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  • This design is a universal register which can be used as a straightforward storage register, a bi-di

    This design is a universal register which can be used as a straightforward storage register, a bi-directional shift register, an up counter and a down counter.

    标签: register straightforward universal storage

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • 8051 monitor programm: - use external ram to run user program - use eeprom to save user program

    8051 monitor programm: - use external ram to run user program - use eeprom to save user program - provide single step debug, can read internal register and ram

    标签: program user use external

    上传时间: 2015-07-11


  • 软件测试新手学习宝典


    标签: 软件测试 宝典

    上传时间: 2015-07-19


  • 本人上传的lpcucosii.rar程序的电路原理图。针对本电路


    标签: lpcucosii 程序 电路原理图

    上传时间: 2014-01-11


  • Design Specification Introduction Goals and Objectives GameForge is a graphical tool used

    Design Specification Introduction Goals and Objectives GameForge is a graphical tool used to aid in the design and creation of video games. It attempts to bring game development down to a level that any computer savvy user can understand, without requiring masterful programming ability. A user with limited Microsoft DirectX and/or Visual C++ programming knowledge will be able to construct a basic, 2-D arcade game. GameForge limits the amount of actual code written by the user, if not eliminating it completely. It will also assist experienced programmers in generating the Microsoft DirectX and Microsoft Windows9x overhead necessary for basic game construction, allowing them to concentrate on more detailed game design issues and implementation.

    标签: Specification Introduction Objectives GameForge

    上传时间: 2013-12-27


  • 一个很不错的风景区售票系统


    标签: 售票系统

    上传时间: 2014-11-23


  • A six people s rushing replies an implement, use some s switches in toggle switch K0 ~ K5 is that ON

    A six people s rushing replies an implement, use some s switches in toggle switch K0 ~ K5 is that ON accomplishes when rushing to reply button , nobody rush to answer, 6 numerical code circulation takes turns at demonstrating 1 ~ 6 (horse races) , who rushes to reply the numerical code stops having a ride on a horse , first, whose serial number, has simultaneous light of 6 numerical codes again afterwards the key presses down. System denies responding to, until this place is OFF batch , the wheel restoring 1 ~ 6 horse races starting time as soon as rushes to answer.

    标签: implement switches rushing replies

    上传时间: 2013-12-27


  • 1.MyIE开源工程协议 MyIE开源工程遵循GNU通用公共许可证GPL(GNU General Public License)开发,任何人都可以永久免费安装使用,在你下载和使用MyIE源代码前,请

    1.MyIE开源工程协议 MyIE开源工程遵循GNU通用公共许可证GPL(GNU General Public License)开发,任何人都可以永久免费安装使用,在你下载和使用MyIE源代码前,请阅读并同意这个许可(http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html),中文版本(http://www.morequick.com/down/gpl_chs.htm). 2.工程编译提示 如果你使用的是VC++6,你需要更新2个头文件,请从这里下载: http://www.morequick.com/down/hfile.zip,然后将2个头文件"tlogstg.h" 和 "exdisp.h"放到VC++的头文件目录,如: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include".

    标签: MyIE GNU General License

    上传时间: 2015-09-01


  • WSD V6.07,配合keil使用

    WSD V6.07,配合keil使用,,将程序down入单片机。

    标签: 6.07 keil WSD

    上传时间: 2014-01-08


  • 使用到的参数跟谈到弹性网络的那一章里头所讲的是一样的

    使用到的参数跟谈到弹性网络的那一章里头所讲的是一样的, ke 则是终止条件。如果 step 被打勾,则程式在每一步之间会暂停 100毫秒(或其他使用者输入的数值)。如果 Random 被打勾,则程式会以系统时间作为乱数产生器的种子数,否则,就以使用者输入的数( Random 右边那一格)为种子数。 你可以利用 load 来载入推销员问题档与其最佳解,如此便可比较弹性网络所找出来的解与最佳解差了多少。 Central, Radius, and Error 这三个参数的前两个,只影响弹性网络的起使位置和大小,对求解没有影响。第三个参数代表城市与网络点之间的容忍距离,也就是说,如果某城市与某网络点之间的距离,小于容忍距离,那就把这个城市当成是被该网络点所拜访。 按下小 w按钮会将目前的结果与参数值写到“en.out”这个档案。使得我们可以很方便地来比较不同参数的效果。

    标签: 参数 弹性 网络

    上传时间: 2013-12-17
