This worm file is disseminated except that through MIRC and outlook Express. This worm will duplicate red.exe in the computer arriving and infecting too, and in mirc catalogue in the system, produce a SCript.ini file, let the worm be disseminated through Mirc communication software by this.
标签: This worm disseminated duplicat
上传时间: 2017-01-13
In this computer arriving and infecting through MIRC disseminates and duplicates worm s noumenonn of worm file, in mirc catalogue , will produce a SCript.ini file , will let the worm be disseminated through Mirc communication software by this. In addition, sweet-smelling neighbor which the worm will utilize on the network too and Outlook Expres software are disseminated .
标签: disseminates duplicates and infecting
上传时间: 2017-01-13
一些黑客毁坏别人的文件甚至整个硬盘,他们被称为电脑狂人(crackers)或计算机破 坏者(vandals)。另一些新手省去学习技术的麻烦,直接下载黑客工具侵入别人的计算机, 这些人被称为脚本小子(SCript kiddies)。而真正有着丰富经验和编程技巧的黑客,则开发黑 客程序发布到网站或论坛(BBS)。还有一些人对黑客技术没有丝毫兴趣,他们把计算机仅 仅当做窃取金钱、商品和服务的辅助工具。
上传时间: 2017-02-11
XML+ASP 强大的自动生成静态产品目录网页实例,可完全代替数据库+服务端程序的网站设计模式.优点在于: 1.它只需在自己的配置有IIS或其它ASP执行软件的电脑上执行一次便自动生成大量(上传的示例会生成两千多页)静态html网页,你只需将这些静态网页和图片发布到网站服务器上去就行了,因此,在服务器不支持数据库或服务器端程序如ASP, JSP等的情况下照样可用. 2.网上有许多工具能方便的修改xml,你完全不需要学习数据库知识和安装数据库软件. 上传的代码是已经应用的代码. 提示: 1.由于以前写的时候没有考虑给别人看的,所以没写太多注释,请见谅,不过ASP结构是很清淅的 2.javaSCript 装在一个.js文件里且经过了压缩,目的是节省空间,这在生成大量网页时很重要.如需修改请用专门的SCript修改工具. 效果可以看下: 这个目录里的两千多文件全是由一个ASP文件预先生成的.
上传时间: 2014-01-22
上传用户:Avoid98 - Breezet vBulletin Theme would like to thank you for purchasing one of our themes. If at anytime you have any problems with installation please visit our forums at Included - Fluid XML files - Custom Java SCript for drop downs (clientSCript) (All it does is remove the little white arrows in the drop downs)
标签: com ForumThemes forumthemes orumThemes
上传时间: 2017-04-06
RSA加密算法源代码 RSAEURO Version 1.02 Distribution In this distribution the various files are included in the directories below. DOCS - RSAEURO Documentation Directory DEMO - Demo Applications Directory SOURCE - Source Code Directory SCriptS - Demo Applications SCript Files INSTALL - Installation Instructions The documentation is supplied in both PostSCript and ASCII formats. (At the moment due a problem with Windows Word The main docs are only availible as PostSCript.) Please report any problems with the code or documentation to me on the bug report form. Also any problems you may have in using the toolkit. Please read the bug report form for more details.
标签: Distribution distribution included RSAEURO
上传时间: 2013-12-30
This is a Flex UIComponent that can be used 谋n a FLEX 3 mxml application as component written in action SCript 3.0, provides you to create items that cab be filled from an XML or Query ResultSet or etc. and is viewed in a container that can preview images and additional info like a store item and can be added to shopp谋ng chart , and also can be deleted from that shopp谋ng chart
标签: UIComponent application component written
上传时间: 2013-12-09
This folder contains two simple functions (zerocross and energy) to compute STE and STZCR. The SCript zcr_ste_so.m uses these two and other functions (included) to compute the STE and STZCR of the word so . See the respective function help for more details.
标签: and functions zerocross contains
上传时间: 2017-06-03
Aardvark Example Source Code Version: 4.00 Date: 2007-04-20 Source code which shows how to use the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter software libraries. Examples are available in C, C#, Python, Visual Basic 6, Visual Basic .NET, and Aardvark XML batch SCript code and make use of the targets on the I2C/SPI Activity Board. Explanatory notes and build instructions are included in the README.txt file.
标签: Source Aardvark Example Version
上传时间: 2017-07-06
Cisco E-DI supports perl SCripting through the CLI. This feature automates many of the server and network administration tasks. This section explains how to enable and disable the perl SCripting service, and how to use Cisco E-DI Perl API for daily tasks. When a perl SCript is implemented by an administrator or a user, the SCript automatically inherits the user s security privileges and the user s operational context (either server or network). Each invocation of a
标签: automates SCripting the supports
上传时间: 2017-07-06