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  • PW4203_2.0.pdf规格书下载

    PW4203 is a 4.5-22V input, 2A multi-cell synchronous Buck Li-Ion battery charger, suitable forportable application. Select pin is convenient for multi-cell charging. 800 kHz synchronous buckregulator integrates of 22V rating FETs with ultra low on- resistance to achieve high efficiency andsimple circuit design.The PW4203 is available in an 8-pin SOP package, provides a very compact system solution andgood thermal conductance

    标签: pw4203

    上传时间: 2022-02-11


  • 多功能电子药箱的设计与实现

    基于药物治疗在临床治疗中的重要性,分析目前服药提醒装置存在的不足,以STM32F103VET6单片机为控制核心,设计了一种多功能电子药箱。该系统包括显示模块、语音模块和数据存储模块。显示模块通过触摸屏电路和LED指示灯电路,与语音模块相配合,实现了服药提醒及指导的功能;数据存储模块通过EEPROM存储电路,能够实现掉电时服药信息不丢失的功能。并且为了实现电子药箱的智能化控制,开发了手机APP,两者之间可通过WIFI进行数据通信。经测试,该药箱能够有效地帮助慢性病患者按时、定量、正确服用药物,适合在家庭中推广使用,具有较高的应用价值和实践意义。Based on the importance of drug therapy in clinical treatment, this paper analyzes the shortcomings of current drug reminder devices, and designs a multi-function electronic medicine box with STM32 F103 VET6 microcontroller as the control core. The system includes a display module, a voice module, and a data storage module. The display module cooperates with the voice module through the touch screen circuit and the LED indicator circuit to realize the function of reminding and guiding the medicine;the data storage module can realize the function of not losing the medication information when the power is off through the EEPROM storage circuit.After testing, the medicine box can effectively help chronic diseases patients to take drugs on time, in a quantitative and correct manner,and is suitable for popularization in the family, and has high application value and practical significance.

    标签: 电子药箱

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • 基于51单片机的多功能智能遥控窗帘的设计

    多功能智能遥控窗帘系统广泛地应用于家居、办公室等场合,同时也是智能家居的一部分。该设计主要利用STC89C52单片机核心电路、光敏电阻电路、步进电机电路、温湿度传感器、红外线控制电路、AD转换电路、LCD1602液晶显示屏等模块完成精确控制窗帘的开和关。multi-functional intelligent remote control curtain system is widely used in home,office and other occasions,and is also part of intelligent home.The design mainly uses STC89 C52 single-chip core circuit,photosensitive resistor circuit,stepping motor circuit,temperature and humidity sensor,infrared control circuit,AD conversion circuit,LCD1602 LCD display and other modules to achieve accurate control of the curtain opening and closing.

    标签: 51单片机 智能遥控窗帘

    上传时间: 2022-03-28


  • 51单片机控制智能温控风扇多档调节

    说明:  51单片机控制智能温控风扇,多档调节,pwd调速。包含源码和电路图(51 single chip computer control intelligent temperature control fan, multi-stage adjustment, PWD speed regulation. Contains source code and circuit diagrams)

    标签: 51单片机 智能控制

    上传时间: 2022-05-17


  • vivado约束指导手册

    时序路径时序路径由设计中instance之间的连接决定。在数字设计中,时序路径由一对时序元作sequential elements)形成,这对时序元件由一个或二个不同的时钟控制。普通时序路径在任何设计中最普通的时序路径有以下4种:1输入端口到内部时序单元路径2从时序单元到时序单元之间的内部路径3从内部时序单元到输出端口之间的路径4输入端口到输出端口之间的路径输入端口到内部时序单元之间路径在从输入端口到内部时序单元之间的路径上传输的数据:通过管脚时钟送出器件经过一个称为输入延时的延时到达器件端口(SDC定义)在到达由目标时钟destination clock)锁定的时序单元之前须通过器件内部逻从时序单元到时序单元的内部路径在从时序单元到时序单元的内部路径上传输的数据:由时序单元发送到器件内部,而此时序单元由源时钟(source clock)驱动,在到达由日标时钟驱动的时宁单元之前,须经过一些内部逻辑内部时序单元到外部端口路径在从内部时序单元到外部端口路径上的数据:,由时序单元发送到器件内部,而此时序单元由源时钟(source clock)驱动,在到达外部端口之前,须经过一些内部逻辑,在经过一段称为输出廷时的额外延时之后被端口时钟捕获(SDC definition)

    标签: vivado

    上传时间: 2022-06-16


  • EMMC5.1标准datasheet,存储器标准手册

    eMMC (Embedded Multi Media Card)是MMC协会订立、主要针对手机或平板电脑等产品的内嵌式存储器标准规格。eMMC在封装中集成了一个控制器,提供标准接口并管理闪存,使得手机厂商就能专注于产品开发的其它部分,并缩短向市场推出产品的时间。MMC的应用是对存储容量有较高要求的消费电子产品。2011年已大量生产的一些热门产品,如Palm Pre、Amazon Kindle II和Flip MinoHD,都采用了eMMC。为了确认这些产品究竟使用了何种存储器,iSuppli利用拆机分析业务对它们进行了拆解,发现eMMC身在其中。附件为介绍EMMC5.1标准的数据手册.

    标签: emmc 存储器

    上传时间: 2022-06-27


  • 基于ICL8038等构成的函数发生器电路

    摘要:本系统以ICL8038集成块为核心器件,制作一种函数信号发生器,制作成本较低。适合学生学习电子技术测量使用。ICL8038是一种具有多种波形输出的精密振荡集成电路,只需要个别的外部元件就能产生从0.001Hz~30KlHz的低失真正弦波、三角波、矩形波等脉冲信号。输出波形的频率和占空比还可以由电流或电阻控制。另外由于该芯片具有调制信号输入端,所以可以用来对低频信号进行频率调制。关键词:函数信号发生器频率调制Abstract:The system ICL8038 integrated block as the core device,producing a kind of function signal generator,producing low cost.Suitable for students to learn the use of electronic technology measurement.ICL8038 is a kind of multi-precision oscillator waveform output integrated circuits,a separate external components only need to be able to generate from the 0.001Hz ~30KHz low-distortion sine wave,triangle wave,square wave pulse signal,etc..Output waveform of the frequency and duty cycle can also be controlled by a currentor resistance.In addition,as the chip has a modulated signal input terminal,it can be used to low-frequency signal is frequency modulation.

    标签: icl8038 函数发生器 电路

    上传时间: 2022-07-04


  • MT2625 datasheet v1.2

    MT2625 DatasheetVersion: 1.2Release date: 31 January 2018NB-IoT transceiver• Compliant with 3GPP R13/R14 NB-IoT standard• Supports DL 200kHz bandwidth/UL single tone and multi-tone• Supported RF bands: B1/B2/B3/B5/B8/B11/B12/B13/B17/B18/B19/B20/B21/B25/B26/B28/B31/B66/B70/B71• Supports PSM and eDRX modeMicrocontroller subsystem• ARM® Cortex®-M4 with FPU and MPU• 14 DMA channels• One RTC timer, one 64-bit and five 32-bit general purpose timers• Development support: SWD, JTAG• Crypto engineo AES 128, 192, 256 bitso DES, 3DESo MD5, SHA-1, 224, 256, 384, 512• True random number generator• JTAG password protection

    标签: MT2625

    上传时间: 2022-07-04


  • 激光测距芯片基于STM32的开发工具介绍与演示

    • VL53L1X OverView• VL53L1X Software Package• Default and FAST mode• Ultra light driver.• VL53L1X GUI• VL53L1X Multi sensor design• STM32 FW: Import, Compile, Run, Debug…• What is Xtalk?• Cover Window and ID design• How about Human and object reflectance at 940 nm ?

    标签: 激光测距芯片 stm32

    上传时间: 2022-07-17


  • Rockchip RK3328 Datasheet

    RK3328手册RK3328 is a high-performance Quad-core application processor designed for Smart STB(Set Top Box) including OTT/IPTV/DVB. It is a high-integration and cost efficient SOC for 4KHDR STB.Quad-core Cortex-A53 is integrated with separate Neon and FPU coprocessor, also withshared L2 Cache. The Quad-core GPU supports high-resolution display and game.Lots of high-performance interface to get very flexible solution, such as multi-channeldisplay including HDMI2.0a and TV Encoder (CVBS). TrustZone and crypto hardware areintegrated for security. 32bits DDR3/DDR3L/DDR4/LPDDR3 provides high memorybandwidth.

    标签: rockchip rk3328

    上传时间: 2022-08-10
