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  • QOS-Enabled Networks

    Quality of Service ( QoS ) has always been in a world of its own, but as the TECHnology has been refi ned and has evolved in recent years, QOS usage has increased to the point where it is now considered a necessary part of network design and operation. As with most technologies, large - scale deployments have led to the TECHnology becoming more mature, and QOS is no exception.

    标签: QOS-Enabled Networks

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Radio Propagation Measurement

    Radio propagation measurements and channel modelling continue to be of fundamental importance to radio system design. As new TECHnology enables dynamic spectrum access and higher data rates, radio propagation effects such as shadowing, the presence of multipath and frequency dispersion are the limiting factors in the design of wireless communication systems. While there are several books covering the topic of radio propagation in various frequency bands, there appears to be no books on radio propagation measurements, which this book addresses at length. 

    标签: Propagation Measurement Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Radio_Frequency_Modulation_Made_Easy

    By inventing the wireless transmitter or radio in 1897, the Italian physicist Tomaso Guglielmo Marconi added a new dimension to the world of communications. This enabled the transmission of the human voice through space without wires. For this epoch-making invention, this illustrious scientist was honored with the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1909. Even today, students of wireless or radio TECHnology remember this distinguished physicist with reverence. A new era began in Radio Communications.

    标签: Radio Frequency Modulation

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Radio+Resource+Management

    Wireless communications and networking TECHnology are advancing at a very rapid pace. Newer technologies and standards are evolving to serve the ever-increasing num- ber of users demanding different types of mobile applications and services. Research and development activities on wireless TECHnology constitute one of the most impor- tant segments of research and development in the telecommunications area today.

    标签: Management Resource Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Resource Allocation and MIMO

    Mobile and wireless communication systems are a prominent communications TECHnology of the twenty-first century with profound economic and social impacts in practically all parts of the world. The current state of wireless communication systems allows for a much wider scope of applications than what it used to be originally, that is, to be a mobile extension of the public switched telephone network.

    标签: Allocation Resource MIMO and

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • RF Imperfections

    The unguided transmission of information using electromagnetic waves at radio frequency (RF) is often referred to as wireless communications, the first demonstration of which took place at the end of the 19th cen- tury and is attributed to Hertz. The TECHnology was, shortly thereafter, commercialised by, amongst others, Marconi in one of the first wire- less communication systems, i.e., wireless telegraphy. In the first half of the 20th century the TECHnology was developed further to enable more than the mere transmission of Morse code. This first resulted in uni- directional radio broadcasting and several years later also in television broadcasting.

    标签: Imperfections RF

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Sharing+RF+Spectrum

    This book was born from the perception that there is much more to spectrum use and sharing than one sees reflected in publications, whether academic, commercial or political. the former – in good research style – tend towards reductionism and concentrate on specific, detailed aspects. commercial publications tend to empha- size the positive aspects and they tend to put promise above practice. Given the ever increasing pace of TECHnology development and recent successes of new wireless technologies, some pundits predict large-scale spectrum scarcity, potentially lead- ing to economic catastrophe. Although economic theory has a hard time explaining recent events that shook the world economy, the notion of spectrum scarcity is intui- tively acceptable, even if not correct or immediately relevant.

    标签: Spectrum Sharing RF

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Short-Range Wireless Communications

    Short-range communications is one of the most relevant as well as diversified fields of en- deavour in wireless communications. As such, it has been a subject of intense research and development worldwide, particularly in the last decade. There is no reason to believe that this trend will decline. On the contrary, the rapidly crystallizing vision of a hyper-connected world will certainly strengthen the role of short-range communications in the future. Concepts such as wireless social networks, Internet of things, car communications, home and office network- ing, wireless grids and personal communications heavily rely on short-range communications TECHnology

    标签: Communications Short-Range Wireless

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Silicon-Based+RF+Front-Ends

    Ultra-wideband (UWB) TECHnology enables high data-rate short-range communica- tion, in excess of hundredmegabit-per-secondsand up to multi-gigabit-per-seconds, over a wide spectrum of frequencies, while keeping power consumption at low lev- els. This low power operation results in a less-interfering co-existence with other existed communication technologies (e.g., UNII bands). In addition to carrying a huge amount of data over a distance of up to 230 feet at very low power (less than 0.5mW), the UWB signal has the ability to penetrate through the doors and other obstacles that tend to reflect signals at more limited bandwidths and higher power densities.

    标签: Silicon-Based Front-Ends RF

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Software+Defined+Radio+for+3G

    Software defined radio (SDR) is an exciting new field for the wireless indus- try; it is gaining momentum and beginning to be included in commercial and defense products. The TECHnology offers the potential to revolutionize the way radios are designed, manufactured, deployed, and used. SDR prom- ises to increase flexibility, extend hardware lifetime, lower costs, and reduce time to market

    标签: Software Defined Radio for 3G

    上传时间: 2020-06-01
