The MAX481E, MAX483E, MAX485E, MAX487E–MAX491E, and MAX1487E are low-power transceivers for RS-485 and RS-422 communications in harsh environments. Each driver output and receiver input is protected against ±15kV electrostatic discharge (ESD) shocks, without latchup. These parts contain one driver and one receiver. The MAX483E, MAX487E, MAX488E, and MAX489E feature reduced slewrate drivers that minimize EMI and reduce reflections caused by improperly terminated cables, thus allowing error-free data transmission up to 250kbps. The driver slew rates of the MAX481E, MAX485E, MAX490E, MAX491E, and MAX1487E are not limited, allowing them to transmit up to 2.5Mbps.
标签: MAX transceivers 485 low-power
上传时间: 2013-12-22
数据加密程序 p macro buf lea dx,buf mov ah,9 int 21h endm data segment pp db 0dh,0ah, welcome you to run this programme!$ qq db 0dh,0ah, when you input number,press enter.$ qw db 0dh,0ah, 6eh,52h,94h,52h,$ qa db 0dh,0ah, $ info1 db 0dh,0ah,0dh, input number:$ info2 db 0dh,0ah, output number:$ bufa db 20
上传时间: 2013-12-24
Snefru is a cryptographic hash function invented by Ralph Merkle which supports 128-bit and 256-bit output.
标签: cryptographic bit function invented
上传时间: 2014-01-13
Top module name : SHIFTER (File name : SHIFTER.v) 2. Input pins: SHIFT [3:0], IN [15:0], SIGN, RIGHT. 3. Output pins: OUT [15:0]. 4. Input signals generated from test pattern are latched in one cycle and are synchronized at clock rising edge. 5. The SHIFT signal describes the shift number. The shift range is 0 to 15. 6. When the signal RIGHT is high, it shifts input data to right. On the other hand, it shifts input data to left. 7. When the signal SIGN is high, the input data is a signed number and it shifts with sign extension. However, the input data is an unsigned number if the signal SIGN is low. 8. You can only use following gates in Table I and need to include the delay information (Tplh, Tphl) in your design.
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Top module name : SHIFTER (File name : SHIFTER.v) 2. Input pins: SHIFT [3:0], IN [15:0], SIGN, RIGHT. 3. Output pins: OUT [15:0]. 4. Input signals generated from test pattern are latched in one cycle and are synchronized at clock rising edge. 5. The SHIFT signal describes the shift number. The shift range is 0 to 15. 6. When the signal RIGHT is high, it shifts input data to right. On the other hand, it shifts input data to left. 7. When the signal SIGN is high, the input data is a signed number and it shifts with sign extension. However, the input data is an unsigned number if the signal SIGN is low. 8. You can only use following gates in Table I and need to include the delay information (Tplh, Tphl) in your design.
上传时间: 2014-01-20
a Java program that reads in the following values from the standard input device (i.e. Keyboard) and writes its result on the standard output device (i.e. Console/Monitor): Inputs: A: the loan amount in dollars and cents (e.g. 150000.00). r: the net annual interest rate, expressed as an integer (e.g. 10 which means 10%) Y: the number of whole remaining years (for repayment) M: the number of remaining months Output: The program should calculate and output the amount of monthly repayments in dollars and cents as single value (e.g. $840.55)
标签: i.e. following the Keyboard
上传时间: 2013-12-15
Produce Java classes to calculate and display the Poisson probability when input the value of the average (A) arrival rate of customers at some business in the range of 1 to 10. The error message will output when A is out of the range。
标签: the probability calculate Produce
上传时间: 2014-01-10
This code in this directory implements the binary hopfield network.Source code may be found in HOPNET.CPP. A sample training file is H7x8N4.trn. Sample test pattern files are: H7x8D4.TST, H5x8D7.TST,H5x8D7.TST and H5x8D9.TST, Output of the program goes to both the screen and a file, ARCHIVE.LST.
标签: code implements directory hopfield
上传时间: 2013-12-27
im2dat.m is used to convert images to data which can be plotted using the standard MATLAB functions. This is very handy if you have plots on hardcopy and you want to convert them into data that MATLAB can use. The scanned image can be analysed by this function and the output will allow you to perform any calculation/manipulations that MATLAB can perform, e.g. curve fitting.
标签: functions standard convert plotted
上传时间: 2014-12-07
Its functions are: n order within (excluding n) At the same time, 3 and 7 can be integral to all natural and a few of the square root of s, and function as a value to return, the final result s output to file out.dat China.
标签: functions excluding integral within
上传时间: 2016-11-12