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  • 电流检测电路中运算放大器与ADC的设计

    电学中的测量技术涉及范围非常广,电流测量在电学计量中占有非常重要的位置。如何精确地进行电流测量是精密测量的一大难题。传统的电流检测电路多采用运算放大芯片与片外电流检测电路相结合的方式,电路集成度很低,需要较多的接口和资源才能完成对电路的检测。本文把所有电路部分都集成在一块芯片上,包括检测电阻,运算放大器电路及模拟转数字转换电路,从而在电路内部可以进行电流检测,使电路更好的集成化。前置电路使用二级共源共栅结构的运算放大器,减小沟道长度调制效应造成的电流误差。10位SAR ADC中采用电容驱动能力强的传输门保证了模数转化器的有效精度。比较器模块采用再生锁存器与迟滞比较器作为基础单元组合解决精密测量的问题。本设计可以作为嵌入芯片内的一小部分而检测芯片中的微小电流1mA~100mA,工作电压在1.8v左右,电流检测精度预期达到10uA的需求。The measurement technology in electricity involves a wide range,and current measurement plays a very important position in electrical measurement.How to accurately measure current is a big problem in precision measurement. The traditional current detecting circuit adopts the combination of the operational amplifier chip and theoff-chip current detecting circuit, The circuit integration is very low, and more interfaces and resources are needed tocomplete the circuit detection.This topic integrates all the circuit parts into one chip, including detection resistance, operational amplifier circuit andanalog to digital conversion circuit. Highly integrated circuit makes the external resources on the chip more intensive,so that current detection can be carried out inside the circuit, so that the circuit can be better integrated. Thefront-end circuit of this project uses two-stage cascade operational amplifier and cascade tube to reduce the currenterror caused by channel length modulation effect. In 10-bit SAR ADC, the transmission gate with strong capacitivedriving ability ensures the effective accuracy of the analog-to-digital converter. Comparator module uses regenerativelatch and hysteresis comparator as basic unit to solve the difficult problem of precision measurement. This topic can beused as a small part of the embedded chip to detect the micro-current in the chip 1 mA~100 mA, the working voltageis about 1.8v, and the current detection accuracy is expected to reach the requirement of 10 uA.

    标签: 电流检测 电路 运算放大器 adc

    上传时间: 2022-04-03


  • ESP32 DHT11 MQTT 温湿度实例

    1. Preface2. The concept2.2. Prescience 2.3. Reading guide 2.4. Abbreviations 2.5. Version management3. Hardware3.2. ESP32 3.3.2. Hardware schema 3.3.3. DHT22 and level shifter 3.3.4. Geekcreit® ESP32 Development Board4. Software4.2. Installatie van GIT 4.3. Installatation of the ESP32 Core 4.4. Installation of the Xtensa and ESP32 Tools 4.5. Python 4.5.1. Install Python 4.5.2. Installation of pySerial and EspTool 4.6. Test the software installation5. The ESP32 IoT project 5.1.1. WiFi connection 5.1.2. Setup date and time 5.1.3. MQTT connection 5.1.4. Determining temperature and humidity 5.2. IOT_ESP32_Project source6. Test6.2. ESP32, NodeJS, MongoDB en Mosca 6.2.1. Start MongoDB 6.2.2. Start NodeJS Express serve and Mosca broker 6.2.3. Start the ESP32 6.2.4. Start an Chrome browser

    标签: esp32 dht11 mqtt

    上传时间: 2022-04-05


  • 一种新的电磁阀节能驱动电路

    随着电磁阀在工业和日常应用的增多,其功耗越来越被人们所重视。通过对电磁阀驱动电路的研究,设计一套电磁阀节能驱动电路。不仅提高了电磁阀的响应时间,更重要的是降低了功耗,使电磁阀由工作在大电流状态下,变成大电流启动小电流维持的工作状态。减少了由电流过大引起的电磁阀线圈过热,增加了电磁阀的安全性。The power consumption of an electromagnetic valve is drawing increasingly more attentiori as it is widely used in industrial production and daily life. In this study, an energy - saving driving circuit of electromagnetic valves was designed. It can make an electromagnetic valve to start with a high current while work with a low current; thereby the power consumption can be reduced. Besides, it can shorten the response time of an electromagnetic valve and improve the security of the valve.

    标签: 电磁阀 节能驱动电路

    上传时间: 2022-04-16


  • Altium Designer 规则检查(DRC)英汉对照表

    1.bus indices out of range 总线分支索引超出范围2.Bus range syntax errors 总线范围的语法错误3.Illegal bus range values 非法的总线范围值4.Illegal bus definitions 定义的总线非法5.Mismatched bus label ordering 总线分支网络标号错误排序6.Mismatched bus/wire object on wire/bus 总线/导线错误的连接导线/总线

    标签: Altium Designer

    上传时间: 2022-04-17


  • 一份成熟量产的15KW充电模块电路图

    分享一份成熟量产的15KW充电模块电路图:一共500V30A、750V20A两款机型每款机型包括PFC功率板、PFC控制板、LLC功率板、LLC控制板PFC功率板:为AC转DC电路,PFC整流采用的是维也纳I型整流;PFC控制板:控制PFC功率输出;LLC功率板:为DC转DC电路,DCDC变换采用的是半桥LLC三电平拓扑;LLC控制板:控制LLC功率输出; 附件内容:系统仿真如下: 

    标签: 充电模块 维也纳整流 LLC三电平

    上传时间: 2022-04-22


  • 步进电机驱动器原理图+PCB+驱动源码+使用教程等

    该步进电机驱动器又称为EasyDriver,EasyDriver能够为两级步进电机提供大约每相750mA(两极一共1.5A)的驱动。它默认设置为8步细分模式(所以如果你的电机是每圈200步,你使用EasyDriver时默认为每圈1600步),更多细分模式可以通过将MS1或MS2两个接脚接地进行设置。这是一种基于Allegro A3967驱动芯片的细分断路器。对于此设计的完整规格,请查阅A3967的参数表。它的最大每相电流从150mA到750mA。可以采用的最大驱动电压大概是30V,其中包括板载5V的调压器,所以只需要一个电源。质优价廉,这玩意儿只要十几美元,比你自己制作电路板更便宜。步进电机驱动器设计特色:· A3967 Microstepping Driver· MS1 and MS2 pins broken out to change microstepping resolution to full, half, quarter and eighth steps (defaults to eighth)· Compatible with 4, 6, and 8 wire stepper motors of any voltage· Adjustable current control from 150mA/phase to 700mA/phase· Power supply range from 6V to 30V. The higher the voltage, the higher the torque at high speeds

    标签: 步进电机 驱动器 pcb 驱动

    上传时间: 2022-04-27


  • 基于无迹卡尔曼滤波算法的锂电池SOC估计

    应用无迹卡尔曼滤波算法(UKF)进行锂电池的SOC估计,采用Thevenin二阶RC等效电路模型,对HPPC电池脉冲充放电实验数据进行Matlab处理,得到较为准确的模型.通过在Matlab中编写算法程序,对不同工况的估计值与实际值进行误差估算及对比分析,通过此算法进行SOC估计,得到该算法可有效降低系统误差并纠正SOC的初值偏差.The non trace Calman filter (UKF) is applied to the SOC estimation of lithium battery. The Thevenin two order RC equivalent circuit model is used to process the HPPC battery pulse charge discharge experimental data by Matlab processing, and a more accurate model is obtained. By writing algorithm program in Matlab, the error estimation and comparison analysis of the estimated value and actual value of different states are carried out, and the SOC estimation is carried out by this algorithm. The algorithm can effectively reduce the system error and correct the initial value deviation of the SOC.

    标签: 卡尔曼滤波

    上传时间: 2022-05-03


  • 基于DSP28335+IR2110芯片的移相全桥驱动电路设计

    为解决移相全桥电路驱动及相角控制问题,设计了一种数字控制的移相全桥驱动电路.以TPL521为光耦隔离、IR2110为栅极驱动芯片.由DSP产生PWM信号,经过光耦隔离和逻辑电路后送至IR2110进行相角控制.文章对IR2110驱动电路原理进行分析及参数进行设计,对TMS320F28335进行设置并给出部分代码.实验结果表明:通过TMS320F28335可产生的不同相角的PWM波形,满足了移相全桥对不同相角控制的要求.In order to solve the problem of phase-shifted full-bridge circuit driving and phase angle control,a digitally controlled phaseshifted full-bridge driving circuit was designed. TPL521 optocoupler isolation,IR2110 gate driver chip. PWM signals are generated by the DSP and sent to the IR2110 for phase angle control after optocoupler isolation and logic circuits. This text carries on the analysis to the principle of IR2110 drive circuit and parameter design,set up and give out some code to TMS320F28335. The experimental results show that the PWM waveforms with different phase angles generated by TMS320F28335 can meet the requirements of phase-shifted full-bridge control for different phase angles.

    标签: dsp28335 ir2110 芯片

    上传时间: 2022-05-03


  • MIPI中文入门

    ContentsMIPI是什么?o D-PHY物理层特点•МIРI 的数据传送oDSI&CSI应用MIPI:手机产业处理界面MIPI协议是手机行业的领导者倡导一个开放的移动接口标准MIPI Spec:DCS-显示命令接口DBI-显示总线接口DPI-显示像素接口DSI一显示串行接口CSI一显示摄像接口D-PHY物理层MIPI特点低功耗模式·动态调整到低功耗模式、高速传送模式和低信号摆幅模式。高速模式每通道可以传送500-1000Mbps低成本物理层EMI(抗辐射)数据包报头(4 bytes)数据标识符(DI*1byte:包含虚拟数据通道[7:6]和数据类型[5:0].,数据包*2byte:要传送的数据,长度固定两个字节。误差校正码(ECC)"1byte:可以把两个位的错误纠正例程数据包报头(4 bytes)数据标识符(Di)*1byte:包含虚拟数据通道[7:6]和数据类型[5:0].字数(WC)*2byte:传送数据的长度,固定为两个字节错误校验码(ECC)*1byte:可以修复两个位的错误有效传送数据(0~65535 bytes)最大字节-2^16.数据包页脚(2 bytes):校验如果数据包的有效长度为0,那么校验位为FFFFh如果校验码不能计算,那么校验码的值为0000h数据包的长度:e4+(0-65535)+2-6~ 65541 bytesSync Event(H Start,H End,v Start,V End),Data Type =xx 0001(x1h)同步事件是两个字的数据包(1个字节的指令和一个字节的校验,因些他们可以精确的表示同步事件的开始和结束.干单个司步开始或同步结束事件的长度和位置在前面的图中有说明。同步事件的定义如下:Data Type= 00 0001(01h)场同步开始Data Type= 01 0001(11h)场同步结束Data Type= 10 0001(21b)行同步开始.Data Type= 11 0001(31h)行同步结束为了尽可能精确的体理一个同步事件,那么开始标识位必须放在第一位,结束标识位必须放在最后一位,行同步也是一样。同步事件的开始和结束应该是成对出现的,假如只有一个同步事件(通常是开始),那么这个数据也是可以传送出去的。

    标签: mipi

    上传时间: 2022-05-08


  • Yocto 项目快速入门 -v2.2(中文版)


    标签: yocto

    上传时间: 2022-05-10
