物流系统是指在一定的时间和空间里,由所需输送的物料和包括有关设备、输送工具、仓储设备、人员以及通信联系等若干相互制约的动态要素构成的具有特定功能的有机整体。随着计算机科学和自动化技术的发展,物流管理系统也从简单的方式迅速向自动化管理演变,其主要标志是自动物流设备,如自动导引车(AGV-Automated guided vehicle)、自动存储、提取系统(AS/RS-Automated storage/retrieve system)、空中单轨自动车(SKY-RAV-Rail automated vehicle)、堆垛机(Stacker crane)等,及物流计算机管理与控制系统的出现。
标签: 物流系统
上传时间: 2014-01-08
NEA1803 51单片机与12864 由串口中断收取数据 显示经度纬度 高度 速度 时间 使用卫星数-GPS development NEA1803 51 SCM and 12864 collected by the serial interrupt data show a high degree of longitude latitude speed time-use satellite
标签: 12864 1803 development NEA
上传时间: 2017-08-22
Software-defined radios (SDRs) have been around for more than a decade. The first complete Global Positioning System (GPS) implementation was described by Dennis Akos in 1997. Since then several research groups have presented their contributions.We therefore find it timely to publish an up-to-date text on the subject and at the same time include Galileo, the forthcoming European satellitebased navigation system. Both GPS and Galileo belong to the category of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)
标签: Software-defined complete Global radios
上传时间: 2013-12-16
Yet another mp3 player, but this time using SVGALib under Linux. The idea was to use a 320x240 display which can be used in a vehicle. I wrote this quite a few years ago, before mp3 players were so cheap. It uses mpg123 for the mp3 decoding.
标签: SVGALib 320x240 another player
上传时间: 2013-12-26
The STi7105 uses state of the art process technology to provide an ultra low-cost, fully featured HD AVC decoder IC. It is a highly integrated system-on-chip suitable for STB markets across all networks (cable/satellite/DTT/x- DSL/IP) worldwide
标签: technology low-cost featured process
上传时间: 2013-12-22
The TJA1040 is an advanced high speed CAN transceiver for use in automotive and general industrial applications. It supports the differential bus signal representation described in the international standard for in-vehicle high speed CAN applications (ISO11898). CAN (Controller Area Network) is the standard protocol for serial in-vehicle bus communication, particularly for Engine Management and Body Multiplexing. The TJA1040 provides a Standby mode, as known from its functional predecessors PCA82C250 and PCA82C251, but with significantly reduced power consumption. Besides the excellent low-power behavior the TJA1040 offers several valuable system improvements. Highlights are the absolute passive bus behavior if the device is unpowered as well as the excellent EMC performance.
标签: CAN
上传时间: 2015-03-23
上传用户:Yuan Lo
Guided vehicles (GVs) are commonly used for the internal transportation of loads in warehouses, production plants and terminals. These guided vehicles can be routed with a variety of vehicle dispatching rules in an attempt to meet performance criteria such as minimizing the average load waiting times. In this research, we use simulation models of three companies to evaluate the performance of several real-time vehicle dispatching rules, in part described in the literature. It appears that there is a clear difference in average load waiting time between the different dispatching rules in the different environments. Simple rules, based on load and vehicle proximity (distance-based) perform best for all cases. The penalty for this is a relatively high maximum load waiting time. A distance-based rule with time truncation, giving more priority to loads that have to wait longer than a time threshold, appears to yield the best possible overall performance. A rule that particularly considers load-waiting time performs poor overall. We also show that using little pre-arrival information of loads leads to a significant improvement in the performance of the dispatching rules without changing their performance ranking.
标签: Testing and classifying vehicle dispatching rules in three real-world settings
上传时间: 2016-04-01
电动舵机(EMA)由于具有结构简单、重量轻、负载特性好和可靠性高等优点,因而在 无人驾驶飞机(UAV)、导弹、航天器等飞行器中得到越来越广泛的应用。 传统 PID 控制以其实时性好、易于实现等特点广泛应用于控制系统,只要正确设定参 数,PID 控制器便可实现其作用,但由于舵机系统存在着非线性、时变性等不确定因素,此 时,PID 的控制效果将难于达到预期的目标。而模糊控制对控制对象的非线性、时变性等具 有较强的适应能力,其灵活性和鲁棒性较好,并且控制简单,在电机控制领域应用非常广 泛。但在模糊控制的系统中很难完全消除稳态误差,一般情况下,控制精度不太理想。 针对上述两种控制器的特点,为了提高舵机位置伺服系统的控制性能,本文设计了一 种模糊自适应 PID 控制器,兼顾了两种控制方法的优点,通过模糊规则进行推理和决策, 在线整定 PID 控制器的三个参数,实验结果表明,该控制器结构简单,效果良好。
上传时间: 2016-04-27
上传时间: 2017-03-12
This book was conceived in such a special way. From our experience, and despite the increasing interest that we perceived amongst the research community in HAPS, there was not any book in the market entirely devoted to HAPS. We could only find some satellite communications books including only fragments related to HAPS, covering the ‘generalities’. A need for a reference book which could highlight state- of-the-art HAPS-related topics was therefore envisaged. Moreover, most of the information related to HAPS could only be found in technical reports, official recommendations, conference proceedings and journal papers.
上传时间: 2020-05-27