I. Introduction This code exploits a previously undisclosed vulnerability in the bit string decoding code in the Microsoft ASN.1 library. This vulnerability is not related to the bit string vulnerability described in eEye advisory AD20040210-2. Both vulnerabilities were fixed in the MS04-007 patch. II. Screenshots $ ./kill-bill.pl . kill-bill : Microsoft ASN.1 remote exploit for CAN-2003-0818 (MS04-007) by Solar Eclipse <solareclipse@phreedom.org> Usage: kill-bill -p <Port> -s <service> host Services: iis IIS HTTP server (Port 80) iis-ssl IIS HTTP server with SSL (Port 443) exchange Microsoft Exchange SMTP server (Port 25) smb-nbt SMB over NetBIOS (Port 139) smb SMB (Port 445) If a service is running on its default Port you don t have to specify both the service and the Port. Examples: kill-bill -s iis kill-bill -p 80 kill-bill -p 1234 -s smb
标签: I. vulnerability Introduction undisclosed
上传时间: 2015-05-15
graspForth is my humble attempt at a Forth-in-C that has the following goals: GCC ......... to supPort all 32-bit micros that GCC cross-compiles to. Relocatable . to be able to run in-place in either Flash or Ram. Fast ........ to be "not much" slower than an assembly based native Forth. Small ....... to fit-in approx 300 words in less than 25Kbytes on a 32-bit machine. Portable .... to achieve a 5 minute Port to a new 32bit micro-processor, or micro-controller.
标签: graspForth Forth-in-C following attempt
上传时间: 2015-05-23
Simple SunPlus SP54 codec converter and a more playable mode MJPG. untar the archive go to the relevant directory to compile: just do make to install: with root account cp sp54convert /usr/local/bin to use: sp54convert infile outfile Enjoy !! Michel Xhaard <mxhaard@users.sourceforge.net> Till Adam <till@hubbahubba.de> Windows Port: Piotr Pawlow <pp@siedziba.pl>
标签: converter the playable SunPlus
上传时间: 2013-12-30
一个uC/OS-II的simplest edition,并赋有x86的Port
上传时间: 2013-12-31
Micro In-System Programmer Brief Installation Notes Enter the src directory. If uisp does not compile successfully, add switch -DNO_DIRECT_IO in the Makefile to remove supPort for direct I/O Port access (that may be necessary on non-PC architectures). Parallel Port access should still work if you have the Linux ppdev driver (patch for 2.2.17 is in the kernel directory, ppdev is standard in 2.4 kernels). Please lobby Alan Cox to include this tiny little driver in 2.2.x too :). To make it type: make and to install it: make install If you have any further doubts, please consult UISP s homepage: http://www.nongnu.org/uisp/
标签: Installation Programmer In-System directory
上传时间: 2013-12-23
中国移动MISC 1.6 Provision Java API 直接使用HttpServer的方式实现,不需要任何其它API,不需要Apache,IIS,Tomcat等Web服务器,直接实现底层. 运行环境 Windows/Linux JDK 1.4.2 演示程序 1) sync.bat 正向订购同步演示 java -classpath "smsfan-provision.jar" net.smsfan.provision.example.SyncOrderExample 80 provision 其中参数: 80 Port,为HttpServer的端口号 provision serviceName,为服务名称 程序初始化成功后,misc网关访问URL:http://serverip:Port/serviceName 即可提交正向同步数据 2) subs.bat 反向订购/取消接口演示 java -classpath "smsfan-provision.jar" net.smsfan.provision.example.SubscribeExample 其中参数: url,为Misc网关的反向订购/取消接口地址
标签: HttpServer API Provision Apache
上传时间: 2013-12-05
DOS串口终端程序( 本软件为在DOS下使用超级终端的用户专门设计 功能说明: 1.DOS下使用,功能类似于WINDOWS的超级终端 2.支持COM1,COM2 3.支持波特率2400,4800,9600(缺省),19200,38400,57600,115200 4.支持Xmodem文件传输协议,,Asm,Com Port
上传时间: 2014-01-12
用于motorala 68K系列处理器的小实时多任务操作系统 The OMU Kernel was written to provide a cut-down Unix-like O/S for a home-made 6809-based home computer built by me, Steven Hosgood, in the early 1980s. This package contains the RTOS version of omu68k, derived from a Port of the original 6809 code to the 68000 done by Terry Barnaby and me.
标签: Unix-like motorala cut-down provide
上传时间: 2014-01-21
上传时间: 2014-11-27
上传时间: 2015-07-16