该文件是器件官方元件封装的文件,用cadence,打开后缀为bxl的文件。 下载的Ultra Librarian 软件; Ultra Librarian提供了一个基于云的库,该库中有超过 8 百万种符号、封装,以及带有供货商 ECAD 中性数据输出选择的 3D 模型。该库以业内最大的 ECAD 元器件库为后盾,代表了 400 多家制造商。轻松找到您所需的零件,导出至 22 种不同的 CAD 工具。该库每天更新,为您提供满足 PCB 设计需求的最准确零件。 打开 Ultra Librarian软件,导入bxl后缀文件,选择需要转换的文件类型,最后导出文件。 然后就可以用cadence或者AD打开该库。该文件生成edf和cfg文件。 再用orcad capture cis软件打开,file>import design >edif> open(edf) configation(cfg)然后就可以生成dns工程,就会在目标路径下产生olb和obk文件,是原理图文件,可以用orcad capture cis软件打开。 附加导入Altium Designer:首先,按照所给链接下载ULib文件,解压,并将解压后的文件安装。打开桌面上的Ultra应用程序。打开后弹出一个对话框,选择继续免费使用。然后弹出主程序窗口,在步骤一里面加载我们需要转换的BXL文件。并且在下面选择Altium designer,。选择步骤三的export to selected tools ,并生成一个log.txt文件。用AD打开刚生成的UL_Import.PrjScr文件,。打开工程文件后,并将鼠标光标移动到UL_Import.Pas文件下且选中。点击箭头所指运行按钮。在弹出的对话框UL Import下,选择刚生成的LOG.txt文件。最后点击输出start import按钮,即可把bxl库文件转换为AD封装库文件。生成的库文件。
上传时间: 2022-06-01
【例3.1]4位全加器module adder 4(cout,sum i na,i nb,cin);output[3:0]sum output cout;input[3:0]i na,i nb;input cin;assign(cout,suml=i na +i nb+ci n;endmodule【例3.2]4位计数器module count 4(out,reset,clk);output[3:0]out;input reset,cl k;regl 3:01 out;always@posedge clk)
标签: verilog
上传时间: 2022-06-16
相信大家有移植经验的都知道,移植确实是一件非常墨迹的事情,怎么说呢,代码都是别人的,风格也是别人的,文件结构,定义之类都是别人的,看别人的东西是种进步,但是,也是一个痛苦的过程,因为有时候资料确实很少,而且有时候还是E文的,专业名词一大堆,我们根本没有办法想象工作量是多么的巨大.不过事情都是这样,你不懂他的时候他就像是巨山,但是一旦你理解他的时候,你才会感觉到原来他是那么的简单(从我的经验上来看,至少应该是这样的).好吧,闲话少说,我们就来开始我们的移植之旅把.首先,我们需要准备的东西有uCGUI3.90,这个版本是大家现在用的比较多的,效率也比较高,别人都是这么评论的,至于其他版本的,我没有接触很多,所以不能过多评论.UCGUI有三个文件夹,一个是tool,这个文件夹是用来使用一些uCgui的上位机程序,基本都是字体和模板查看之类的,在sample文件夹下面是已经别人都你写好了很多有用的东西,像跟操作系统有关的GUT×或者一些模板(后面我们会用到的自己定义的Demo),或者是gui配置.后面再 详细叙说这个文件央的功能.在Start文件夹里面,这是我们最主要的文件夹,里面就包含了uCGUI的源代码,uCGUI的作者把源代码放进vc里面进行编译了(当然,这是用标准C语言写的程序,所以我们可以放在任何C语言平台下编译而不会担心兼容性问题,这个uCGUI在这方面做的算是完美了),所以,我们可以在vc平台下写界面,然后再把代码拷进我们的下位机编译器进行编译,这样子效率就会非常高了.(像51那时候写界面就是疯狂的一次一次的烧,真是纠结.).
上传时间: 2022-06-19
S32K148 T-BOX快速入门CONTENTS: Get to know the S32K148 T-BOX Reference Design Board (RDB) S32K148 T-BOX RDB out-of-the-box setup Creating a new S32DS project for the S32K1xx MCU S32DS debugging basics Create a P&E debug configuration
上传时间: 2022-06-20
Legal Disclaimer Lenze Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. Lenze Semiconductor disclaims any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Lenze Semiconductor does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, nor the rights of others The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications. Customers using or selling Lenze Semiconductor products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Lenze Semiconductor for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale.
上传时间: 2022-06-25
eMMC存储介质目前越来越广泛的应用在嵌入式系统中,AM335x的用户也越来越多的使用EMMC作为系统的主要存储介质。目前 AM335x的几款官方demo板中,只有BeagleBone Black上加入了对eMMC芯片的支持,很多用户也是参考 BeagleBone Black进行自己AM335x系统的eMMC设计。笔者最近分别通过 TI Uniflash和SD卡完成了BeagleBone Black上 eMMC芯片的烧写验证工作,软件基于 AM335x Linux SDKO6总结出来供大家参考。1,使用TI UniFlash工具通过USB RNDIS尧写1.1 TI Uniflash简介Uniflash是TI开发的存储器烧写工具,可以支持 AM335x系统的NAND Flash NOR Flash,SPI Flash eMMC烧写。可以参考 wiki上的guide:btto://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Sitara Uniflash Quick Start Guide,在Windows宿主机上下载并安装 Uniflash,并按照其中 3.3节所述在Windows宿主机上安装USB RNDIS驱动。1.2 eMMC烧写原理本文介绍的验证方法是使用 Uniflash工具通过USB对BeagleBone Black上的eMMC进行烧写,原理是通过Romcode,SPL和u-boot三个阶段,将一个专门用于 eMMC烧写的Linux操作系统在BeagleBone Black板上运行起来,并自动运行脚本进行烧写。
标签: BeagleBone Black eMMC
上传时间: 2022-06-26
Datasheet SHT3x-DISHumidity and Temperature Sensor Fully calibrated, linearized, and temperaturecompensated digital output Wide supply voltage range, from 2.4 V to 5.5 V I2C Interface with communication speeds up to 1MHz and two user selectable addresses Typical accuracy of 2 %RH and 0.3 °C Very fast start-up and measurement time Tiny 8-Pin DFN package
上传时间: 2022-06-29
PrefaceDuring the past years, there has been a quickly rising interest in radio access technologies for providingmobile as well as nomadic and fixed services for voice, video, and data. The difference indesign, implementation, and use between telecom and datacom technologies is also becoming moreblurred. One example is cellular technologies from the telecom world being used for broadband dataand wireless LAN from the datacom world being used for voice-over IP.Today, the most widespread radio access technology for mobile communication is digital cellular,with the number of users passing 5 billion by 2010, which is more than half of the world’s population.It has emerged from early deployments of an expensive voice service for a few car-borne users,to today’s widespread use of mobile-communication devices that provide a range of mobile servicesand often include camera, MP3 player, and PDA functions. With this widespread use and increasinginterest in mobile communication, a continuing evolution ahead is foreseen.This book describes LTE, developed in 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) and providingtrue 4G broadband mobile access, starting from the first version in release 8 and through the continuingevolution to release 10, the latest version of LTE. Release 10, also known as LTE-Advanced,is of particular interest as it is the major technology approved by the ITU as fulfilling the IMTAdvancedrequirements. The description in this book is based on LTE release 10 and thus provides acomplete description of the LTE-Advanced radio access from the bottom up.Chapter 1 gives the background to LTE and its evolution, looking also at the different standardsbodies and organizations involved in the process of defining 4G. It also gives a discussion of the reasonsand driving forces behind the evolution.Chapters 2–6 provide a deeper insight into some of the technologies that are part of LTE and itsevolution. Because of its generic nature, these chapters can be used as a background not only for LTEas described in this book, but also for readers who want to understand the technology behind othersystems, such as WCDMA/HSPA, WiMAX, and CDMA2000.Chapters 7–17 constitute the main part of the book. As a start, an introductory technical overviewof LTE is given, where the most important technology components are introduced based onthe generic technologies described in previous chapters. The following chapters provide a detaileddescription of the protocol structure, the downlink and uplink transmission schemes, and the associatedmechanisms for scheduling, retransmission and interference handling. Broadcast operation andrelaying are also described. This is followed by a discussion of the spectrum flexibility and the associated
上传时间: 2022-07-08
Allegro转pads的方法REV1实现转换,需要以下要求:1.Cadanc的PCB editor在至少XL版本以上,PADS版本必须在9.3(9.31肯定可以)以上,转换步骤1准备好要转换的allegro文件***.brd,如下:1.1复制文件夹MentorGraphics\9.3.1PADSISDDHOME\translators\skil scripts的**il文件全部复制到目录CadencelSPB_DATAlpcben\文件夹下;如下所示:1.2:创建一个新文件夹例如(……myboards_<boardlD>);并复制你想转换的 allegro PCB文件(.brd)文件到该目录下。使用allegro PCBEditor软件打开brd设计文件,并在命令提示符窗口进入这些命令行:命令>”dfl_main包括引号)实际发现要用如下的命令:命令1:skill load("D:ISPB Datallpcbenlldflmain.il")其中的D:ISPB_Datallpcbenildfl_main.il这个是指dfl_main.il文件的路径。命令2:main out如下图所示:
上传时间: 2022-07-23
STM32F驱动L6470 ■ Operating voltage: 8 - 45 V■ 7.0 A out peak current (3.0 A r.m.s.)■ Low RDS(on) Power MOSFETs■ Programmable speed profile and positioning■ Programmable power MOS slew rate■ Up to 1/128 microstepping■ Sensorless stall detection■ SPI interface■ Low quiescent and standby currents■ Programmable non-dissipative overcurrentprotection on high and low-side■ Two levels of overtemperature protection
标签: l6470
上传时间: 2022-07-25