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  • Mobile WiMAX Toward Broadband Wireless

    Wireless metropolitan area networks (WirelessMANs) is emerging as a promising broadband wireless access (BWA) TECHnology to provide high-speed, high bandwidth efficiency and high-capacity multimedia services for residential as well as enterprise applications. It is observed that WirelessMAN (e.g., WiMAX) is even regarded as a 4G TECHnology. For the success of the WirelessMANs, international standardization organiza- tions are very actively specifying the standards IEEE 802.16, ETSI HiperMAN and Korea WiBro.

    标签: BroadbanMobile WiMAX Toward Broadband Wirelessd Wireless Mobile Toward WiMAX

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Mobile+and+Wireless+Communications

    One of the very first books published on the social impact of the mobile phone was Timo Kopomaa’s The City in Your Pocket: Birth of the Mobile Information Society. The book, published in 2000, was based on research that Kopomaa had under- taken for Nokia and Sonera as part of his doctoral studies in the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies at the Helsinki University of TECHnology. The first line he writes in the book is peculiar: ‘Mobile communication is not a serious matter’. By this, we assume he is referring to a view of the world that would regard the mobile phone as little more than an unremarkable fact of everyday life – a simple play- thing for the young, or a productivity tool for the business executive and busy parent.

    标签: Communications Wireless Mobile and

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Mobile+and+Wireless+Systems+Beyond+3G

    With the rapid growth of the wireless mobile applications, wireless voice has begun to challenge wireline voice, whereas the desire to access e-mail, surf the Web or download music (e.g., MP3) wirelessly is increasing for wireless data. While second generation (2G) cellular wireless systems, such as cdmaOne1, GSM2 and TDMA3, introduced digital TECHnology to wireless cellular systems to deal with the increasing demand for wireless applications, there is still the need for more spectrally efficient technologies for two reasons. First, wireless voice capacity is expected to continue to grow. Second, the introduction of high-speed wireless data will require more bandwidth.

    标签: Wireless Systems Mobile Beyond and 3G

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Mobile+TECHnology+Consumption+Opportunities

    The growth of mobile technologies is remarkable. At a recent Mobile World Congress Conference, Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google predicted that within three years, smart phones will surpass Personal Com- puter sales. The number of mobile phones used worldwide has exceeded 4.6 billion with continued growth expected in the future. In fact, in the United States alone, the numbers of mobile phone users comprise over 80% of the population. 

    标签: Opportunities Consumption TECHnology Mobile

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Modern+Receiver+Front-Ends

    In recent years, the research and developments in the area of RF and microwave technologies have progressed significantly due to the growing demand for applica- bility in wireless communication technologies. Starting from 1992, wireless com- munication technologies have become quite mature. In the modern era of electronic developments, design of wireless handsets is an example of integration of many di- verse skill sets. Classical books in the areas of microwave TECHnology provide us with an in-depth knowledge of electromagnetic fundamentals.

    标签: Front-Ends Receiver Modern

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Multi-point Cooperative Communication Systems

    This book is about multipoint cooperative communication, a key TECHnology to overcome the long-standing problem of limited transmission rate caused by inter- point interference. However, the multipoint cooperative communication is not an isolated TECHnology. Instead, it covers a vast range of research areas such as the multiple-input multiple-outputsystem, the relay network, channel state information issues, inter-point radio resource management operations, coordinated or joint transmissions, etc. We suppose that any attempt trying to thoroughly analyze the multipoint cooperative communication TECHnology might end up working on a cyclopedia for modern communication systems and easily get lost in discussing all kinds of cooperative communication schemes as well as the associated models and their variations. 

    标签: Communication Multi-point Cooperative Systems

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • NanoTECHnology+Applications

    This is believed to be the first book that takes a view of nanoTECHnology from a telecommunications and networking perspective. NanoTECHnology refers to the manip- ulation of materials at the atomic or molecular level. NanoTECHnology is getting a lot of attention of late not only in academic settings and in laboratories around the world, but also in government and venture capitalists’ initiatives. There now is a major drive to commercialize the TECHnology by all sorts of firms, ranging from start- ups to Fortune 100 companies.

    标签: NanoTECHnology Applications

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Power+Control+in+Wireless+Cellular+Networks

    Transmit power in wireless cellular networks is a key degree of freedom in the management of interference, energy, and connectivity. Power control in both uplink and downlink of a cellular network has been extensively studied, especially over the last 15 years, and some of the results have enabled the continuous evolution and significant impact of the digital cellular TECHnology.

    标签: Cellular Networks Wireless Control Power in

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Practical+Guide+to+MIMO

    The purpose of this book is to introduce the concept of the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radio channel, which is an intelligent communication method based upon using multiple antennas. The book opens by explaining MIMO in layman’s terms to help stu- dents and people in industry working in related areas become easily familiarised with the concept. Therefore the structure of the book will be carefully arranged to allow a user to progress steadily through the chapters and understand the fundamental and mathematical principles behind MIMO through the visual and explanatory way in which they will be written. It is the intention that several references will also be provided, leading to further reading in this highly researched TECHnology.

    标签: Practical Guide MIMO to

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Principles+of+digital+communication

    Communication has been one of the deepest needs of the human race throughout recorded history. It is essential to forming social unions, to educating the young, and to expressing a myriad of emotions and needs. Good communication is central to a civilized society. The various communication disciplines in engineering have the purpose of providing technological aids to human communication. One could view the smoke signals and drum rolls of primitive societies as being technological aids to communication, but communication TECHnology as we view it today became important with telegraphy, then telephony, then video, then computer communication, and today the amazing mixture of all of these in inexpensive, small portable devices.

    标签: communication Principles digital of

    上传时间: 2020-05-31
