The large-scale deployment of the smart grid (SG) paradigm could play a strategic role in supporting the evolution of conventional electrical grids toward active, flexible and self- healing web energy networks composed of distributed and cooperative energy resources. From a conceptual point of view, the SG is the convergence of information and operational technologies applied to the electric grid, providing sustainable options to customers and improved security. Advances in research on SGs could increase the efficiency of modern electrical power systems by: (i) supporting the massive penetration of small-scale distributed and dispersed generators; (ii) facilitating the integration of pervasive synchronized metering systems; (iii) improving the interaction and cooperation between the network components; and (iv) allowing the wider deployment of self-healing and proactive control/protection paradigms.
标签: Computational Intelligence
上传时间: 2020-06-07
A revolution in power industries, including generation, transmission and distribution, driven by environmental and economic considerations, is taking place all over the world. The smart grid allows for integration of diverse generation and storage options, reduced losses, improved efficiencies, increased grid flexibility, reduced power outages, allowing for competitive electricity pricing and integration of electric vehicles and overall becoming more responsive to market, consumer and societal needs. It is bringing profound changes to both power systems and many related industries.
标签: Measurement Innovative Solutions Testing and
上传时间: 2020-06-07
The large-scale deployment of the smart grid (SG) paradigm could play a strategic role in supporting the evolution of conventional electrical grids toward active, flexible and self- healing web energy networks composed of distributed and cooperative energy resources. From a conceptual point of view, the SG is the convergence of information and operational technologies applied to the electric grid, providing sustainable options to customers and improved security. Advances in research on SGs could increase the efficiency of modern electrical power systems by: (i) supporting the massive penetration of small-scale distributed and dispersed generators; (ii) facilitating the integration of pervasive synchronized metering systems; (iii) improving the interaction and cooperation between the network components; and (iv) allowing the wider deployment of self-healing and proactive control/protection paradigms.
标签: Computational Intelligence
上传时间: 2020-06-10
HRVAS is a complete and self-contained heart rate variability analysis software (HRVAS) package. HRVAS offers several preprocessing options. HRVAS offers time-domeain, freq-domain, time-frequency, and nonlinear HRV analysis. All results can be exported to an Excel file. For processing many files HRVAS offers a bach processing feature. All settings/options can be saved to a .mat file and reloaded for future HRV analysis. Upon starting HRVAS all previously used settings/options are loaded.
标签: HRVAS时频分析
上传时间: 2021-09-19
随着现在高科技的进步,人们的生活水平有了很大的提高。对环境的婴求也越来越高,环境问题开始得到社会的重视。目前,环境监测发展的个重要方向是开发适合中国国情、价格低廉的远程监测系统,而环境监测系统中极为重要的一部分就是如何获得环境参数,只有获得环境参数才能进行后面的分析、决策工作,无线传感器网络能够通过各类集成化的微型传感器协作地实时监测、感知和采集各种环境或监测对象的信息,并传达给用户,具有可快速部署、无人值守,功耗低、成本低等优点,十分适合应用于环境监测系统本文基于 ZisBee协议设计了用于环境监测的无线传感器网络节点,该节点采用超低功耗的MSP430单片机和CC242024G射频芯片,并移植了完全符合 ZigBee2006标准的协议栈,在协议栈上运行自己的脸测程序,能够实时地采集周围环境的温度,湿度和大气压力,并自动校正,将测量的数据通过无线传感器网络传输给下一个节点。该节点体积小,功耗低,并且具有兼容性,能够和不同件平台混合组网,实现应用层的完全致,不但方便了程序开发,而且能使灵活组网,实现zgBe网络的最大优化本文主要对环境监测无线传感器网络的节点的软硬件设计进行了介绍,硬件方面重点介绍了数据采集模块,数据处理模块的接口设计,无线讯模块的板上天线设计、巴伦电路和高频电路设计要点。软件方面重点介绍了测量程序的设计,CC2420无线通讯程序的设计,板上移植的 Z-Stack结构,以及针对环境监测的应用所进行的开发。最后对节点进行了组网实验,将设计节点和CC2430节点故在一起组网,通过 Packet Stiller工具对通讯信息进行监控和解析。实验证明了混合组网的完全可行性,并且通讯良好,信号稳定关键词:无线传感器网络,ZigBee,,环境监测,MSP43,CC2420
上传时间: 2022-03-14
Ansoft公司的Maww2D/3D是一个功能强大、结果精确、易于使用的二维/三维电磁场有限元分析软件。它包括电场、静磁场、涡流场、瞬态场和温度场分析模块,可以用来分析电机、传感器、变压器、永磁设备、激励器等电磁装置的静态、稳态、瞬态、正常工况和故障工况的特性。它所包含的自上而下执行的用户界面、领先的自适应网格剖分技术及用户定义材料库等特点,使得它在易用性上遥遥领先。它具有高性能矩阵求解器和多CUP处理能力,提供了最快的求解速度。静磁场求解器(Magnetostatic)用于分析由恒定电流、永磁体及外部激磁引起的磁场,是用于激励器、传感器、电机及永磁体等。该模块可自动计算磁场力、转矩、电感和储能用于求解某些涉及到运动和任意波形的电压、电流源激励的设备,可获得精确的预测性能特性。该模块能同时求解磁场电路及运动等强耦合的方程,从而得到电机的相关运行性能●涡流场求解器(Eddy Current用于分析受涡流、集肤效应、邻近效应影响的系统。它求解的频率范围可以从θ到数百兆赫兹,能够自动计算损耗、铁损、力、转矩、电感与储能。允许用户设置多项可变设计量,如位置、形状、源及频率等。可自动计算数千种情况的物理问题分析,而整个过程不许用户干预。在绘制曲线模型时,系统默认的是将封闭后的曲线自动生成面,如果用户不想让其自动生成面,可以在绘制曲线模型前,点击菜单栏中的 Tools/Options/Modeler Options项更改绘图设置。材料库的管理更加方便和直观,新版软件的材料库主要由两类组成,一是系统自带材料库的2D和3D有限元计算常用材料库除此外还有 RMxprt电机设计模块用的电机材料库。二是用户材料库,可以将常用的且系统材料库中没有的材料单独输岀成用户材料库,库名称可自行命名,在使用前须将用户材料库装载进软件中
上传时间: 2022-03-17
首先下载软件,解压软件,安装在程序中找到SEGGER,选里面的J-FLASH,进入界面,刚开始的那个界面可以忽略,不用建project也可以;单击菜单栏的“Options---Project settings”打开设置,进行jlink配置;正在General选项,选择“USB”,一般都是默认配置,确认一下即可;然后在CPU选项,选择芯片型号,先选择“Device”才能选择芯片型号,芯片型号,要根据你使用的芯片进行选择;在Target interface选项 里面选择SWD模式;首先Target里面选“Connection”连接目标芯片,然后 Target--Auto进行程序烧写;首先Target里面选择“Connection”连接目标芯片,然后 Target--Auto进行程序烧写.SEGGER J-Links are the most widely used line of debug probes available today. They've proven their value for more than 10 years in embedded development. This popularity stems from the unparalleled performance, extensive feature set, large number of supported CPUs, and compatibility with all popular development environments.
上传时间: 2022-03-22
S32K1xx Series Reference Manual 用户手册--2029页 Supports S32K116, S32K118, S32K142, S32K144, S32K146, and S32K148S32K是一款符合AEC-Q100规范、基于32位ARM Cortex-M4F和Cortex-M0+内核的MCU,适用于通用汽车和高可靠性工业应用。The S32K1xx product series further extends the highly scalable portfolio of Arm® Cortex®-M0+/M4F MCUs in the automotive industry. It builds on the legacy of the KEA series, while introducing higher memory options alongside a richer peripheral set extending capability into a variety of automotive applications. With a 2.70–5.5 V supply and focus on automotive environment robustness, the S32K product series devices are well suited to a wide range of applications in electrically harsh environments, and are optimized for cost-sensitive applications offering low pin-count options. The S32K product series offers a broad range of memory, peripherals, and package options. It shares common peripherals and pin counts, allowing developers to migrate easily within an MCU family or among the MCU families to take advantage of more memory or feature integration. This scalability allows developers to use the S32K product series as the standard for their end product platforms, maximizing hardware and software reuse and reducing time to market
标签: S32K116 S32K118 S32K142 S32K144
上传时间: 2022-04-16
If register should be written or read.This value is passed to the calback functions which support either reading or writing register values. Writing means that the application registers should be updated and reading means that the modbus protocol stack needs to know the current register values.See also: eMBRegHoldingCB(), eMBRegCoilsCB(), eMBRegDiscreteCB() and eMBReglnputCB().Enumeration values: MB_REG_READ Read register values and pass to protocol stack.MB_REG_WRITE Update register values.Note: Note all ports implement this function.A port which wants to get an callback must define the macro MB_PORT_HAS_CLOSE to 1.Returns: If the resources where released it return eMBErrorCode:: MB_ENOERR. If the protocol stack is not in the disabled state it returns eMBErrorCode:: MB_EILLSTATE.Examples: LINUX/demo.c, MCF5235TCP/demo.c, STR71XTCP/demo.c, WIN32/demo. cpp, and WIN32TCP/demo. cpp.his function disables processing of Modbus frames.Returns: If the protocol stack has been disabled
标签: FreeModbus
上传时间: 2022-05-31
Chapter 1:Introduction and Overview Chapter 2:Switches,Buttons,and Knob 开关按钮Chapter 3:Clock Sources 时钟脉冲源Chapter 4:FPGA Configuration Options 配置Chapter 5:Character LCD Screen LCD显示屏特性Chapter 6:VGA Display Port VGA接口——接到显示器上Chapter 7:RS-232 Serial Ports RS-232接口——接器件Chapter 8:PS/2 Mouse/Keyboard Port PS/2鼠标键盘接口Chapter 9:Digital to Analog Converter(DAC)D/A接口Chapter 10:Analog Capture Circuit 模拟捕获电路Chapter 11:Intel StrataFlash Parallel NOR Flash PROM Chapter 12:SPI Serial Flash 串行外围接口系列闪存Chapter 13:DDR SDRAM 内存Chapter 14:10/100 Ethernet Physical Layer Interface以太网物理层接口Chapter 15:Expansion Connectors 扩展接口Chapter 16:XC2C64A CoolRunner-II CPLDChapter 17:DS2432 1-Wire SHA-1 EEPROMSpartan-3E入门实验板使设计人员能够即时利用Spartan-3E系列的完整平台性能。设备支持:Spartan-3E、CoolRunner-ll关键特性:Xilinx器件:Spartan-3E(50万门,XC3S500E-4FG320C),CoolRunnerTM-lI与Platform Flash时钟:50MHz晶体时钟振荡器存储器:128Mbit 并行Flash,16 Mbit SPI Flash,64MByte DDR SDRAM连接器与接口:以太网10/100Phy,JTAG USB下载,两个9管脚RS-232串行端口,PS/2类型鼠标/键盘端口,带按钮的旋转编码器,四个滑动开关,八个单独的LED输出
标签: Spartan-3E
上传时间: 2022-06-19