To this day, Power over Ethernet (PoE) continues to gainpopularity in today’s networking world. The 12.95Wdelivered to the Powered Device (PD) input supplied bythe Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) is a universal supply.Each PD provides its own DC/DC conversion from anominal 48V supply, thus eliminating the need for a correctvoltage wall adapter. However, higher power devicescan not take advantage of StANDard PoE because of itspower limitations, and must rely on a large wall adapteras their primary supply. The new LTC4268-1 breaks thispower barrier by allowing for power of up to 35W for suchpower-hungry 2-pair PoE applications. The LTC4268-1provides a complete solution by integrating a high powerPD interface control with an isolated fl yback controller.
上传时间: 2014-12-24
Many system designers need an easy way to producea negative 3.3V power supply. In systems that alreadyhave a transformer, one option is to swap out the existingtransformer with one that has an additional secondarywinding. The problem with this solution is that manysystems now use transformers that are StANDard, offthe-shelf components, and most designers want toavoid replacing a StANDard, qualifi ed transformer with acustom version. An easier alternative is to produce thelow negative voltage rail by stepping down an existingnegative rail. For example, if the system already employsan off-the-shelf transformer with two secondary windingsto produce ±12V, and a –3.3V rail is needed, a negativebuck converter can produce the –3.3V output from the–12V rail.
上传时间: 2013-10-09
Linear Technology’s DC/DC step-down μModule®regulators are complete switchmode power supplies in asurface-mount package. They include the DC/DC controller,inductor, power switches and supporting circuitry.These highly integrated regulators also provide an easysolution for applications that require negative outputvoltages. In other words, these products can operate asinverting buck-boost regulators. As a result, the lowestpotential in the circuit is not the StANDard 0V, but –VOUT,which must be tied to the μModule regulator’s GND. Allsignals are now referred to –VOUT.
上传时间: 2013-10-22
The P89LPC912/913/914 are single-chip microcontrollers in low-cost 14-pin packages, based on a high performance processor architecture that executes instructions in two to four clocks, six times the rate of StANDard 80C51 devices. Many system level functions have been incorporated into the P89LPC912/913/914 in order to reduce component count, board space, and system cost.
上传时间: 2013-10-12
目录: 1. Character Type Functions - 字符类型函数 2. StANDard C Input/Output Functions - 标准输入输出函数 3. StANDard Library Functions - 标准库和内存分配函数 4. Mathematical Functions - 数学函数 5. String Functions - 字符串函数 6. BCD Conversion Functions - BCD 转换函数 7. Memory Access Functions - 存储器访问函数 8. Delay Functions - 延时函数 9. LCD Functions - LCD函数 10. LCD Functions for displays with 4x40 characters - 4×40 字符型LCD函数 11. LCD Functions for displays connected in 8 bit memory mapped mode -以8 位外部存储 器模式接口的LCD显示函数 12. I2C Bus Functions - I2C 总线函数 13. National Semiconductor LM75 Temperature Sensor Functions - LM75 温度传感器函数 14. Dallas Semiconductor DS1621 Thermometer/Thermostat Functions - DS1621 温度计函 数 15. Philips PCF8563 Real Time Clock Functions - PCF8563 实时时钟函数 16. Philips PCF8583 Real Time Clock Functions - PCF8583 实时时钟函数 17. Dallas Semiconductor DS1302 Real Time Clock Functions - DS1302 实时时钟函数 18. Dallas Semiconductor DS1307 Real Time Clock Functions - DS1307 实时时钟函数 19. 1 Wire Protocol Functions - 单线通讯协议函数 20. Dallas Semiconductor DS1820/DS1822 Temperature Sensors Functions - DS1820/1822 温度传感器函数 21. SPI Functions - SPI 函数 22. Power Management Functions - 电源管理函数 23. Gray Code Conversion Functions - 格雷码转换函数
上传时间: 2013-10-22
为解决当前计算机串行通讯接口只有USB,难以满足旧型号设备或某些单片机要求RS232通讯的问题,设计出两款RS232/USB电路。采用CH341A与MAX223集成电路芯片构建标准9线RS232/USB通用接口转换器,无需编程。采用CH341A与PIC16F877A构建单片机与计算机之间的USB通讯电路,软件遵循RS232通讯协议,硬件进行电平转换。实际使用表明,这两款产品与计算机端Windows 操作系统下的串口应用程序完全兼容,且通讯过程中无握手失败现象。 Abstract: To solve the problem that current computer serial communication only with USB interface can not satisfy with the old type equipments or MCU to communicate with RS232, two kinds of RS232/USB circuit were designed.CH341A and MAX223 integrated circuit chips were used to create a StANDard 9-line RS232/USB universal interface convertor without programme. CH341A and PIC16F877A chips were adopted to build the USB communication circuit between computers and MCU. The software follows RS232 communication protocol, and the hardware converts electrical levels. Actual practices indicate that the two manufactures are compatible with serial application program of Windows operation system completely,and get avoid of handshake lost.
上传时间: 2013-11-03
介绍一种基于CAN总线的牵引变电站自动化系统通讯规约的设计,CAN通讯规约采用标准帧,报文采用主动发送和发送查询两种处理形式。该设计在城市轻轨与地铁牵引变电站中的应用表明:可实现间隔层和通讯处理层的数据快速、可靠的交换,提高牵引变电站的安全性和稳定性 。 Abstract: This paper firstly presents a kind of design dealing with communicational protocol to the traction substation automation system based on CAN bus,and then comes up with the ideas that all frames of CAN communicational protocol should adopt the StANDard frame,and that messages be processed by two ways:sending initiatively and sending quiries.Subway and light rail application shows that the use of the CAN bus is possible to exchange data quickly and reliably between the layers of the middle and the communicational processing,hence to improve the safety and stability of traction substations.
上传时间: 2013-11-07
The MSP-FET430PIF is a Parallel Port interface (does not include target board) that is used to program and debug MSP430 FET tools and test boards through the JTAG interface. This interface is included in our FET tools, but sold without the development board. This interface uses a Parallel PC Port to communicate to the Debugger Software (IAR Kickstart software included) running on the PC. The interface uses the StANDard 14 pin header to communicate to the MSP430 device using the StANDard JTAG protocol. The flash memory can be erased and programmed in seconds with only a few keystrokes, and since the MSP430 flash is extremely low power, no external power supply is required. The tool has an integrated software environment and connects directly to the PC which greatly simplifies the set-up and use of the tool. The flash development tool supports development with all MSP430 flash parts. Features MSP430 debugging interface to connect a MSP430-Flash-device to a Parallel port on a PC Supports JTAG debug protocol (NO support for Spy-Bi-Wire (2-wire JTAG) debug protocol, Spy-Bi-Wire (2-wire JTAG) is supported by MSP-FET430UIF) Parallel Port cable and a 14-conductor target cable Full documentation on CD ROM Integrated IAR Kickstart user interface which includes: Assembler Linker Limulator Source-level debugger Limited C-compiler Technical specifications: Backwardly compatable with existing FET tool boards.
上传时间: 2013-10-26
MPLAB C30用户指南(英文) HIGHLIGHTSThe information covered in this chapter is as follows:• About this Guide• Recommended Reading• Troubleshooting• The Microchip Web Site• Development Systems Customer Notification Service• Customer Support Document LayoutThe document layout is as follows:• Chapter 1: Compiler Overview – describes MPLAB C30, development tools andfeature set.• Chapter 2: Differences between MPLAB C30 and ANSI C – describes thedifferences between the C language supported by MPLAB C30 syntax and theStANDard ANSI-89 C.• Chapter 3: Using MPLAB C30 – describes how to use the MPLAB C30 compilerfrom the command line.• Chapter 4: MPLAB C30 Runtime Environment – describes the MPLAB C30runtime model, including information on sections, initialization, memory models, thesoftware stack and much more.• Chapter 5: Data Types – describes MPLAB C30 integer, floating point and pointerdata types.• Chapter 6: Device Support Files – describes the MPLAB C30 header and registerdefinition files, as well as how to use with SFR’s.• Chapter 7: Interrupts – describes how to use interrupts.• Chapter 8: Mixing Assembly Language and C Modules – provides guidelines tousing MPLAB C30 with MPLAB ASM30 assembly language modules.
上传时间: 2013-10-21
FeaturesThe following StANDard features are provided.• Choice of RTOS scheduling policy1. Pre-emptive:Always runs the highest available task. Tasks of identical priorityshare CPU time (fully pre-emptive with round robin time slicing).2. Cooperative:Context switches only occur if a task blocks, or explicitly callstaskYIELD().• Co-routines (light weight tasks that utilise very little RAM).• Message queues• Semaphores [via macros]• Trace visualisation ability (requires more RAM)• Majority of source code common to all supported development tools• Wide range of ports and examples
上传时间: 2013-10-13