Simulation of a transmitter implementingthe OFDM transmission chain with QPSK modulation on each SUB-carrier
标签: implementingthe transmission transmitter Simulation
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Visual Basic 6.0可以通过调用API函数格式化一个磁盘,无论是软盘还是硬盘。 打开一个新的项目(工程1) ,如果你没有更改过缺省模式,那么Visual Basic 6.0会自动添加一个form1文件,在form1上添加一个命令控件,将下面的代码拷入。 Option Explicit Private Declare Function SHFormatDrive Lib"shell32"( ByVal Hend AS Long,ByVal Drive AS Long,ByVal FormatID AS Long,ByVal Options AS Long) as Long Private SUB FormatDisk(intDrive as integer,blnQuickFormat as Boolean) dim lngReturn As Long if (blnQuickFormat) then lngReturn= SHFormatDrive(0,intDrive,0&,1&) else lngReturn= SHFormatDrive(0,intDrive,0&,0&) end if end SUB Private SUB Command1_Click() call FormatDisk(0,True) End SUB 运行此程序。 注意FormatDisk函数的第一个变量很重要,他的值是0,1,2时代表格式化的分别是:A、B、C盘。
上传时间: 2015-10-05
利用WM5 实现电话功能 在程序中进行电话拨号 “项目”—“添加引用”—“Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Telephony”—“确定” Imports Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Telephony Private SUB Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim TestPhone As New Phone TestPhone.Talk("1001") End SUB
标签: Microsoft WindowsMobile Telephony Imports
上传时间: 2013-12-20
OpenSS7 This the fourth public release of the OpenSS7 Master Package. See README in the release for a SUB-package listing. Most of the SUB-packages in the release are production grade for Linux Fast-STREAMS. All existing validation test suites run clean on supported distributions and architectures. It is unlikely that the OpenSS7 Master Package will be released as frequently as before. SUB-packages will be released more often. To rebuild the master package with a new SUB-package release, simply replace the directory to which the SUB-package belongs with the unpacked SUB-package release and then rebuild the master package. This release provides support for recent distributions and tool chains.
标签: OpenSS7 release the Package
上传时间: 2015-10-28
OpenJMS是一个开源的Java Message Service API 1.0.2 规范的实现,它包含有以下特性: *. 它既支持点到点(point-to-point)(PTP)模型和发布/订阅(Pub/SUB)模型。 *. 支持同步与异步消息发送 *. JDBC持久性管理使用数据库表来存储消息 *. 可视化管理界面。 *. Applet支持。 *. 能够与Jakarta Tomcat这样的Servlet容器结合。 *. 支持RMI, TCP, HTTP 与SSL协议。 *. 客户端验证 *. 提供可靠消息传输、事务和消息过滤
标签: point-to-point OpenJMS Message Service
上传时间: 2014-01-14
Samples are organized by chapter, and then by "application" or example name. You should open a project in Visual Studio .NET through the .sln (solution) file. Note that Visual Studio .NET automatically creates various temporary and debugging files in the obj and bin SUB-directory for each project. The actual uncompiled code is only the .vb files that are contained in the root project directory.
标签: application organized Samples chapter
上传时间: 2015-12-14
The present document specifies the CAMEL Application Part (CAP) supporting the fourth phase of the network feature Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic. CAP is based on a SUB-set of the ETSI Core INAP CS-2 as specified by ETSI EN 301 140 1 [26]. Descriptions and definitions provided by ETSI EN 301 140 1 [26] are directly referenced by this standard in the case no additions or clarifications are needed for the use in the CAP.
标签: the Application supporting specifies
上传时间: 2015-12-24
其中:ClientInfor.inf 文件: 第一行的数据表示: 客户端游戏版本号 第一行的数据表示: 更新文件存放的网络路径 UpdateInfor.inf文件: 第一行的数据表示: 最新游戏版本号 第二行的数据表示: 有多少文件需要更新 后面每行的数据表示: 需要更新的文件的名称 frmUpdate.frm窗体: 负责下载 modZip.BAS模块: 只负责用来压缩文件和解压缩文件的 其中的 UnZipTo 函数用来解压缩的 zlib.dll: 为WinZip的dll文件 更新完毕后,ClientInfor.inf文件的第一行的数据会变为最新版本号 frmUpdate.frm窗体代码如下: Private SUB cmdExit_Click() Unload Me End SUB Private SUB cmdUpdate_Click() Dim strClientInfor() As String Dim strUpdateInfor() As String Dim nNum As Integer 存
标签: ClientInfor UpdateInfor inf 数据表示
上传时间: 2013-12-24
SDRAM 参考设计:主要包括The following figure shows a high-level block diagram for this reference design followed by a brief description of each SUB-section. The design consists of: · PowerPC processor · PLB-OPB bridge · BlockRAM Memory Controller · SDRAM Controller · Two GPIO ports · A UART Port · External SDRAM
标签: high-level following reference diagram
上传时间: 2013-12-15
OFDM Modem Applications • Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) • Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) • Broadband Wireless Access (802.16x) • Wireless LAN (802.11x & HiperLAN) Orthogonal OFDM SUB-carriers Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
标签: Broadcast Digital 8226 Applications
上传时间: 2016-03-23