我 Porting 的 uC/OS-II V2.84 (目前Micrium)最新版之 Keil C51 工程,专供给 8051 上做任务调度,我已将 Code Size 改小至 4000 Byte,对于 X-Ram 的用量也仅 160 Byte(于 Keil C51 V8.08a 下编译后).我在 Main.c 内创建了两个任务调度的 LED 闪烁程序,方便了解任务是如何被创建的,同时我也在 Keil C51 的 Project 内设好了 Simulator 模式及 Port 1 窗视可即时的观测这两个任务调度情况.
标签: Porting Micrium OS-II 2.84
上传时间: 2015-12-14
Welcome to the software files for the ADS8361 to TMS320F2812! There are two project files in each of the folders McBSP, SPI and Both. Mode II and IV are explored using the McBSP Port alone, as well as the SPI Port. These projects are located in the SPI and McBSP folders. Modes I and III are explored using both McBSP and SPI. In Mode I, the M0 and M1 pins are controlled by use of the jumper on the evaluation module. A0 is controlled by the DX pin of the McBSP Port. In Mode III, the A0, M0 and M1 pins are controlled via GPIO functions of PortF. The "SRC", "CMD" and "INCLUDE" files in the archive are from "C28x Peripheral Examples in C" (document # SPRC097). If you have questions about this or other Data Converter products, feel free to e-mail us at:
标签: files the software Welcome
上传时间: 2015-12-16
原本.net1.1都是采用justinIO.cs的,它调用的是winAPI,可能存在不同设备的兼容性问题。现在.net2直接在system.io.Port下面有serialPort了,这样可以直接用。 鉴于.net2和.netCF2对于threading有不同的用法,所以两个版本都做了,分别是PC+.net2和wm5sp+.netcf2的。 由于smartphone的蓝牙都是默认com6和com7的,所以如果这个程序大家想用作蓝牙串行,在你们的桌面端蓝牙配置的时候要注意把虚拟串口重新定义到com6。具体做法以IVT Bluesoleil为例子,装好蓝牙驱动程序以后,会在设备管理器里面多出几个串行口;而IVT默认的串行口是com10/11,这样就要把设备管理器com10/11的高级属性里面的端口重新强制定义到com6/7,这样就可以了。因为我做蓝牙串行,所以程序代码中都采用了COM6, 9600, 8, N, 1 的通信格式。 本论坛也有cpp的smartphone串行程序,大家可以搜索一下。那个也不错,我调试的时候smartphone采用这个来调试的。
上传时间: 2014-01-19
The PCI Utilities package contains a library for Portable access to PCI bus configuration registers and several utilities based on this library. In runs on the following systems: Linux (via /sys/bus/pci, /proc/bus/pci or i386 Ports) FreeBSD (via /dev/pci) NetBSD (via libpci) OpenBSD (via /dev/pci) GNU/kFreeBSD (via /dev/pci) Solaris/i386 (direct Port access) Aix (via /dev/pci and odmget) GNU Hurd (direct Port access) Windows (direct Port access)
标签: configuration PCI Utilities registers
上传时间: 2016-01-20
FIFO电路(first in,first out),内部藏有16bit×16word的Dual Port RAM,依次读出已经写入的数据。因为不存在Address输入,所以请自行设计内藏的读写指针。由FIFO电路输出的EF信号(表示RAM内部的数据为空)和FF信号(表示RAM内部的数据为满)来表示RAM内部的状态,并且控制FIFO的输入信号WEN(写使能)和REN(读使能)。以及为了更好得控制FIFO电路,AEF(表示RAM内部的数据即将空)信号也同时输出。
上传时间: 2016-02-06
μC/OS-II Goals Probably the most imPortant goal of μC/OS-II was to make it backward compatible with μC/OS (at least from an application’s standpoint). A μC/OS Port might need to be modified to work with μC/OS-II but at least, the application code should require only minor changes (if any). Also, because μC/OS-II is based on the same core as μC/OS, it is just as reliable. I added conditional compilation to allow you to further reduce the amount of RAM (i.e. data space) needed by μC/OS-II. This is especially useful when you have resource limited products. I also added the feature described in the previous section and cleaned up the code. Where the book is concerned, I wanted to clarify some of the concepts described in the first edition and provide additional explanations about how μC/OS-II works. I had numerous requests about doing a chapter on how to Port μC/OS and thus, such a chapter has been included in this book for μC/OS-II.
标签: OS-II compatible imPortant Probably
上传时间: 2013-12-02
SDRAM 参考设计:主要包括The following figure shows a high-level block diagram for this reference design followed by a brief description of each sub-section. The design consists of: · PowerPC processor · PLB-OPB bridge · BlockRAM Memory Controller · SDRAM Controller · Two GPIO Ports · A UART Port · External SDRAM
标签: high-level following reference diagram
上传时间: 2013-12-15
练习并掌握多任务实时操作系统下Task 调度、Task 间主要通信手段(信号量、消息队列等)、RISC 处理器 I/O 端口控制等内容,并形成嵌入式实时应用软件的良好编程习惯。创建多Task,为每个Task 创建私有的Message Queue,每个Task 只通过自己的私有Message Queue 接收消息;Task 间消息通信通过向对方私有MessageQueue 发送消息完成。 Task1:管理Task。负责系统启动时同步系统中其他Task 的启动同步,利用信号量的semFlush()完成。同时接收各Task 的告警信息,告警信息需编号以logmsg 方式输出。本task 负责系统结束时的Task 删除处理。 Task2:console 命令行接收Task。接收并分析console 发来的命令行及参数。自行设置5 种以上命令,并根据命令的内容向Task3 或/及Task4 发送激励消息。同时实现系统退出命令,使系统采用适当方式安全退出。收到非法命令向Task1告警。 Task3:Led 控制Task。接收Led 控制消息(命令),自定义Led 显示方式表现命令执行情况。本task 应负责led 相关I/O Port 初始化。收到非法led 控制命令向Task1 告警。 Task4:console 输出Task。接收需打印输出的字串消息(命令),输出到console。收到长度为0 或超常字串向Task1 告警。
上传时间: 2016-04-12
C8051程序, writes text to the serial Port of the 8052,用keil编译
上传时间: 2016-04-15
This little Program allows you to send commands to the CardReader (CT-BCS) or to the Card itself. First you will be ask to what Port the Reader is connected (0=COM1, 1=COM2). Then the Class-Byte (CLA), Instruction-Byte (INS), Parameter 1 (P1), Parameter 2 (P2). If wou don愒 want to send Parameter 3 (P3) press Ctrl-d (^d). If you enter a number then you have to the Bytes of the Datafield. After the last Byte of the Datafield is entered the whole APDU is send the replay is displayed. After that you can send the next APDU.
标签: CardReader the commands to
上传时间: 2016-04-23