基本的编辑工具(GENERAL EDITING FACILITIES) 对象放置(Object Placement) ISIS支持多种类型的对象,每一类型对象的具体作用和功能将在下一章给出。虽然类型不同,但放置对象的基本步骤都是一样的。 放置对象的步骤如下(To place an object:) 1.根据对象的类别在工具箱选择相应模式的图标(mode icon)。 2. Select the SUB-mode icon for the specific type of object. 2、根据对象的具体类型选择子模式图标(SUB-mode icon)。 3、如果对象类型是元件、端点、管脚、图形、符号或标记,从选择器里(selector)选择你想要的对象的名字。对于元件、端点、管脚和符号,可能首先需要从库中调出。 4、如果对象是有方向的,将会在预览窗口显示出来,你可以通过点击旋转和镜象图标来调整对象的朝向。 5、最后,指向编辑窗口并点击鼠标左键放置对象。对于不同的对象,确切的步骤可能略有不同,但你会发现和其它的图形编辑软件是类似的,而且很直观。 选中对象(Tagging an Object) 用鼠标指向对象并点击右键可以选中该对象。该操作选中对象并使其高亮显示,然后可以进行编辑。
上传时间: 2013-11-09
如果已经安装好了vobSUB,就可以运用vobSUB里面带的字幕提取工具vsrip提取字幕。 打开VobSUB程序组,运行vobSUB.configure,点击Open来打开vts_01_0.ifo文件(此文件已经拷贝到硬盘上,无需从光盘上找),选定放置字幕文件的子目录,点击确定.提取完成之后会生成Vts_01_0.SUB和vts_01_0.idx两个字幕文件,若按照DVDrip的做法是在最终视频文件生成之后,将字幕文件更名并与主体一致,但在此这个步骤被提前了,因为real格式文件的字幕是嵌入在画面那的.我们需要做的是将vts_01_0.idx和vts_01_0.SUB更名为vts_01_1.idx和vts_01_1.SUB,与vts_01_1.vob同名.这样才能进行制作时被vobSUB自动调用同步嵌入字幕
标签: vobSUB
上传时间: 2015-04-28
VHDL 关于2DFFT设计程序 u scinode1 ∼ scinode9.vhd: Every SCI node RTL vhdl code. The details can be seen in the following section. u 2dfft.vhd: The top module includes these scinodes and form a 3x3 SCI Torus network, and it support these SUB-modules scinode1∼ scinode9 reset and clk and global_cnt signals to synchronous the SUB-modules to simplify the overall design. u proj2.wfc: VSS simulation result that is the same as the ModelSim simulation result. u Pro2_2.wfc: VSS simulation result of another test pattern can’t cause overflow situation.
标签: scinode1 scinode details 2DFFT
上传时间: 2014-12-02
his folder contains the following files: 1. 02490rxP802-15_SG3a-Channel-Modeling-SUBcommittee-Report-Final.doc: This is the final report of the channel modeling SUB-committee. 2. cmx_imr.csv (x=1, 2, 3, and 4) represent the files containing the actual 100 channel realizations for CM1, CM2, CM3, and CM4. The columns are organized as (time, amp, time, amp,...) 3. cmx_imr_np.csv (x=1, 2, 3, and 4) represent the files containing the number of paths in each of the 100 multipath realizations. 4. cmx_imr.mat (x=1, 2, 3, and 4) are the .mat files that can be loaded directly into Matlab (TM). 5. *.m files are the Matlab (TM) files used to generate the various channel realizations.
标签: a-Channel-Modeling-SUBcommittee-R following contains folder
上传时间: 2013-12-21
一种基于二维链表的稀疏矩阵模半板类设计 A template Class of sparse matrix. Key technology: bin,2-m linked matrix. constructors: 1.normal constuctor 2.copy constuctor. 3.assignment constructor. Basic operator: 1. addition(SUB) of two matrix 2. inverse of a matrix. 3. multiply of two matrix. etc.
标签: matrix technology template linked
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Wavelets have widely been used in many signal and image processing applications. In this paper, a new serial-parallel architecture for wavelet-based image compression is introduced. It is based on a 4-tap wavelet transform, which is realised using some FIFO memory modules implementing a pixel-level pipeline architecture to compress and decompress images. The real filter calculation over 4 · 4 window blocks is done using a tree of carry save adders to ensure the high speed processing required for many applications. The details of implementing both compressor and decompressor SUB-systems are given. The primarily analysis reveals that the proposed architecture, implemented using current VLSI technologies, can process a video stream in real time.
标签: applications processing Wavelets widely
上传时间: 2014-01-22
基本模型机的设计与实现主要内容: 设计一个较为完整的计算机、并编写一些简单的指令 基本要求: 设计器材: Dais-CMH+/CMH 计算器组成原理教学实验系统一台,实验用扁平线、导线若干。 设计目的: ⒈ 在掌握部件单元电路实验的基础上,进一步将其组成系统地构造一台基本模型计算机。 ⒉ 为其定义5条机器指令,并编写相应的微程序,上机调试掌握整机概念。 实现较为完整的计算机、并编写一些简单的指令。 设计目标: 本次设计将能在微程序控制下自动产生各部件单元的控制信号,实现特定指令的功能。在该试验中采用五条机器指令:IN(输入)、SUB(二进制减法)、STA(存数)、OUT(输出)、JMP(无条件转移),整体实现二进制数连续相减的功能。上机调试实现这五种指令功能。
上传时间: 2014-02-18
initial working phase of the design of said editor, featuring multicasting, advanced linux keyboard handling, SUB-hierarchical expansion, and multiple cursors (similar to the concept found in moonedit). The author respectfully requests your compliance with the GPL
标签: multicasting featuring advanced keyboard
上传时间: 2015-08-27
The source code samples for chapter 2, 4, 6, and 8 are contained in the EvenChapters project. Those chapters all reference various aspects of this single project. The source code for the BullsEye control (chapter 10 example) is in the BullEyeCtl project. The source samples for the other chapters are provided in the Chapter XX SUB-directories.
标签: EvenChapters contained chapter samples
上传时间: 2015-09-07
The Hardware folder contains the following files:- 1) Sram_Interface.bit -----------------> Bitstream File 2) Sram_Interface.ucf -----------------> UCF File 3) Sram_Interface.vhd -----------------> Main Entity 4) Sram_Interface_tb.vhd ------------> Test Bench 5) SRAM_RD_WR.vhd ------------> SUB Module
标签: Sram_Interface following Hardware contains
上传时间: 2014-11-11