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  • PCB电源设计经典资料

    |Introduction􀂄􀂄 Basic Concept􀂄􀂄 Tips to layout Power circuit􀂄􀂄 Type of Power circuit Basic Concept􀂄􀂄 Maximum Current calculation􀂄􀂄 Resistance of Copper􀂄􀂄 ideal power supply & NOISE􀂄􀂄 Capacitor & Inductor􀂄􀂄 Power consumption􀂄􀂄 Function of power circuit

    标签: PCB 电源设计

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • 模块电源功能性参数指标及测试方法

      模块电源的电气性能是通过一系列测试来呈现的,下列为一般的功能性测试项目,详细说明如下: 电源调整率(Line Regulation) 负载调整率(Load Regulation) 综合调整率(Conmine Regulation) 输出涟波及杂讯(Ripple & NOISE) 输入功率及效率(Input Power, Efficiency) 动态负载或暂态负载(Dynamic or Transient Response) 起动(Set-Up)及保持(Hold-Up)时间 常规功能(Functions)测试 1. 电源调整率   电源调整率的定义为电源供应器于输入电压变化时提供其稳定输出电压的能力。测试步骤如下:于待测电源供应器以正常输入电压及负载状况下热机稳定后,分别于低输入电压(Min),正常输入电压(Normal),及高输入电压(Max)下测量并记录其输出电压值。 电源调整率通常以一正常之固定负载(Nominal Load)下,由输入电压变化所造成其输出电压偏差率(deviation)的百分比,如下列公式所示:   [Vo(max)-Vo(min)] / Vo(normal) 2. 负载调整率   负载调整率的定义为开关电源于输出负载电流变化时,提供其稳定输出电压的能力。测试步骤如下:于待测电源供应器以正常输入电压及负载状况下热机稳定后,测量正常负载下之输出电压值,再分别于轻载(Min)、重载(Max)负载下,测量并记录其输出电压值(分别为Vo(max)与Vo(min)),负载调整率通常以正常之固定输入电压下,由负载电流变化所造成其输出电压偏差率的百分比,如下列公式所示:   [Vo(max)-Vo(min)] / Vo(normal)    3. 综合调整率   综合调整率的定义为电源供应器于输入电压与输出负载电流变化时,提供其稳定输出电压的能力。这是电源调整率与负载调整率的综合,此项测试系为上述电源调整率与负载调整率的综合,可提供对电源供应器于改变输入电压与负载状况下更正确的性能验证。 综合调整率用下列方式表示:于输入电压与输出负载电流变化下,其输出电压之偏差量须于规定之上下限电压范围内(即输出电压之上下限绝对值以内)或某一百分比界限内。 4. 输出杂讯   输出杂讯(PARD)系指于输入电压与输出负载电流均不变的情况下,其平均直流输出电压上的周期性与随机性偏差量的电压值。输出杂讯是表示在经过稳压及滤波后的直流输出电压上所有不需要的交流和噪声部份(包含低频之50/60Hz电源倍频信号、高于20 KHz之高频切换信号及其谐波,再与其它之随机性信号所组成)),通常以mVp-p峰对峰值电压为单位来表示。   一般的开关电源的规格均以输出直流输出电压的1%以内为输出杂讯之规格,其频宽为20Hz到20MHz。电源实际工作时最恶劣的状况(如输出负载电流最大、输入电源电压最低等),若电源供应器在恶劣环境状况下,其输出直流电压加上杂讯后之输出瞬时电压,仍能够维持稳定的输出电压不超过输出高低电压界限情形,否则将可能会导致电源电压超过或低于逻辑电路(如TTL电路)之承受电源电压而误动作,进一步造成死机现象。   同时测量电路必须有良好的隔离处理及阻抗匹配,为避免导线上产生不必要的干扰、振铃和驻波,一般都采用双同轴电缆并以50Ω于其端点上,并使用差动式量测方法(可避免地回路之杂讯电流),来获得正确的测量结果。 5. 输入功率与效率   电源供应器的输入功率之定义为以下之公式:   True Power = Pav(watt) = Vrms x Arms x Power Factor 即为对一周期内其输入电压与电流乘积之积分值,需注意的是Watt≠VrmsArms而是Watt=VrmsArmsxP.F.,其中P.F.为功率因素(Power Factor),通常无功率因素校正电路电源供应器的功率因素在0.6~0.7左右,其功率因素为1~0之间。   电源供应器的效率之定义为为输出直流功率之总和与输入功率之比值。效率提供对电源供应器正确工作的验证,若效率超过规定范围,即表示设计或零件材料上有问题,效率太低时会导致散热增加而影响其使用寿命。 6. 动态负载或暂态负载   一个定电压输出的电源,于设计中具备反馈控制回路,能够将其输出电压连续不断地维持稳定的输出电压。由于实际上反馈控制回路有一定的频宽,因此限制了电源供应器对负载电流变化时的反应。若控制回路输入与输出之相移于增益(Unity Gain)为1时,超过180度,则电源供应器之输出便会呈现不稳定、失控或振荡之现象。实际上,电源供应器工作时的负载电流也是动态变化的,而不是始终维持不变(例如硬盘、软驱、CPU或RAM动作等),因此动态负载测试对电源供应器而言是极为重要的。可编程序电子负载可用来模拟电源供应器实际工作时最恶劣的负载情况,如负载电流迅速上升、下降之斜率、周期等,若电源供应器在恶劣负载状况下,仍能够维持稳定的输出电压不产生过高激(Overshoot)或过低(Undershoot)情形,否则会导致电源之输出电压超过负载组件(如TTL电路其输出瞬时电压应介于4.75V至5.25V之间,才不致引起TTL逻辑电路之误动作)之承受电源电压而误动作,进一步造成死机现象。 7. 启动时间与保持时间   启动时间为电源供应器从输入接上电源起到其输出电压上升到稳压范围内为止的时间,以一输出为5V的电源供应器为例,启动时间为从电源开机起到输出电压达到4.75V为止的时间。   保持时间为电源供应器从输入切断电源起到其输出电压下降到稳压范围外为止的时间,以一输出为5V的电源供应器为例,保持时间为从关机起到输出电压低于4.75V为止的时间,一般值为17ms或20ms以上,以避免电力公司供电中于少了半周或一周之状况下而受影响。    8. 其它 在电源具备一些特定保护功能的前提下,还需要进行保护功能测试,如过电压保护(OVP)测试、短路保护测试、过功保护等

    标签: 模块电源 参数 指标 测试方法

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • XAPP946-适用于Virtex-4 RocketIO MGT的开关电源

      This document presents design techniques and reference circuits that power Virtex™-4 FXRocketIO™ multi-gigabit transceivers (MGTs) operating at data rates below 3.125 Gb/s.When using multiple transceivers, it is sometimes preferred to power them from a switchingpower supply. However, switching power supplies generate NOISE that affects transceiver

    标签: RocketIO Virtex XAPP 946

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • 100-15V TO 12V DCDC 原理图 PCB BOM表

    高的工作电压高达100V N双N沟道MOSFET同步驱动 The D810DCDC is a synchronous step-down switching regulator controller that can directly step-down voltages from up to 100V, making it ideal for telecom and automotive applications. The D810DCDC uses a constant on-time valley current control architecture to deliver very low duty cycles with accurate cycle-by-cycle current limit, without requiring a sense resistor. A precise internal reference provides 0.5% DC accuracy. A high bandwidth (25MHz) error amplifi er provides very fast line and load transient response. Large 1Ω gate drivers allow the D810DCDC to drive multiple MOSFETs for higher current applications. The operating frequency is selected by an external resistor and is compensated for variations in VIN and can also be synchronized to an external clock for switching-NOISE sensitive applications. Integrated bias control generates gate drive power from the input supply during start-up and when an output shortcircuit occurs, with the addition of a small external SOT23 MOSFET. When in regulation, power is derived from the output for higher effi ciency.

    标签: DCDC 100 12V BOM

    上传时间: 2013-10-24


  • DN442 I2C可控降压紧凑型同步DC/DC稳压器

      The LTC®3562 quad output step-down regulator is designedfor multicore handheld microprocessor applications thatoperate from a single Li-Ion battery. Its four monolithic, higheffi ciency buck regulators support Intel’s mobile CPU P-Stateand C-State energy saving operating modes. The outputvoltages are independently controllable via I2C, and eachoutput can be independently started and shut down. Designerscan choose from power saving pulse-skipping mode orBurst Mode® operation, or select low NOISE LDO mode. Thespace-saving LTC3562 is available in a 3mm × 3mm QFNpackage and requires few external components.

    标签: DC 442 I2C DN

    上传时间: 2013-10-07


  • GPON系统的APD偏置解决方案

      Avalanche photo diode (APD) receiver modules arewidely used in fi ber optic communication systems. AnAPD module contains the APD and a signal conditioningamplifi er, but is not completely self contained. It stillrequires signifi cant support circuitry including a highvoltage, low NOISE power supply and a precision currentmonitor to indicate the signal strength. The challenge issqueezing this support circuitry into applications withlimited board space. The LT®3482 addresses this challengeby integrating a monolithic DC/DC step-up converter andan accurate current monitor. The LT3482 can supportup to a 90V APD bias voltage, and the current monitorprovides better than 10% accuracy over four decades ofdynamic range (250nA to 2.5mA).

    标签: GPON APD 方案

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • 超低功率转换器的控制方案消除开关噪声

      An essential component of a NOISE-free audio device isa clean power supply, but few switching regulators canoperate at high efficiency while keeping the switchingfrequency out of the audio band. The LTC®3620 fills thisvoid. It is a high efficiency 15mA buck regulator with aprogrammable minimum switching frequency, making itpossible to virtually eliminate audible switching NOISE. Theinternal synchronous switches and low quiescent currentof this buck regulator provide the ability to maintain highefficiency, while its small footprint makes it ideal for tiny,low power audio applications.

    标签: 超低功率 控制 开关噪声 方案

    上传时间: 2013-10-21


  • 高电压,低噪音,DCDC转换器

      Photomultipliers (PMT), avalanche photodiodes (APD),ultrasonic transducers, capacitance microphones, radiationdetectors and similar devices require high voltage,low current bias. Additionally, the high voltage must bepristinely free of NOISE; well under a millivolt is a commonrequirement with a few hundred microvolts sometimesnecessary. Normally, switching regulator confi gurationscannot achieve this performance level without employingspecial techniques. One aid to achieving low NOISE is thatload currents rarely exceed 5mA. This freedom permitsoutput fi ltering methods that are usually impractical

    标签: DCDC 高电压 低噪音 转换器

    上传时间: 2013-10-28


  • 低噪声,低压差稳压器的性能验证

      In an increasing trend, telecommunications, networking,audio and instrumentation require low NOISE power supplies.In particular, there is interest in low NOISE, lowdropout linear regulators (LDO). These components powerNOISE-sensitive circuitry, circuitry that contains NOISEsensitiveelements or both. Additionally, to conserve power,particularly in battery driven apparatus such as cellulartelephones, the regulators must operate with low input-tooutputvoltages.1 Devices presently becoming availablemeet these requirements (see separate section, “A Familyof 20mVRMS NOISE, Low Dropout Regulators”).

    标签: 低噪声 低压差稳压器 性能

    上传时间: 2013-10-30


  • Switching Regulators for Poets

      The above title is not happenstance and was arrived at afterconsiderable deliberation. As a linear IC manufacturer, it isour goal to encourage users to design and build switchingregulators. A problem is that while everyone agrees thatworking switching regulators are a good thing, everyonealso agrees that they are difficult to get working. Switchingregulators, with their high efficiency and small size, areincreasingly desirable as overall package sizes shrink.Unfortunately, switching regulators are also one of themost difficult linear circuits to design. Mysterious modes,sudden, seemingly inexplicable failures, peculiar regulationcharacteristics and just plain explosions are commonoccurrences. Diodes conduct the wrong way. Things gethot that shouldn’t. Capacitors act like resistors, fusesdon’t blow and transistors do. The output is at ground, andthe ground terminal shows volts of NOISE.

    标签: Regulators Switching Poets for

    上传时间: 2013-12-19
