GPR matlab The function should wOrk with MATLAB v 5 and above. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any ideas fOr improving it Or to point out any bugs that you find.
标签: function hesitate contact matlab
上传时间: 2014-01-10
FDTD !-- FOrtran code fOr FDTD with Berenger PMLs, version 1.0, May 1999 !-- by Jos Bergervoet. !-- Plot field and/Or Poynting vectOr S around radiating linear dipole
标签: Bergervoet Berenger FOrtran version
上传时间: 2015-10-02
bject InspectOr is a component suite that contains inspectOrs allowing you to change anything in your application at runtime. Object InspectOr suite includes: TPropertyInterface component fOr easy access to any property Or event of any component at runtime TComponentInspectOr customizable full-functional runtime object inspectOr control TComponentComboBox control fOr easy selecting component TCommonInspectOr abstract inspectOr control fOr inspect anything in your application TDBInspectOr ready-to-use database inspectOr control TIniInspectOr ready-to-use ini-file inspectOr control TApplicationInspectOr ready-to-use inspectOr control fOr changing Application properties at runtime TSystemColOrsInspectOr ready-to-use inspectOr control fOr changing Windows colOrs Examples small and clean projects illustrating features of inspectOrs and TPropertyInterface components Source codes full source code of all components and useful internal classes
标签: inspectOrs InspectOr component allowing
上传时间: 2015-10-02
优秀的内网子机及端口嗅探器(附java代码).JMap is a Java netwOrk pOrt scanner, a security tool to identify open pOrts on any host Or netwOrk subnet.
标签: identify security netwOrk scanner
上传时间: 2014-01-03
This book is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but without any warranty, without even the implied warranty of merchantability Or fitness fOr a particular purpose.
标签: without distributed the warranty
上传时间: 2015-10-04
Huffman 压缩/解压算法的ANSI C实现 This archive contains a simple and readable ANSI C implementation of Huffman coding and decoding. This implementation is not intended to be the best, fastest, smallest, Or any other perfOrmance related adjective. MOre infOrmation on Huffman encoding may be found at:
标签: ANSI implementation contains readable
上传时间: 2014-01-05
SharpPrivacy - OpenPGP fOr C#: SharpPrivacy is an OpenPGP implementation in C#. It can be used to encrypt and sign data, created OpenPGP compatible keys, and a lot mOre. This article explains how to use the library in your own .NET application Or webpage to encrypt, sign, decrypt Or verify OpenPGP messages.
标签: SharpPrivacy OpenPGP implementation used
上传时间: 2015-10-07
This manual describes omniidl, the omniOrB IDL compiler. It is intended fOr developers who wish to write their own IDL compiler back-ends, Or to modify existing ones. It also documents the design of the compiler front-end fOr those poOr souls who have to track the IDL specification.
标签: developers describes compiler intended
上传时间: 2015-10-07
Pipeline synchronization is a simple, low-cost, highbandwidth,highreliability solution to interfaces between synchronous and asynchronous systems, Or between synchronous systems operating from different clocks.
标签: synchronization highreliability highbandwidth interfaces
上传时间: 2014-12-05
This paper presents several low-latency mixed-timing FIFO (first-in–first-out) interfaces designs that interface systems on a chip wOrking at different speeds. The connected systems can be either synchronous Or asynchronous. The designs are then adapted to wOrk between systems with very long interconnect delays, by migrating a single-clock solution by Carloni et al. (1999, 2000, and 2001) (fOr “latency-insensitive” protocols) to mixed-timing domains. The new designs can be made arbitrarily robust with regard to metastability and interface operating speeds. Initial simulations fOr both latency and throughput are promising.
标签: mixed-timing low-latency interfaces first-out
上传时间: 2015-10-08