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  • Design and Construction of an RFID Infrastructure

    The next avatar of the Internet will revolutionize our world. In time, it will provide us a universal remote control, enabling us to monitor and control physical OBJECTs located anywhere on the planet, using a smart phone. It will make the universe around us programmable, allowing us to script the behav- ior of physical OBJECTs with electronic commands. This book is about such an emerging new version of the Internet.

    标签: Infrastructure Construction Design RFID and an of

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • Digital+Signal+Processing+for+RFID

    Identification is pervasive nowadays in daily life due to many complicated activities such as bank and library card reading, asset tracking, toll collecting, restricted access to sensitive data and procedures and target identification. This kind of task can be realized by passwords, bio- metric data such as fingerprints, barcode, optical character recognition, smart cards and radar. Radiofrequencyidentification(RFID)isatechniquetoidentifyOBJECTsbyusingradiosystems. It is a contactless, usually short distance, wireless data transmission and reception technique for identification of OBJECTs. An RFID system consists of two components: the tag (also called transponder) and the reader (also called interrogator).

    标签: Processing Digital Signal RFID for

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • RFID_-_A_Guide_to_Radio_Frequency_IDentification

    Radio frequency identifi cation (RFID) technology is a wireless communication technology that enables users to uniquely identify tagged OBJECTs or people. RFID is rapidly becoming a cost-effective technology. This is in large part due to the efforts of Wal-Mart and the Department of Defense (DoD) to incorporate RFID technology into their supply chains. In 2003, with the aim of enabling pallet-level tracking of inventory, Wal-Mart issued an RFID mandate requiring its top suppliers to begin tagging pallets and cases, with Electronic Product Code (EPC) labels. The DoD quickly followed suit and issued the same mandate to its top 100 suppliers. This drive to incorporate RFID technology into their supply chains is motivated by the increased ship- ping, receiving and stocking effi ciency and the decreased costs of labor, storage, and product loss that pallet-level visibility of inventory can offer.

    标签: A_Guide_to_Radio_Frequency_IDenti fication RFID

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • RFID+Security

    Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a type of automatic identification systems which has gained popularity in recent years for being fast and reliable in keeping track of the individual OBJECTs. In RFID systems, contactless object identification is achieved using radio signals without the need for physical contact as the case with other existing identification technologies such as barcodes. Therefore, a huge number of items can be identified in a short amount of time with high reliability and low cost which makes the RFID technology very attractive for a wide range of applications such as supply chain management, e-health, monitoring humans, pets, animals, and many other OBJECTs, toll control, and electrical tagging. Furthermore, RFID technology eliminates the human error and reduces the total cost of the products.

    标签: Security RFID

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • RFID+Technologies+for+Internet+of+Things

    Internet of Things (IoT) [26] is a new networking paradigm for cyber-physical systems that allow physical OBJECTs to collect and exchange data. In the IoT, physical OBJECTs and cyber-agents can be sensed and controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure, which enables the integration between the physical world and computer-based systems and therefore extends the Internet into the real world. IoT can find numerous applications in smart housing, environmental monitoring, medical and health care systems, agriculture, transportation, etc. Because of its significant application potential, IoT has attracted a lot of attention from both academic research and industrial development.

    标签: Technologies Internet Things RFID for of

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • RFID-WSN+Integrated+Architecture

    Radio frequency identification (RFID) and Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are the two key wireless technologies that have diversified applications in the present and the upcoming systems in this area. RFID is a wireless automated recognition technology which is primarily used to recognize OBJECTs or to follow their posi- tion without providing any sign about the physical form of the substance. On the other hand, WSN not only offers information about the state of the substance and environment but also enables multi-hop wireless communications.

    标签: Architecture Integrated RFID-WSN

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • The Internet of Things From RFI

    With more than two billion terminals in commercial operation world-wide, wire- less and mobile technologies have enabled a first wave of pervasive communication systems and applications. Still, this is only the beginning as wireless technologies such as RFID are currently contemplated with a deployment potential of tens of billions of tags and a virtually unlimited application potential. A recent ITU report depicts a scenario of “Internet of things” — a world in which billions of OBJECTs will report their location, identity, and history over wireless connections.

    标签: Internet Things From The RFI of

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • The RF in RFID

    To a quantum mechanic the whole universe is one godawful big interacting wavefunction ? but to the rest of us, it’s a world full of separate and distinguishable OBJECTs that hurt us when we kick them. At a few months of age, human children recognize OBJECTs, expect them to be permanent and move continuously, and display surprise when they aren’t or don’t. We associate visual, tactile, and in some cases audible and olfactory sensations with identifiable physical things. We’re hardwired to understand our environment as being composed of separable things with specific properties and locations. We understand the world in terms of what was where when.

    标签: RFID The RF in

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • 基于单片机的红外测温装置设计

    温度控制如今已成为当代社会研究的热点之一,而温度检测在现代设备参数检测中也是一项极其重要的技术,应用十分广泛。与传统的测温方法相比,红外测温方法具有时间短、精度高、使用简单方便等优点。本文以环境温度为被测对象,设计了以STC89C52单片机为控制中心的红外测温装置,能够实现对目标温度的实时采集、处理、显示和报警等功能。本设计主要是由STC89C52单片机、红外测温传感器、LCD1602液晶显示器、按键和蜂鸣器等部分组成,采用非接触的方式对目标温度进行实时检测。Temperature control has become one of the hotspots in contemporary social research,and temperature detection is an extremely important technology in modern equipment parameter detection.Compared with traditional method,the infrared temperature measuring method has advantages of short time,high precision and convenient operation,etc.This paper consider environment temperature as research OBJECTs and designs an infrared temperature measuring device which employs the STC89C52singlechipas-control center,and it can realize timely collection,processing,display and alarm function of the target temperature.The design is mainly composed of STC89C52 singlechip,infrared temperature sensor,LCD1602monitor,keys and buzzer,etc.This design detects the target temperature by non-contact method.

    标签: 单片机 红外测温

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • KEIL环境下设置程序在RAM中调试运行详解

    关于ARM怎么样在RAM中运行在KEIL环境下怎么样让程序在RAM中运行。以下是主要是图片示例。。。文字就不多描述了。。。。平台:KEIL FOR ARM5.0A注意:1、目标代码<RAM的空间其实KEIL已经带了这些例程了。下面我以LPC214XKIT学习板光盘目录下的Arm_Uart0_AD_Demo 这个程序为例重新建一个Arm_Uart0_AD_Demo 这个例程保存名字为:Arm_Uart0_AD_Demo选择芯片:LPC2142(看看你的是什么芯片就选什么)这里我选LPC2142然后加入:加入T_ad.c Uart0.cUartODemo.c Startup.s四个文件选择项目输出文件:我们在Arm_Uart0_AD_Demo目录下建一个RAM的目录“RAM”这个目录取什么名都可以的。建个目录方便管理点击 select floder for OBJECTs指定一下RAM的路径即可。

    标签: keil ram

    上传时间: 2022-07-22
