AX3121 consists of step-down switching regulator with SYNCHRONOUS PWMconverter. These devise inc
标签: SYNCHRONOUS Converter 3121 buck
上传时间: 2013-07-19
The C500 microcontroller family usually provides only one on-chip SYNCHRONOUS serialchannel (SSC). If a second SSC is required, an emulation of the missing interface mayhelp to avoid an external hardware solution with additional electronic components.The solution presented in this paper and in the attached source files emulates the mostimportant SSC functions by using optimized SW routines with a performance up to 25KBaud in Slave Mode with half duplex transmission and an overhead less than 60% atSAB C513 with 12 MHz. Due to the implementation in C this performance is not the limitof the chip. A pure implementation in assembler will result in a strong reduction of theCPU load and therefore increase the maximum speed of the interface. In addition,microcontrollers like the SAB C505 will speed up the interface by a factor of two becauseof an optimized architecture compared with the SAB C513.Moreover, this solution lays stress on using as few on-chip hardware resources aspossible. A more excessive consumption of those resources will result in a highermaximum speed of the emulated interface.Due to the restricted performance of an 8 bit microcontroller a pin compatible solution isprovided only; the internal register based programming interface is replaced by a set ofsubroutine calls.The attached source files also contain a test shell, which demonstrates how to exchangeinformation between an on-chip HW-SSC and the emulated SW-SSC via 5 external wiresin different operation modes. It is based on the SAB C513 (Siemens 8 bit microcontroller).A table with load measurements is presented to give an indication for the fraction of CPUperformance required by software for emulating the SSC.
标签: SYNCHRONOUS Emulating serial
上传时间: 2014-01-31
三星公司SDRAM(K4S643232H-TC/L60 4 Banks x 512K x 32Bit SYNCHRONOUS DRAM) 器件操作时序,本中文的页码和原英文对应的页码内容相对应
标签: SYNCHRONOUS 643232 SDRAM Banks
上传时间: 2015-05-26
STARTING OF A SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE,MATLAB/SIMULINK 下对同步电机启动的仿真,解压同一目录下, 双击下部图标进行参数运行点设置。
上传时间: 2014-11-18
three-phase Permanent Magnet SYNCHRONOUS Motor(PMSM) velocity control DSP program
标签: three-phase SYNCHRONOUS Permanent velocity
上传时间: 2014-06-10
SYNCHRONOUS Resets? ASYNCHRONOUS Resets?I am so confused!How will I ever know which to use? 复位信号的论文
上传时间: 2015-07-05
SYNCHRONOUS read write RAM verilog。经过modelsim se仿真。
标签: SYNCHRONOUS modelsim verilog write
上传时间: 2013-12-19
contains SYNCHRONOUS routines to open queries with possibility to cancel execution,is intended for Direct Oracle Access library by Allround Automations
标签: SYNCHRONOUS possibility execution contains
上传时间: 2016-02-27
ITU规范G.704。E1帧结构定义。SYNCHRONOUS frame structures used at 1544, 6312, 2048, 8448 and 44 736 kbit/s hierarchical levels
标签: SYNCHRONOUS structures frame 1544
上传时间: 2016-03-24
This program lets the user test a simple rf link using serial SYNCHRONOUS
标签: SYNCHRONOUS program simple serial
上传时间: 2016-07-01