线pdf.pdf90. SM-IIC/2051模块用户说明(I2C 数据控制模块).pdf91. I2C总线驱动程序.pdf92. 51单片机拼音中文输入法c程序源代码.zip93. 单片机万年历设计(含程序和原理图以及PCB文件).rar94. c8051f040/c8051f041/c8051f042/.pdf95. cygnal单片机教程.pdf96. 多功能数字钟电路图.pdf97. C51单片机模拟I2C总线的C语言实现.doc98. C8051F单片机应用解析.rar99. 单片机汉字显示系统电路图.pdf100. LED显示屏动态显示及程序.rar
上传时间: 2013-04-15
cp2012 usb驱动程序(仿真器/实验仪通用驱动) CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller是由台湾AMCO TEC International公司出的一个接口程序,一般用在一些CDMA上网卡或者无线上网卡上。 这个驱动只是提供接口芯片的驱动,如果各位是无线上网卡还需要厂家的程序支持。
上传时间: 2013-10-17
This firmware translates a PS/2 mouse to a USB mouse. The translator firmware is entirely interrupt driven (with the exception of sending the data via USB to the host.) An interrupt is generated when the PS/2 start bit is received, at which time the firmware will begin its receive routine. In addition to this interrupt, every 168ms a timer overflow interrupts the main program and implements one state of the mouse state machine. This state machine handles sending bytes to and translating bytes received from the PS/2 mouse automatically. All of this is done in the background while the main program runs in the foreground. The only operation that the main program implements is sending mouse data to the PC via USB.
标签: firmware mouse translates translator
上传时间: 2015-04-26
The government of a small but important country has decided that the alphabet needs to be streamlined and reordered. Uppercase letters will be eliminated. They will issue a royal decree in the form of a String of B and A characters. The first character in the decree specifies whether a must come ( B )Before b in the new alphabet or ( A )After b . The second character determines the relative placement of b and c , etc. So, for example, "BAA" means that a must come Before b , b must come After c , and c must come After d . Any letters beyond these requirements are to be excluded, so if the decree specifies k comparisons then the new alphabet will contain the first k+1 lowercase letters of the current alphabet. Create a class Alphabet that contains the method choices that takes the decree as input and returns the number of possible new alphabets that conform to the decree. If more than 1,000,000,000 are possible, return -1. Definition
标签: government streamline important alphabet
上传时间: 2015-06-09
* 高斯列主元素消去法求解矩阵方程AX=B,其中A是N*N的矩阵,B是N*M矩阵 * 输入: n----方阵A的行数 * a----矩阵A * m----矩阵B的列数 * b----矩阵B * 输出: det----矩阵A的行列式值 * a----A消元后的上三角矩阵 * b----矩阵方程的解X
上传时间: 2015-07-26
在USB/UART转换芯片支持下,通过USB接口使用UART与上位机通讯, // 当收到上位机发送的数据时,把接收到的数据发送到上位机,显示 // 在上位机串口调试软件上 // IDE环境: SUNPLUS u nSPTM IDE 2.0.0(or later) // PC机环境: 串口调试工具(PortExpert) // 涉及的库: CMacro1016.lib // 组成文件: main.asm // 硬件连接: USB线连接实验仪与PC的USB接口
上传时间: 2014-01-14
We have a group of N items (represented by integers from 1 to N), and we know that there is some total order defined for these items. You may assume that no two elements will be equal (for all a, b: a<b or b<a). However, it is expensive to compare two items. Your task is to make a number of comparisons, and then output the sorted order. The cost of determining if a < b is given by the bth integer of element a of costs (space delimited), which is the same as the ath integer of element b. Naturally, you will be judged on the total cost of the comparisons you make before outputting the sorted order. If your order is incorrect, you will receive a 0. Otherwise, your score will be opt/cost, where opt is the best cost anyone has achieved and cost is the total cost of the comparisons you make (so your score for a test case will be between 0 and 1). Your score for the problem will simply be the sum of your scores for the individual test cases.
标签: represented integers group items
上传时间: 2016-01-17
(1) 、用下述两条具体规则和规则形式实现.设大写字母表示魔王语言的词汇 小写字母表示人的语言词汇 希腊字母表示可以用大写字母或小写字母代换的变量.魔王语言可含人的词汇. (2) 、B→tAdA A→sae (3) 、将魔王语言B(ehnxgz)B解释成人的语言.每个字母对应下列的语言.
上传时间: 2013-12-30