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  • In term project, we will take the baseline JPEG codec in ARM-based platform system as an example to

    In term project, we will take the baseline JPEG codec in ARM-based platform system as an example to PRActice the design flow in SoC. We divide the project into three parts, and the goal of each part is described as follow. Part I: Design a baseline JPEG software codec in C/C++ and port it to ARM core,(ARM7TDMI, ARM720T, or ARM922T.) Part II: Make use of virtual prototype to integrate/verify the hardware and software. Part III: Verify your soft IP in target environment.

    标签: ARM-based baseline platform project

    上传时间: 2017-02-15


  • This book is about 3D math, the study of the mathematics behind the geometry of a 3D world. 3D math

    This book is about 3D math, the study of the mathematics behind the geometry of a 3D world. 3D math is related to computational geometry, which deals with solving geometric problems algorithmically. 3D math and computational geometry have applications in a wide variety of fields that use computers to model or reason about the world in 3D, such as graphics, games, simulation, robotics, virtual reality, and cinematography. This book covers theory and PRActice in C++.

    标签: the math mathematics 3D

    上传时间: 2014-01-23


  • Communication+Networks+Economy

    The term economics is generally understood to mean sound management. This is associated with openness, good faith, accurate figures and integrity in company accounts, with transparency ensured through satisfactory standards of good PRActice in relation to investors and the clients who have placed their trust in an organization’s managers.

    标签: Communication Networks Economy

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Digital Transmission

    While teaching classes on digital transmission and mobile communications for undergraduate and graduate students, I was wondering if it would be possible to write a book capable of giving them some insight about the practical meaning of the concepts, beyond the mathematics; the same insight that experience and repetitive contact with the subject are capable to construct; the insight that is capable of build- ing the bridge between the theory and how the theory manifests itself in PRActice.

    标签: Transmission Digital

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB

    MIMO-OFDM is a key technology for next-generation cellular communications (3GPP-LTE, Mobile WiMAX, IMT-Advanced) as well as wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11n), wireless PAN (MB-OFDM), and broadcasting (DAB, DVB, DMB). This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the basic theory and PRActice of wireless channel modeling, OFDM, and MIMO, with MATLAB ? programs to simulate the underlying techniques on MIMO-OFDMsystems.Thisbookisprimarilydesignedforengineersandresearcherswhoare interested in learning various MIMO-OFDM techniques and applying them to wireless communications.

    标签: Communications MIMO-OFDM Wireless MATLAB with

    上传时间: 2020-05-28


  • Opportunistic+Spectrum+Sharing

    Rapid growth of wireless communication services in recent decades has created a huge demand of radio spectrum. Spectrum scarcity and utilization inefficiency limit the development of wireless networks. Cognitive radio is a promising tech- nology that allows secondary users to reuse the underutilized licensed spectrum of primary users. The major challenge for spectrum sharing is to achieve high spectrum efficiency while making non-intrusive access to the licensed bands. This requires in- formation of availability and quality of channel resources at secondary transmitters, however, is difficult to be obtained perfectly in PRActice.

    标签: Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Orthogonal+Frequency+Division+Multiplexing

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing  (OFDM) has been shown to be an effective technique to combat multipath fading in wireless channels. It has been and is going to be used in various wireless communication systems. This book gives a comprehensive introduction on the theory and PRActice of OFDM for wireless communications. 

    标签: Multiplexing Orthogonal Frequency Division

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Sharing+RF+Spectrum

    This book was born from the perception that there is much more to spectrum use and sharing than one sees reflected in publications, whether academic, commercial or political. the former – in good research style – tend towards reductionism and concentrate on specific, detailed aspects. commercial publications tend to empha- size the positive aspects and they tend to put promise above PRActice. Given the ever increasing pace of technology development and recent successes of new wireless technologies, some pundits predict large-scale spectrum scarcity, potentially lead- ing to economic catastrophe. Although economic theory has a hard time explaining recent events that shook the world economy, the notion of spectrum scarcity is intui- tively acceptable, even if not correct or immediately relevant.

    标签: Spectrum Sharing RF

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Simulation of Communication Systems

    Since the first edition of the book was published, the field of modeling and simulation of communication systems has grown and matured in many ways, and the use of simulation as a day-to-day tool is now even more common PRActice. Many new modeling and simulation approaches have been developed in the recent years, many more commercial simulation packages are available, and the evolution of powerful general mathematical applications packages has provided still more options for computer-aided design and analysis. With the current interest in digital mobile communications, a primary area of application of modeling and simulation is now to wireless systems of a different flavor than the traditional ones.

    标签: Communication Simulation Systems of

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • System Requirements Analysis

    The serious study of the PRActice of how to determine the appropriate content of a specification is a seldom-appreciated pastime. Those who have the responsibility to design a product would prefer a greater degree of freedom than permitted by the con- tent of a specification. Many of those who would manage those who would design a product would prefer to allocate all of the project funding and schedule to what they consider more productive labor. These are the attitudes, of course, that doom a project to defeat but they are hard to counter no matter how many times repeated by design engineers and managers. A system engineer who has survived a few of these experiences over a long career may retire and forget the past but we have an endur- ing obligation to work toward changing these attitudes while trying to offer younger system engineers a pathway toward a more sure success in requirements analysis and specification publishing.

    标签: Requirements Analysis System

    上传时间: 2020-06-01
