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  • Telecommunications Modeling

    A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is formed by multiple moving nodes equipped with wireless transceivers. The mobile nodes communicate with each other through multi-hop wireless links, where every node can transmit and receive information. Mobile ad-hoc networks have become increasingly important in areas where deployment of communications infrastructure is difficult. 

    标签: Telecommunications Modeling

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless Communications & Networking

    During the past three decades, the world has seen signifi cant changes in the telecom- munications industry. There has been rapid growth in wireless communications, as seen by large expansion in mobile systems. Wireless communications have moved from fi rst-generation (1G) systems primarily focused on voice communications to third-generation (3G) systems dealing with Internet connectivity and multi-media applications. The fourth-generation (4G) systems will be designed to connect wire- less personal area networks (WPANs), wireless local area networks (WLANs) and wireless wide-area networks (WWANs).

    标签: Communications Networking Wireless

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless+Communication+Circuits+and+Systems

    This book is concerned with integrated circuits and systems for wireless and mobile communications. Circuit techniques and implementation of reconfigurable low-voltage and low-power single-chip CMOS transceivers for multiband and multi- mode universal wireless communications are the focus of the book. Applications encompass both long-range mobile cellular communications (GSM and UMTS) and short-range wireless LANs (IEEE802.11 and Bluetooth). Recent advances in research into transceiver architecture, RF frontend, analogue baseband, RF CAD and automatic testing are reported. 

    标签: Communication Wireless Circuits Systems and

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Wireless+Multi-Antenna+Channels+Modeling

    The explosion in demand for wireless services experienced over the past 20 years has put significant pressure on system designers to increase the capacity of the systems being deployed. While the spectral resource is very scarce and practically exhausted, the biggest possibilities are predicted to be in the areas of spectral reuse by unlicensed users or in exploiting the spatial dimension of the wireless channels. The former approach is now under intense development and is known as the cogni- tive radio approach (Haykin 2005). 

    标签: Multi-Antenna Wireless Channels Modeling

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Chemical mechanical polishing

    The planarization technology of Chemical-Mechanical-Polishing (CMP), used for the manufacturing of multi- level metal interconnects for high-density Integrated Circuits (IC), is also readily adaptable as an enabling technology in MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) fabrication, particularly polysilicon surface micromachining. CMP not only eases the design and manufacturability of MEMS devices by eliminating several photolithographic and film issues generated by severe topography, but also enables far greater flexibility with process complexity and associated designs. T

    标签: mechanical polishing Chemical

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • RFID+and+RFID-Enabled+Sensors

    adio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a rapidly developing automatic wireless data-collection technology with a long history.The first multi-bit functional passive RFID systems,with a range of several meters, appeared in the early 1970s, and continued to evolve through the 1980s. Recently, RFID has experienced a tremendous growth,due to developments in integrated circuits and radios, and due to increased interest from the retail industrial and government.

    标签: RFID-Enabled Sensors RFID and

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • RFID-WSN+Integrated+Architecture

    Radio frequency identification (RFID) and Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are the two key wireless technologies that have diversified applications in the present and the upcoming systems in this area. RFID is a wireless automated recognition technology which is primarily used to recognize objects or to follow their posi- tion without providing any sign about the physical form of the substance. On the other hand, WSN not only offers information about the state of the substance and environment but also enables multi-hop wireless communications.

    标签: Architecture Integrated RFID-WSN

    上传时间: 2020-06-08


  • Advances in Human Factors and System Interactions

    Human Factors and Systems Interaction aims to address the main issues of concern within systems interface with a particular emphasis on the system lifecycle development and implementation of interfaces and the general implications of virtual, augmented and mixed reality with respect to human and technology interaction. Human Factors and Systems Interaction is, in the first instance, affected by the forces shaping the nature offuture computing and systems development

    标签: Interactions Advances Factors System Human and in

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Embeddings in Natural Language Processing

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undoubtedly been one of the most important buz- zwords over the past years. The goal in AI is to design algorithms that transform com- puters into “intelligent” agents. By intelligence here we do not necessarily mean an extraordinary level of smartness shown by superhuman; it rather often involves very basic problems that humans solve very frequently in their day-to-day life. This can be as simple as recognizing faces in an image, driving a car, playing a board game, or reading (and understanding) an article in a newspaper. The intelligent behaviour ex- hibited by humans when “reading” is one of the main goals for a subfield of AI called Natural Language Processing (NLP). Natural language 1 is one of the most complex tools used by humans for a wide range of reasons, for instance to communicate with others, to express thoughts, feelings and ideas, to ask questions, or to give instruc- tions. Therefore, it is crucial for computers to possess the ability to use the same tool in order to effectively interact with humans.

    标签: Embeddings Processing Language Natural in

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • MiniCore

    An Arduino core for the ATmega328, ATmega168, ATmega88, ATmega48 and ATmega8, all running a [custom version of Optiboot for increased functionality](#write-to-own-flash). This core requires at least Arduino IDE v1.6.2, where v1.8.5+ is recommended. <br/> **This core gives you two extra IO pins if you're using the internal oscillator!** PB6 and PB7 is mapped to [Arduino pin 20 and 21](#pinout).<br/> If you're into "generic" AVR programming, I'm happy to tell you that all relevant keywords are being highlighted by the IDE through a separate keywords file. Make sure to test the [example files](https://github.com/MCUdude/MiniCore/tree/master/avr/libraries/AVR_examples/examples) (File > Examples > AVR C code examples). Try writing a register name, <i>DDRB</i> for instance, and see for yourself!

    标签: MiniCore

    上传时间: 2021-02-22
