Lookup a Chemical element based on Symbol, name, or atomic number
标签: Chemical element Lookup Symbol
上传时间: 2013-12-12
Flowlive The thermo library provides thermodynamical, Chemical and physical properties of elements and species.
标签: thermodynamical properties Flowlive Chemical
上传时间: 2014-01-17
it is about award winners in Chemical industry
标签: Chemical industry winners about
上传时间: 2017-05-02
The planarization technology of Chemical-Mechanical-Polishing (CMP), used for the manufacturing of multi- level metal interconnects for high-density Integrated Circuits (IC), is also readily adaptable as an enabling technology in MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) fabrication, particularly polysilicon surface micromachining. CMP not only eases the design and manufacturability of MEMS devices by eliminating several photolithographic and film issues generated by severe topography, but also enables far greater flexibility with process complexity and associated designs. T
标签: mechanical polishing Chemical
上传时间: 2020-06-06
Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment — Part 5:Chemical loads(EN)ISO16750-5 道路车辆-电气和电子设备的环境条件和测试 第5部分:化学负荷
上传时间: 2021-10-31
A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that emits narrow-spectrum incoherent light when forward-biased.The color of the emitted light depends on the Chemical composition of the semiconductor material used, and can benear-ultraviolet, visible or infrared. LEDs are more prevalent today than ever before, replacing traditional incandescent andfluorescent bulbs in many lighting applications. Incandescents use a heated filament, are subject to breakage and burnoutand operate at a luminous efficiency of 2% to 4%. Fluorescents are more efficient, at 7% to 12%, but require highdrive voltage and contain mercury, a toxic substance that may be eventually banned in certain countries. LEDs, however,produce light directly through electroluminescence, operate at low voltage and can deliver over 20% luminous efficiency.
上传时间: 2013-11-07
为了提高PCB板制作的效率,改变传统的化学腐蚀制板工艺,使用机械仿形铣制作电路板的方法,设计了以ATMEGA16单片机为核心部件的PCB板雕刻机控制系统。其中包括PCB雕刻机的基本功能、主要硬件电路设计和软件的实现流程,并给出了相关设计电路。重点分析了雕刻机步进电机的驱动电路以及主轴电机的驱动电路,该雕刻机经实际运行,系统工作良好,可有效提高PCB板的制作效率。 Abstract: In order to improve the efficiency of production of PCB board and change the traditional Chemical etching plates, using of mechanical copying milling method makes circuit boards,this paper introduces the PCB engraving machine control system used ATMEGA16 microcomputer as the core components. It includes basic function, the hardware circuit design and software realization process, and gives the corresponding circuit design.It analyses the drive circuit of engrawing machine stepper motor and spindle motor in detail. This engraving machine by practical operation, the system works well, which can effectively improve the production efficiency of PCB board.
上传时间: 2013-10-17
为了提高传统温度控制系统的性能,将PID控制理论与嵌入式系统相结合,采用瑞萨电子公司的H8S/2166作为核心处理器,AD公司的AD7705以及热敏电阻温度传感器作为温度检测单元,利用4×6小键盘、LCD显示器和S1D13305液晶控制器达到良好的人机交互,设计出了一个应用于化工领域的嵌入式实时温度控制系统。相比于传统温度控制系统,该系统提供了更强的计算能力和可扩展能力,采用增量PID控制算法实现复杂控制。通过实验,该系统能达到0.1 ℃的温度控制精度以及小于120 s的温度稳定时间。 Abstract: In order to improve the performance of conventional temperature control system, combining PID control theory with embedded systems, using the Renesas Electronics Corp. H8S/2166 micro-controller as a core processors, AD7705 and thermistor temperature sensor as a temperature detection unit and 4×6 small keyboard, LCD and S1D13305 LCD controller as a good human-computer interaction, this paper designed an embedded real-time temperature control system which is applied in Chemical industry. Compared with conventional temperature control system, this system provides more computing power and extensibility, and adopts PID control algorithm for complex control. Through the experiment, the system can reach temperature control accuracy of 0.1 ℃ and temperature stabilization time of less than 120 seconds.
上传时间: 2014-12-26
Physics-Based Modeling Methods Improve Control System Design Multidomain systems (mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, Chemical) Successful controller development requires thorough and accurate understanding of plantControllerElectricalMechanicalDeviceActuatorsSensorsPlant
标签: Physics-Based Multidomain mechanical Modeling
上传时间: 2015-10-13
This book describes the applications of the fundamental interactions of electromagnetic waves and materials as described in the preceding volume, “Basic Electromagnetism and Materials”. It is addressed to students studying masters or doctorate courses in electronics, electromagnetism, applied physics, materials physics, or Chemical physics. In particular, this volume analyzes the behavior of materials in the presence of an electromagnetic field and related applications in the fields of electronics, optics, and materials physics.
标签: Electromagnetism Materials Applied and
上传时间: 2020-05-26