A command-line file compression utility fOr Windows NT. It allows you to select files fOr NTFS file compression based on file name (with wild- cards), minimum file size, and/Or a minimum compression ratio. You can also specify file extensions of files to be ignOred. With C++ src
标签: command-line compression fOr Windows
上传时间: 2015-08-27
Procedure TSPSA: begin init-of-T { T为初始温度} S={1,……,n} {S为初始值} termination=false while termination=false begin fOr i=1 to L do begin generate(S′fOrm S) { 从当前回路S产生新回路S′} Δt:=f(S′))-f(S) {f(S)为路径总长} IF(Δt<0) Or (EXP(-Δt/T)>Random-of-[0,1]) S=S′ IF the-halt-condition-is-TRUE THEN termination=true End T_lower End End
标签: Procedure init-of-T TSPSA begin
上传时间: 2013-12-20
When created, this DLL does not expOrt any symbols. As a result, it will not produce a .lib file when it is built. If you wish this project to be a project dependency of some other project, you will either need to add code to expOrt some symbols from the DLL so that an expOrt library will be produced, Or you can check the "doesn t produce lib" checkbox in the Linker settings page fOr this project.
标签: not created symbols produce
上传时间: 2015-09-01
From the Publisher Focus on 2D in Direct3D? teaches you all of the tools and tips you ll need to dive right in and begin creating your own games. If you have some knowledge of C Or C++ and have been searching fOr a guide that will take your 2D programming into the third dimension, then search no mOre! In this book you ll learn the skills you ll need to move from the 2D API to Direct3D. Written from the point of view of a 2D programmer, Focus on 2D in Direct3D presents the fundamentals of the Direct3D API in an easy-to-use-and-understand fOrmat. Get ready to jump into the wOrld of Direct3D!
上传时间: 2015-09-01
This serial client in JAVA allows sending, reading and writing of SMS via a serial COM pOrt. The tool uses the PDU SMS fOrmat. IRDA drivers are included. The functionality can be implemented into applications fOr remote alerting Or SMS authentification.
标签: serial sending reading writing
上传时间: 2013-12-17
LemonSMS is a component developed in Java that provides a turnkey solution fOr application developers to incOrpOrate into their Java applications the functionality of sending and processing of incoming SMS messages. LemonSMS acts as a middleware between a Java application and a GSM Modem Or Data enabled phone. Because LemonSMS only provides an interface to the added SMS functionality, your application still handles access to data and business logic tier. With the easy-to-use LemonSMS API, developers can easily utilize SMS functionalities provided by LemonSMS.
标签: application component developed developer
上传时间: 2013-12-29
This text introduces the spirit and theOry of hacking as well as the science behind it all it also provides some cOre techniques and tricks of hacking so you can think like a hacker, write your own hacks Or thwart potential system attacks. 译作:《黑客入侵的艺术》,也是从朋友的宝箱中搜来的,以前层大致浏览过,是难得一件的好资料。
标签: introduces the hacking science
上传时间: 2013-12-28
NXP示例编码集,Software that is described herein is fOr illustrative purposes only which provides customers with programming infOrmation regarding the products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties. NXP SemiconductOrs assumes no responsibility Or liability fOr the use of the software, conveys no license Or title under any patent, copyright, Or mask wOrk right to the product. NXP SemiconductOrs reserves the right to make changes in the software without notification. NXP SemiconductOrs also make no representation Or warranty that such application will be suitable fOr the specified use without further testing Or modification.
标签: illustrative described Software purposes
上传时间: 2014-01-23
suppOrt vectOr classification machine % soft margin % uses "kernel.m" % % xtrain: (Ltrain,N) with Ltrain: number of points N: dimension % ytrain: (Ltrain,1) containing class labels (-1 Or +1) % xrun: (Lrun,N) with Lrun: number of points N: dimension % atrain: alpha coefficients (from svcm_train on xtrain and ytrain) % btrain: offest coefficient (from svcm_train on xtrain and ytrain) % % ypred: predicted y (Lrun,1) containing class labels (-1 Or +1) % margin: (signed) separation from the separating hyperplane (Lrun,1
标签: classification suppOrt machine Ltrain
上传时间: 2015-09-04
Overview Provides a way to stOre very large collections of email addresses (100,000+ addresses) and efficiently check whether a specific address is contained in a collection. The collection can be created programmatically, Or through a pluggable persistence mechanism. Functionality Maintains large collections of email addresses. Efficiently checks whether an address is in the collection Or not.
标签: addresses collections Overview Provides
上传时间: 2013-12-17