产品特点: 全系列加装高速保险丝,防止短路电流(di/dt)对SCR造成损害。 全系列开模成型,体积小、安装、配线容易。 盘面集中多只LED灯头示,遇有状况可立即判断故障原因,迅速排除。 输出特性呈线性,控温最精准。 高品质,高技术产品,绝无干扰现象,加装透明护盖,安全性增加。 独具Soft Start(缓启动)功能,可避免大电流启动。 具有保险丝熔断、电源异常、SCR超温指示及异常接点输出。 内含电子式自动温度侦测器作为散热器超温保护。 冷却风扇全自动控制,温度过高时风扇运转,避免风扇长时间运转,延长风扇寿命。
上传时间: 2013-10-10
高的工作电压高达100V N双N沟道MOSFET同步驱动 The D810DCDC is a synchronous step-down switching regulator controller that can directly step-down voltages from up to 100V, making it ideal for telecom and automotive applications. The D810DCDC uses a constant on-time valley current control architecture to deliver very low duty cycles with accurate cycle-by-cycle current limit, without requiring a sense resistor. A precise internal reference provides 0.5% DC accuracy. A high bandwidth (25MHz) error amplifi er provides very fast line and load transient response. Large 1Ω gate drivers allow the D810DCDC to drive multiple MOSFETs for higher current applications. The operating frequency is selected by an external resistor and is compensated for variations in VIN and can also be synchronized to an external clock for switching-noise sensitive applications. Integrated bias control generates gate drive power from the input supply during start-up and when an output shortcircuit occurs, with the addition of a small external SOT23 MOSFET. When in regulation, power is derived from the output for higher effi ciency.
上传时间: 2013-10-24
DC/DC 升压IC:The FP6291 is a current mode boost DC-DC converter. Its PWM circuitry with built-in 0.25 Ω power MOSFET make this regulator highly power efficient. The internal compensation network also minimizes as much as 6 external component counts. The non-inverting input of error amplifier connects to a 0.6V precision reference voltage and internal soft-start function can reduce the inrush current. The FP6291 is available in the SOT23-6L package and provides space-saving PCB for the application fields.
上传时间: 2013-11-07
Industrial remote monitoring systems and keep-alivecircuits spend most of their time in standby mode. Manyof these systems also depend on battery power, so powersupply effi ciency in standby state is very important tomaximize battery life. The LT®8410/-1 high effi ciencyboost converter is ideal for these systems, requiringonly 8.5μA of quiescent current in standby mode. Thedevice integrates high value (12.4M/0.4M) output feedbackresistors, signifi cantly reducing input current whenthe output is in regulation with no load. Other featuresinclude an integrated 40V switch and Schottky diode,output disconnect with current limit, built in soft-start,overvoltage protection and a wide input range, all in atiny 8-pin 2mm × 2mm DFN package.
上传时间: 2013-11-23
Many system designers need an easy way to producea negative 3.3V power supply. In systems that alreadyhave a transformer, one option is to swap out the existingtransformer with one that has an additional secondarywinding. The problem with this solution is that manysystems now use transformers that are standard, offthe-shelf components, and most designers want toavoid replacing a standard, qualifi ed transformer with acustom version. An easier alternative is to produce thelow negative voltage rail by stepping down an existingnegative rail. For example, if the system already employsan off-the-shelf transformer with two secondary windingsto produce ±12V, and a –3.3V rail is needed, a negativebuck converter can produce the –3.3V output from the–12V rail.
上传时间: 2013-10-09
Handheld electronic devices play a key role in our everydaylives. Because dependability is paramount, handhelds arecarefully engineered with lightweight power sources forreliable use under normal conditions. But no amount ofcareful engineering can prevent the mistreatment theywill undergo at the hands of humans. For example, whathappens when a factory worker drops a bar code scanner,causing the battery to pop out? Such events areelectronically unpredictable, and important data storedin volatile memory would be lost without some form ofsafety net—namely a short-term power holdup systemthat stores suffi cient energy to supply standby power untilthe battery can be replaced or the data can be stored inpermanent memory.
上传时间: 2013-11-05
An essential component of a noise-free audio device isa clean power supply, but few switching regulators canoperate at high efficiency while keeping the switchingfrequency out of the audio band. The LTC®3620 fills thisvoid. It is a high efficiency 15mA buck regulator with aprogrammable minimum switching frequency, making itpossible to virtually eliminate audible switching noise. Theinternal synchronous switches and low quiescent currentof this buck regulator provide the ability to maintain highefficiency, while its small footprint makes it ideal for tiny,low power audio applications.
上传时间: 2013-10-21
This collection of circuits was worked out between June1991 and July of 1994. Most were designed at customerrequest or are derivatives of such efforts. All representsubstantial effort and, as such, are disseminated here forwider study and (hopefully) use.1 The examples areroughly arranged in categories including power conversion,transducer signal conditioning, amplifiers and signalgenerators. As always, reader comment and questionsconcerning variants of the circuits shown may be addresseddirectly to the author.
上传时间: 2013-11-15
MAX29X是美国MAXIM公司生瓣的8阶开关电容低通滤波器,由于价格便宜、使用方便、设计简单,在通讯、信号自理等领域得到了广泛的应用。本文就其工作原理、电气参数、设计注意事项等问题作了讨论,具有一定的实用参考价值。关键词:开关电容、滤波器、设计 1 引言 开关电容滤波器在近些年得到了迅速的发展,世界上一些知名的半导体厂家相继推出了自己的开头电容滤波器集成电路,使形状电容滤波器的发展上了一个新台阶。 MAXIM公司在模拟器件生产领域颇具影响,它生产MAX291/292/293/294/295/296/297系列8阶低通开关电容滤波器由于使用方便(基本上不需外接元件)、设计简单(频率响应函数是固定的,只需确定其拐角频率即截止频率)、尺寸小(有8-pin DIP封装)等优点,在ADC的反混叠滤波、噪声分析、电源噪声抑制等领域得到了广泛的应用。 MAX219/295为巴特活思(型滤波器,在通频带内,它的增益最稳定,波动小,主要用于仪表测量等要求整个通频带内增益恒定的场合。MAX292/296为贝塞尔(Bessel)滤波器,在通频带内它的群时延时恒定的,相位对频率呈线性关系,因此脉冲信号通过MAX292/296之后尖峰幅度小,稳定速度快。由于脉冲信号通过贝塞尔滤波器之后所有频率分量的延迟时间是相同的,故可保证波形基本不变。关于巴特活和贝塞尔滤波器的特性可能图1来说明。图1的踪迹A为加到滤波器输入端的3kHz的脉冲,这里我们把滤波器的截止频率设为10kHZ。踪迹B通过MAX292/296后的波形。从图中可以看出,由于MAX292/296在通带内具有线性相位特性,输出波形基本上保持了方波形状,只是边沿处变圆了一些。方波通过MAX291/295之后,由于不同频率的信号产生的时延不同,输出波形中就出现了尖峰(overshoot)和铃流(ringing)。 MAX293/294/297为8阶圆型(Elliptic)滤波器,它的滚降速度快,从通频带到阻带的过渡带可以作得很窄。在椭圆型滤波器中,第一个传输零点后输出将随频率的变高而增大,直到第二个零点处。这样几番重复就使阻事宾频响呈现波浪形,如图2所示。阻带从fS起算起,高于频率fS处的增益不会超过fS处的增益。在椭圆型滤波中,通频带内的增益存在一定范围的波动。椭圆型滤波器的一个重要参数就是过渡比。过渡比定义为阻带频率fS与拐角频率(有时也等同为截止频率)由时钟频率确定。时钟既可以是外接的时钟,也可以是自己的内部时钟。使用内部时钟时只需外接一个定时用的电容既可。 在MAX29X系列滤波器集成电路中,除了滤波器电路外还有一个独立的运算放大器(其反相输入端已在内部接地)。用这个运算放大器可以组成配合MAX29X系列滤波器使用后的滤波、反混滤波等连续时间低通滤波器。 下面归纳一下它们的特点: ●全部为8阶低通滤波器。MAX291/MAX295为巴特沃思滤波器;MAX292/296为贝塞尔滤波器;MAX293/294/297为椭圆滤波器。 ●通过调整时钟,截止频率的调整范围为:0.1Hz~25kHz(MAX291/292/293*294);0.1Hz~kHz(MAX295/296/297)。 ●既可用外部时钟也可用内部时钟作为截止频率的控制时钟。 ●时钟频率和截止频率的比率:10∶1(MAX291/292/293/294);50∶1(MAX295/296/297)。 ●既可用单+5V电源供电也可用±5V双电源供电。 ●有一个独立的运算放大器可用于其它应用目的。 ●8-pin DIP、8-pin SO和宽SO-16多种封装。2 管脚排列和主要电气参数 MAX29X系列开头电容滤波器的管脚排列如图3所示。 管脚功能定义如下: CLK:时钟输入。 OP OUT:独立运放的输出端。 OP INT:独立运放的同相输入端。 OUT:滤波器输出。 IN:滤波器输入。 V-:负电源 。双电源供电时搛-2.375~-5.5V之间的电压,单电源供电时V--=-V。 V+:正电源。双电源供电时V+=+2.35~+5.5V,单电源供电时V+=+4.75~+11.0V。 GND:地线。单电源工作时GND端必须用电源电压的一半作偏置电压。 NC:空脚,无连线。 MAX29X的极限电气参数如下: 电源(V+~V-):12V 输入电压(任意脚):V--0.3V≤VIN≤V++0.3V 连续工作时的功耗:8脚塑封DIP:727mW;8脚SO:471mW;16脚宽SO:762mW;8脚瓷封DIP:640mW。 工作温度范围:MAX29-C-:0℃~+70℃;MAX29-E-:-40℃~+85℃;MAX29-MJA:-55℃~+125℃;保存温度范围:-65℃~+160℃;焊接温度(10秒):+300℃; 大多数的形状电容滤波器都采用四节级连结构,每一节包含两个滤波器极点。这种方法的特点就是易于设计。但采用这种方法设计出来的滤波器的特性对所用元件的元件值偏差很敏感。基于以上考虑,MAX29X系列用带有相加和比例功能的开关电容持了梯形无源滤波器,这种方法保持了梯形无源滤波器的优点,在这种结构中每个元件的影响作用是对于整个频率响应曲线的,某元件值的误差将会分散到所有的极点,因此不值像四节级连结构那样对某一个极点特别明显的影响。3 MAX29X的频率特性 MAX29X的频率特性如图4所示。图中的fs都假定为1kHz。4 设计考虑 下面对MAX29X系列形状电容滤波器的使用做些讨论。4.1 时钟信号 MAX29X系列开头电容滤波器推荐使用的时钟信号最高频率为2.5MHz。根据对应的时钟频率和拐角频率的比值,MAX291/MAX292/MAX293/MAX294的拐角频率最高为25kHz.MAX295/MAX296/MAX297的拐角频率最高为50kHz 。 MAX29X系列开关电容滤波器的时钟信号既可幅外部时钟直接驱动也可由内部振荡器产生。使用外部时钟时,无论是采用单电源供电还是双电源供电,CLK可直接和采用+5V供电的CMOS时钟信号发生器的输出相连。通过调整外部时钟的频率,可完成滤波器拐角的实时调整。 当使用内部时钟时,振荡器的频率由接在CLK端上的电容VCOSC决定: fCOSC (kHz)=105/3COSC (pF) 4.2 供电 MAX29X系列开关电容滤波器既可用单电源工作也可用双电源工作。双电源供电时的电源电压范围为±2.375~±5.5V。在实际电路中一般要在正负电源和GND之间接一旁路电容。 当采用单电源供电时,V-端接地,而GND端要通过电阻分压获得一个电压参考,该电压参考的电压值为1/2的电源电压,参见图5。4.3 输入信号幅度范围限制 MAX29X允许的输入信号的最大范围为V--0.3V~V++0.3V。一般情况下在+5V单电源供电时输入信号范围取1V~4V,±5V双电源供电时,输入信号幅度范围取±4V。如果输入信号超过此范围,总谐波失真THD和噪声就大大增加;同样如果输入信号幅度过小(VP-P<1V),也会造成THD和噪声的增加。4.4 独立运算放大器的用法 MAX29X中都设计有一个独立的运算放大器,这个放大器和滤波器的实现无直接关系,用这个放大器可组成一个一阶和二阶滤波器,用于实现MAX29X之前的反混叠滤波功能鄞MAX29X之后的时钟噪声抑制功能。这个运算放大器的反相端已在内部和GND相连。 图6是用该独立运放组成的2阶低通滤波器的电路,它的拐角频率为10kHz,输入阻抗为22Ω,可满足MAX29X形状电容滤波器的最小负载要求(MAX29X的输出负载要求不小于20kΩ)可以通过改变R1、R2、R3、C1、C2的元件值改变拐角频率。具体的元件值和拐角频率的对应关系参见表1。
上传时间: 2013-10-18
Arduino 一些资料
标签: Quick-Start Arduino Schmidt Guide
上传时间: 2013-11-07