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  • JXTA——Java P2P网络编程技术,最近

    JXTA——Java P2P网络编程技术,最近,P2P(Peer-to-Peer)又成为了因特网上的一个热点。P2P是因特网的一种应用模式,其意思是指网络上的任何设备(包括大型机、PC机、PDA、手机、机顶盒等等)都可以平等地直接进行连接并进行协作。想比当前因特网上主流的应用模式Client/Server或者Client/Service而言,P2P具有自己鲜明的特点和优势。(这也是我对它着迷的地方。

    标签: JXTA Java P2P 网络

    上传时间: 2015-10-15


  • Java & XML 2nd Edition New chapters on Advanced SAX, Advanced DOM, SOAP and data binding, as well

    Java & XML 2nd Edition New chapters on Advanced SAX, Advanced DOM, SOAP and data binding, as well as new examples throughout, bring the second edition of Java & XML thoroughly up to date. Except for a concise introduction to XML basics, the book focuses entirely on using XML from Java applications. It s a worthy companion for Java developers working with XML or involved in messaging, web services, or the new Peer-to-Peer movement

    标签: Advanced chapters Edition binding

    上传时间: 2014-07-26


  • Professional Android Application Development,英文,内容详尽,适合进阶 Chapter 1: Hello, Android . . . . . . . .

    Professional Android Application Development,英文,内容详尽,适合进阶 Chapter 1: Hello, Android . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Chapter 2: Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Chapter 3: Creating Applications and Activities . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 4: Creating User Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Chapter 5: Intents, Broadcast Receivers, Adapters, and the Internet113 Chapter 6: Data Storage, Retrieval, and Sharing . . . . . . . . . .. . Chapter 7: Maps, Geocoding, and Location-Based Services . . . . . .. Chapter 8: Working in the Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 9: Peer-to-Peer Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Chapter 10: Accessing Android Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 11: Advanced Android Development . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    标签: Android Professional Application Development

    上传时间: 2013-12-12


  • Performance Comparison of Two On-Demand Routing Protocols Depends on Traffic Density by Using UWB-IR

    Performance Comparison of Two On-Demand Routing Protocols Depends on Traffic Density by Using UWB-IR as Pyhisical and MAC Layer at Outdoor Peer to Peer Sensor Network

    标签: Performance Comparison On-Demand Protocols

    上传时间: 2017-05-28


  • java语言开发的P2P流媒体系统

    java语言开发的P2P流媒体系统,“Stream-2-Stream implements multicast+, a next generation streaming protocol. Multicast+ is more efficient and requires less bandwidth than direct streaming (e.g. shoutcast/icecast). Stream-2-Stream (abbreviated "s2s" or "S2S") stations have no user limit stations can be set up without paying a fortune for bandwidth. Stream-2-Stream saves bandwidth by passing streams from one peer to another through multicast and unicast p2p, rather than everyone getting a stream from one central server (Shoutcast/Icecast). ”更多:http://s2s.sourceforge.net/about.php

    标签: java P2P 语言 流媒体系统

    上传时间: 2016-01-09


  • Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. We emphasize libraries that work

    Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. We emphasize libraries that work well with the C++ Standard Library. Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable across a broad spectrum of applications. The Boost license encourages both commercial and non-commercial use. We aim to establish "existing practice" and provide reference implementations so that Boost libraries are suitable for eventual standardization. Ten Boost libraries are already included in the C++ Standards Committee s Library Technical Report (TR1) as a step toward becoming part of a future C++ Standard. More Boost libraries are proposed for the upcoming TR2. Boost works on almost any modern operating system, including UNIX and Windows variants. Follow the Getting Started Guide to download and install Boost. Popular Linux and Unix distributions such as Fedora, Debian, and NetBSD include pre-built Boost packages. Boost may also already be available on your organization s internal web server.

    标签: libraries peer-reviewed emphasize provides

    上传时间: 2016-12-05


  • jxta中的peer


    标签: jxta peer

    上传时间: 2014-01-20


  • 基于jxta的peer端和peer组发现源代码


    标签: peer jxta 发现 源代码

    上传时间: 2013-12-28


  • Behavior Analysis and Game Theory Modeling in a Peer Code Review Process - v1.doc

    Behavior Analysis and Game Theory Modeling in a Peer Code Review Process - v1.doc

    标签: Behavior Analysis Modeling Process

    上传时间: 2016-08-19


  • jxta聊天和文件获取 可以和列表中的peer通信

    jxta聊天和文件获取 可以和列表中的peer通信,并下载文件

    标签: jxta peer 通信

    上传时间: 2016-12-13
