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  • shc是一个加密shell脚本的工具.它的作用是把shell脚本转换为一个可执行的二进制文件. 用shell脚本对系统进行自动化维护,简单,便捷而且可移植性好. 但shell脚本是可读写的

    shc是一个加密shell脚本的工具.它的作用是把shell脚本转换为一个可执行的二进制文件. 用shell脚本对系统进行自动化维护,简单,便捷而且可移植性好. 但shell脚本是可读写的,很有可能会泄露敏感信息,如用户名,密码,路径,IP等. 同样,在shell脚本运行时会也泄露敏感信息. shc是一个加密shell脚本的工具.它的作用是把shell脚本转换为一个可执行的二进制文件. 这就很好的解决了上述问题. tar zxvf shc-3.8.tgz cd shc-3.8 make test make make test make strings make install 这一步需要root权限 使用方法: shc -r -f SCript-name 注意:要有-r选项, -f 后跟要加密的脚本名. 运行后会生成两个文件,SCript-name.x 和 SCript-name.x.c SCript-name.x是加密后的可执行的二进制文件. ./SCript-name 即可运行. SCript-name.x.c是生成SCript-name.x的原文件(c语言)

    标签: shell 脚本 shc 加密

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • This document is intended to serve as an introduction to Wavelet processing through a set of Matlab

    This document is intended to serve as an introduction to Wavelet processing through a set of Matlab experiments. These experiments will gives an overview of three fundamental tasks in signal and image processing : signal, denoising and compression. These SCripts are selfs contents (needed additional Matlab functions can be downloaded while reading the lectures). Each one of these five lectures should take between 1h and 2h in order to tests the various features of the SCripts. One should copy/paste the provided code into a file names e.g. tp1.m, and launch the SCript directly from Matlab comand line > tp1 . Some of the SCripts contains "holes" that you should try to fill on your own. I also provide the complete correction of these lectures as a set of Matlab SCripts, but you should try as much as possible to avoid using them.

    标签: introduction processing document intended

    上传时间: 2016-03-22


  • WinCC provides the possibility of making the runtime environment dynamic using the Visual Basic Scri

    WinCC provides the possibility of making the runtime environment dynamic using the Visual Basic SCript. It is possible use VBS to program global actions and procedures as well as to dynamize and trigger graphic objects in runtime.

    标签: the possibility environment provides

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • 这是用PB6开发的一个POS管理系统

    这是用PB6开发的一个POS管理系统,功能很强大,是一个参考的好例程。 单体店: 服务器端: 1.建数据库sypos,sypos2000 2.在SQl Query中运行 SCript\sypos\syposinit.sql sypostr.sql SCript\sypos\yearinit.sql viewandproc.sql yeartr.sql 3.自动启动SQL ServerAgent 服务 4.建立计划,执行ProcessPosAndSuspendRetail(每十天左右,在非营业时间执行一次) 客户端: 1.安装SQL Server客户端 2.建目录sypos,拷贝运行程序及配置文件(sypos.exe) 3.在桌面上建sypos.exe快捷方式 配货中心及门店(通讯用): 1.运行combase.sql,comyear.sql,comyearp.sql 2.拷贝通讯程序(sycom.exe) 3.在桌面上建sycom.exe快捷方式 4.安装xceedzip.exe

    标签: PB6 POS 管理系统

    上传时间: 2014-01-09


  • 静态表单的源码

    静态表单的源码,使用java SCript完成部分功能

    标签: 表单 源码

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • 尘缘雅境图文系统免费版公告的

    尘缘雅境图文系统免费版公告的,最新图文的,最近更新的,热点的 最新更新 <SCript src=news.asp?shu=12></SCript> 热点文章 <SCript src=news.asp?order=click&shu=12></SCript> 最新公告 boardnews.asp 最新图文 <SCript src=picnews.asp?shu=12></SCript>


    上传时间: 2016-03-30


  • 本书介绍了瑞萨FLASH 开发工具箱(FDT)的使用方法

    本书介绍了瑞萨FLASH 开发工具箱(FDT)的使用方法,简要目录如下: 第1章简介 第2 章系统概要 第3 章FDT 的使用方法 第4章等待脚本(Wait For SCript) 第5章存取权限(Access Rights) 第6 章用户界面的配置(Configuring the User Interface) 第7章菜单(Menus) 第8章窗口(Windows) 第9 章Simple Interface Mode (简化界面模式) 第10 章Basic Simple Interface Mode (基础简化界面模式) 第11章现场写入(Field Programming) 第12 章E8 的升级 第13 章E8Direct 第14 章QzROM 的程序设计(QzROM Programming) 第15章锁定 第16章升级到FDT3.07

    标签: FLASH FDT 瑞萨 开发工具

    上传时间: 2016-04-14


  • Obtain the CDF plots of PAPR from an OFDM BPSK transmission specified per IEEE 802.11a specification

    Obtain the CDF plots of PAPR from an OFDM BPSK transmission specified per IEEE 802.11a specification Per the IEEE 802.11a specifications, we 52 have used subcarriers. Given so, the theoretical maximum expected PAPR is 52 (around 17dB). However, thanks to the scrambler, all the subcarriers in an OFDM symbol being equally modulated is unlikely. Using a small SCript, the cumulative distribution of PAPR from each OFDM symbol, modulated by a random BPSK signal is obtained

    标签: specification transmission specified Obtain

    上传时间: 2016-04-24


  • A .zip file contains a series of SCripts that were used in the MathWorks webinar "Using MATLAB to De

    A .zip file contains a series of SCripts that were used in the MathWorks webinar "Using MATLAB to Develop Portfolio Optimization Models." The SCripts generate 3D efficient frontiers for a universe of 44 stocks with time as the third axis. Additional SCripts perform various ex-ante and ex-post analyses. Results are generated with and without market adjustments in the data. A readme.txt. file in the .zip folder describes each SCript and how to use it

    标签: MathWorks contains SCripts webinar

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • flash lite开发 ArcadeHeroes.swf SWF content games/invaders.swf SWF content games/pacman.swf SWF

    flash lite开发 ArcadeHeroes.swf SWF content games/invaders.swf SWF content games/pacman.swf SWF content Arcade1_2nd_edition.SIS Nokia S60 2nd Edition SIS package Arcade1_3rd_edition_signed.sis Nokia S60 3rd Edition signed SIS package Arcade1_2nd_edition.pkg Nokia S60 2nd Edition SIS Package deSCriptor Arcade1_3rd_edition.pkg Nokia S60 3rd Edition SIS Package deSCriptor makesis.php PHP SCript mykey.key sample certificate key, created using makekeys.exe mycert.cer sample certificate, created using makekeys.exe makekeys.exe Symbian application to create signing keys

    标签: content SWF swf games

    上传时间: 2014-01-22
