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  • 基于AT89C52单片机的智能呼救系统设计

    从系统硬件设计和软件构成上,介绍一种以AT89C52单片机为核心,通过无线遥控方法实现对预设电话自动拨号报警的智能呼救系统。系统提供了患者在紧急情况下无法使用电话报警时的一种报警手段。由用户预设的多组电话号码作为语音报警对象,预录可长达20 s的语音信号来说明患者所处地点及病情,并通知患者家人。 Abstract:  This paper introduces a intelligent alarming system which is realized by wireless remote control system.This system chiefly consists of AT89C51 the system can processor.User can input several groups of telephone number regarded as alarming OBJECTs,The system can record some information 20 seconds to tell the site of the patient.And notice the rokonok of the patient.

    标签: 89C C52 AT 89

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • 基于DSP的ATV-ATT中控系统设计

    设计一种应用于某全地形ATV车载武器装置中的中控系统,该系统设计是以TMS320F2812型DSP为核心,采用模块化设计思想,对其硬件部分进行系统设计,能够完成对武器装置高低、回转方向的运动控制,实现静止或行进状态中对目标物的测距,自动瞄准以及按既定发射模式发射弹丸和各项安全性能检测等功能。通过编制相应的软件,对其进行系统调试,验证了该设计运行稳定。 Abstract:  A central control system applied to an ATV vehicle weapons is designed. The system design is based on TMS320F2812 DSP as the core, uses modular design for its hardware parts. The central control system can complete the motion control of the level of weapons and equipment, rotation direction, to achieve a state of static or moving OBJECTs on the target ranging, auto-targeting and according to the established target and the projectile and the launch of the security performance testing and other functions. Through the development of appropriate software and to carry out system testing to verify the stability of this design and operation.

    标签: ATV-ATT DSP 中控系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-02


  • DN381 RFID接收器的基带电路

      Radio Frequency Identifi cation (RFID) technology usesradiated and refl ected RF power to identify and track avariety of OBJECTs. A typical RFID system consists of areader and a transponder (or tag). An RFID reader containsan RF transmitter, one or more antennas and an RFreceiver. An RFID tag is simply an uniquely identifi ed ICwith an antenna.

    标签: RFID 381 DN 接收器

    上传时间: 2013-10-17


  • Setting up an ADOCE project using Visual C++ 6.0 is rather simple. Assuming that you have downloaded

    Setting up an ADOCE project using Visual C++ 6.0 is rather simple. Assuming that you have downloaded and installed the ADOCE SDK from Microsoft, you are ready to use it in your Windows CE Database applications. The sample that I have provided is a *very* simple one illustrating how to instantiate the proper COM OBJECTs, and the basics of how to interface with them (in a very simple example)

    标签: downloaded Assuming Setting project

    上传时间: 2015-01-16


  • JILRuntime A general purpose, register based virtual machine (VM) that supports object-oriented feat

    JILRuntime A general purpose, register based virtual machine (VM) that supports object-oriented features, reference counting (auto destruction of data as soon as it is no longer used, no garbage collection), exceptions (handled in C/C++ or virtual machine code) and other debugging features. OBJECTs and functions can be written in virtual machine code, as well as in C or C++, or any other language that can interface to C object code. The VM is written for maximum performance and thus is probably not suitable for embedded systems where a small memory footprint is required. Possible uses of the VM are in game development, scientific research, or to provide a stand-alone, general purpose programming environment.

    标签: object-oriented JILRuntime register supports

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • 内容如下: 1.The history of the computerized database 2.SQL Data Statements--those used to create, mani

    内容如下: 1.The history of the computerized database 2.SQL Data Statements--those used to create, manipulate, and retrieve data stored in your database example statements include select, update, insert, and delete 3.SQL Schema Statements--those used to create database OBJECTs, such as tables, indexes, and constraints 4.How data sets can interact with queries 5.The importance of subqueries 6.Data conversion and manipulation via SQL s built-in functions 7.How conditional logic can be used in Data Statements

    标签: computerized Statements database history

    上传时间: 2015-04-25


  • This book focuses primarily on XML itself. It covers the fundamental rules that all XML documents an

    This book focuses primarily on XML itself. It covers the fundamental rules that all XML documents and authors must adhere to, whether a web designer uses SMIL to add animations to web pages or a C++ programmer uses SOAP to exchange serialized OBJECTs with a remote database. This book also covers generic supporting technologies that have been layered on top of XML and are used across a wide range of XML applications.

    标签: fundamental XML documents primarily

    上传时间: 2014-01-14


  • 这个例子如果运行,将在仿真的PC窗口中的第1,2,3行显示一些信息后,在随机位置显示 1 ~ 5 .由于keil c51默认不支持重入函数,它的重入函数使用仿真的重入栈而不使用系统栈,而Small R

    这个例子如果运行,将在仿真的PC窗口中的第1,2,3行显示一些信息后,在随机位置显示 1 ~ 5 .由于keil c51默认不支持重入函数,它的重入函数使用仿真的重入栈而不使用系统栈,而Small RTOS 51没有进行重入栈管理,所以在TaskA~TaskE虽然及其相似,但不能合并. 注意:(1)在KEIL C51 工程中,我已经把输出文件目录设在e:\temp中,您可以在Project->Options for Target "Target 1"的output页点击Select Folder for OBJECTs...和Listing页点击Select Folder for Listing...改变. (2)编译时会有5个警告,其中一个是因为没有使用一个系统函数OSSendSignal引起,它可以忽略.另4个是禁止任务间变量覆盖分析引起,必须忽略.感谢网友John X. Liu,在这个例子中我使用了他编写的仿真(dllPc51Emu.dll),这个dll原来是为他移植的Ucos-ii for keil c51的例子编写. (3)Pc51Emu.dll在KEIL C51 V6.23 V7.00工作不正常.

    标签: Small keil c51 仿真

    上传时间: 2015-05-29


  • 这个例子是例子2的另一种写法(但任务数量不同),它使用了最高优先级任务作为显示任务,全局变量ShowChar作为参数.函数TaskB是优先级1~10的任务函数,因为没有使用局部变量,这些任务可以用一个

    这个例子是例子2的另一种写法(但任务数量不同),它使用了最高优先级任务作为显示任务,全局变量ShowChar作为参数.函数TaskB是优先级1~10的任务函数,因为没有使用局部变量,这些任务可以用一个函数. 注意:(1)在KEIL C51 工程中,我已经把输出文件目录设在e:\temp中,您可以在Project->Options for Target "Target 1"的output页点击Select Folder for OBJECTs...和Listing页点击Select Folder for Listing...改变. 感谢网友John X. Liu,在这个例子中我使用了他编写的仿真dll(Pc51Emu.dll),这个dll原来是为他移植的Ucos-ii for keil c51的例子编写. (2)Pc51Emu.dll在KEIL C51 V6.23 V7.00工作不正常.

    标签: ShowChar TaskB 函数 10

    上传时间: 2015-05-29


  • FlashEd 0.2 是个游戏引擎包

    FlashEd 0.2 是个游戏引擎包,不过和Gamepackage不同的是: FlashEd is a 3d engine 只要功能如下: • Multiple Cameras • Collision Control • Rendering Effects • Gravity • Polygon Animation • Rounded OBJECTs Rendering • Linkable Cameras And OBJECTs • Shooting Control • Active Zone Control

    标签: FlashEd 0.2 引擎

    上传时间: 2015-06-10
