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  • 1)LQG design of an unmanned helicopter 2) LQR control of an unmanned helicopter 3) speed Torque ch

    1)LQG design of an unmanned helicopter 2) LQR control of an unmanned helicopter 3) speed Torque characteristics of Induction machine

    标签: helicopter unmanned control design

    上传时间: 2017-05-28


  • Inverted pendulum in cart controled by Torque. It contains regulators: one to move it, second to sta

    Inverted pendulum in cart controled by Torque. It contains regulators: one to move it, second to stabilize pendulum, and last to stabilize the cart

    标签: regulators controled Inverted pendulum

    上传时间: 2017-09-24


  • 基于直接转矩控制的异步电动机变频调速系统的研究

    ·【英文题名】 System Research for Asynchronous Motor Speeding Adjustment Feeding by Varible Frequency Converter Base on the Direct Torque Control 【作者中文名】 徐大鹏; 【导师】 张润和; 【学位授予单位】 内蒙古工业大学; 【学科专业名称】 电力电子与电力传动 【

    标签: 直接转矩控制 异步电动机 变频调速系统

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • 基于EKF的异步电机直接转矩控制系统

    为了提高直接转矩控制(DTC)系统定子磁链估计精度,降低电流、电压测量的随机误差,提出了一种基于扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)实现异步电机转子位置和速度估计的方法。扩展卡尔曼滤波器是建立在基于旋转坐标系下由定子电流、电压、转子转速和其它电机参量所构成的电机模型上,将定子电流、定子磁链、转速和转子角位置作为状态变量,定子电压为输入变量,定子电流为输出变量,通过对磁链和转速的闭环控制提高定子磁链的估计精度,实现了异步电机的无速度传感器直接转矩控制策略,仿真结果验证了该方法的可行性,提高了直接转矩的控制性能。 Abstract:  In order to improve the Direct Torque Control(DTC) system of stator flux estimation accuracy and reduce the current, voltage measurement of random error, a novel method to estimate the speed and rotor position of asynchronous motor based on extended Kalman filter was introduced. EKF was based on d-p axis motor and other motor parameters (state vector: stator current, stator flux linkage, rotor angular speed and position; input: stator voltage; output: staror current). EKF was designed for stator flux and rotor speed estimation in close-loop control. It can improve the estimated accuracy of stator flux. It is possible to estimate the speed and rotor position and implement asynchronous motor drives without position and speed sensors. The simulation results show it is efficient and improves the control performance.

    标签: EKF 异步电机 直接转矩 控制系统

    上传时间: 2015-01-02


  • This demo develops the steady-state characteristics of an induction motor First start the simulation

    This demo develops the steady-state characteristics of an induction motor First start the simulation, then Double click the <PLOTS> block to view Torque-speed and current-speed curves and the current circle diagram

    标签: characteristics steady-state simulation the

    上传时间: 2013-11-29


  • 这是我自己开发的一个MVC框架


    标签: MVC

    上传时间: 2015-07-07


  • 一个数据访问层Torque3.1的生成器的源代码


    标签: Torque 3.1 数据访问 生成器

    上传时间: 2015-07-07


  • 类方法参考



    上传时间: 2014-01-06


  • This code proposes genetic algorithm (GA) to optimize the point-to-point trajectory planning for a 3

    This code proposes genetic algorithm (GA) to optimize the point-to-point trajectory planning for a 3-link robot arm. The objective function for the proposed GA is to minimizing traveling time and space, while not exceeding a maximum pre-defined Torque, without collision with any obstacle in the robot workspace.

    标签: point-to-point trajectory algorithm proposes

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • 步进电机驱动器原理图+PCB+驱动源码+使用教程等

    该步进电机驱动器又称为EasyDriver,EasyDriver能够为两级步进电机提供大约每相750mA(两极一共1.5A)的驱动。它默认设置为8步细分模式(所以如果你的电机是每圈200步,你使用EasyDriver时默认为每圈1600步),更多细分模式可以通过将MS1或MS2两个接脚接地进行设置。这是一种基于Allegro A3967驱动芯片的细分断路器。对于此设计的完整规格,请查阅A3967的参数表。它的最大每相电流从150mA到750mA。可以采用的最大驱动电压大概是30V,其中包括板载5V的调压器,所以只需要一个电源。质优价廉,这玩意儿只要十几美元,比你自己制作电路板更便宜。步进电机驱动器设计特色:· A3967 Microstepping Driver· MS1 and MS2 pins broken out to change microstepping resolution to full, half, quarter and eighth steps (defaults to eighth)· Compatible with 4, 6, and 8 wire stepper motors of any voltage· Adjustable current control from 150mA/phase to 700mA/phase· Power supply range from 6V to 30V. The higher the voltage, the higher the Torque at high speeds

    标签: 步进电机 驱动器 pcb 驱动

    上传时间: 2022-04-27
