FlashEd 0.2 是个游戏引擎包,不过和Gamepackage不同的是: FlashEd is a 3d engine 只要功能如下: • Multiple Cameras • Collision Control • Rendering Effects • Gravity • Polygon Animation • Rounded Objects Rendering • Linkable Cameras And Objects • Shooting Control • Active Zone Control
上传时间: 2015-06-10
The creation of believable and endearing characters in computer graphics presents a number of technical challenges, including the modeling, animation and Rendering of complex shapes such as heads, hands, and clothing.
标签: believable characters endearing creation
上传时间: 2014-01-23
Jitter is extremely important in systems using PLL-based clock drivers. The effects of jitter range from not having any effect on system operation to Rendering the system completely non-functional. This application note provides the reader with a clear understanding of jitter in high-speed systems. It introduces the reader to various kinds of jitter in high-speed systems, their causes and their effects, and methods of reducing jitter. This application note will concentrate on jitter in PLL-based frequency synthesizers.
标签: extremely PLL-based important drivers
上传时间: 2014-11-25
For advanced geometry, most apps will prefer to load pre-authored meshes from a file. Fortunately, when using meshes, D3DX does most of the work for this, parsing a geometry file and creating vertx buffers for us. This tutorial shows how to use a D3DXMESH object, including loading it from a file and Rendering it. One thing D3DX does not handle for us is the materials and textures for a mesh, so note that we have to handle those manually.
标签: pre-authored Fortunately advanced geometry
上传时间: 2013-12-26
To review what a metaball is, and how to render them and to describe a new optimization I ve made for Rendering metaballs. For complex scenes, it can render hundreds of times faster, though I m certain others have discovered this trick as well. It does very slightly change the characteristic shape of the blobs, but there is no loss in image quality whatsoever. (I actually developed all this about two years ago, but just now felt like writing it all down, and had the time!)
标签: optimization and metaball describe
上传时间: 2013-12-27
An interactive water fountain. A realistic water source in your pocket with full control. Controls: UP/DOWN - go closer/further LEFT/RIGHT - rotate # - stop rotation 1/7 - rotate camera up/down 3/9 - change water pressure 4/6 - change water Rendering complexity 2/8 - ascend/descend 0 - bullet time 5 - 25 FPS limiter on/off * - HUD on/off
标签: water interactive realistic fountain
上传时间: 2013-12-19
An interesting paper about hypertextures for modelling furry structures, clouds and fire in volume Rendering.
标签: hypertextures interesting structures modelling
上传时间: 2017-06-03
Multiagent system programmed using Java with Jason to simulate player interactivity in an MMORPG. Multithreaded & Rendering done using openGL jOGL.
标签: interactivity Multiagent programmed simulate
上传时间: 2017-06-29
A few years ago I became interested in first person shooter games and in particular how the world levels are created and rendered in real time. At the same time I found myself in between jobs and so I embarked on an effort to learn about 3D Rendering with the goal of creating my own 3D Rendering engine. Since I am a developer and not an artist I didn’t have the skills to create my own models, levels, and textures. So I decided to attempt to write a Rendering engine that would render existing game levels. I mainly used information and articles I found on the web about Quake 2, Half Life, WAD and BSP files. In particular I found the Michael Abrash articles that he wrote for Dr. Dobbs magazine while working at Id to be very illuminating.
标签: interested particular shooter became
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Boost C++ Libraries Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries Boost C++ Libraries 基本上是一個免費的 C++ 的跨平台函式庫集合,基本上應該可以把它視為 C++ STL 的功能再延伸;他最大的特色在於他是一個經過「同行評審」(peer review,可參考維基百科)、開放原始碼的函式庫,而且有許多 Boost 的函式庫是由 C++ 標準委員會的人開發的,同時部分函式庫的功能也已經成為 C++ TR1 (Technical Report 1,參考維基百科)、TR2、或是 C++ 0x 的標準了。 它的官方網站是:http://www.boost.org/,包含了 104 個不同的 library;由於他提供的函式庫非常地多,的內容也非常地多元,根據官方的分類,大致上可以分為下面這二十類: 字串和文字處理(String and text processing) 容器(Containers) Iterators 演算法(Algorithms) Function objects and higher-order programming 泛型(Generic Programming) Template Metaprogramming Preprocessor Metaprogramming Concurrent Programming 數學與數字(Math and numerics) 正確性與測試(Correctness and testing) 資料結構(Data structures) 影像處理(Image processing) 輸入、輸出(Input/Output) Inter-language support 記憶體(Memory) 語法分析(Parsing) 程式介面(Programming Interfaces) 其他雜項 Broken compiler workarounds 其中每一個分類,又都包含了一個或多個函式庫,可以說是功能相當豐富。
上传时间: 2015-05-15