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  • 真有效值转换器的自动调节

      The LTC®1966 is a true RMS-to-DC converter that uses aDS computational technique to make it dramatically simplerto use, significantly more accurate, lower in powerconsumption and more flexible than conventional logantilogRMS-to-DC converters. The LTC1966 RMS-to-DCconverter has an input signal range from 5mVRMS to1.5VRMS (a 50dB dynamic range with a single 5V supplyrail) and a 3dB bandwidth of 800kHz with signal crestfactors up to four.

    标签: 真有效值 转换器 自动调节

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • 视频差分放大器带来低电压应用的多功能性

      The LT®6552 is a specialized dual-differencing 75MHzoperational amplifier ideal for rejecting common modenoise as a video line receiver. The input pairs are designedto operate with equal but opposite large-signal differencesand provide exceptional high frequency commonmode rejection (CMRR of 65dB at 10MHz), therebyforming an extremely versatile gain block structure thatminimizes component count in most situations. The dualinput pairs are free to take on independent common modelevels, while the two voltage differentials are summedinternally to form a net input signal.

    标签: 视频 差分放大器 低电压 多功能

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • RF至数字接收器的信号链噪声分析

      Designers of signal receiver systems often need to performcascaded chain analysis of system performancefrom the antenna all the way to the ADC. Noise is a criticalparameter in the chain analysis because it limits theoverall sensitivity of the receiver. An application’s noiserequirement has a signifi cant infl uence on the systemtopology, since the choice of topology strives to optimizethe overall signal-to-noise ratio, dynamic range andseveral other parameters. One problem in noise calculationsis translating between the various units used by thecomponents in the chain: namely the RF, IF/baseband,and digital (ADC) sections of the circuit.

    标签: 数字接收器 信号链 噪声分析

    上传时间: 2014-12-05


  • DN454 单端至差分放大器设计技巧

      A fully differential amplifi er is often used to converta single-ended signal to a differential signal, a designwhich requires three signifi cant considerations: theimpedance of the single-ended source must match thesingle-ended impedance of the differential amplifi er,the amplifi er’s inputs must remain within the commonmode voltage limits and the input signal must be levelshifted to a signal that is centered at the desired outputcommon mode voltage.

    标签: 454 DN 单端 差分放大器

    上传时间: 2013-11-09


  • 在单端应用中采用差分I/O放大器

      Recent advances in low voltage silicon germaniumand BiCMOS processes have allowed the design andproduction of very high speed amplifi ers. Because theprocesses are low voltage, most of the amplifi er designshave incorporated differential inputs and outputs to regainand maximize total output signal swing. Since many lowvoltageapplications are single-ended, the questions arise,“How can I use a differential I/O amplifi er in a single-endedapplication?” and “What are the implications of suchuse?” This Design Note addresses some of the practicalimplications and demonstrates specifi c single-endedapplications using the 3GHz gain-bandwidth LTC6406differential I/O amplifi er.

    标签: 单端应用 差分 放大器

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • 用于信号调理的微电路

      Low power operation of electronic apparatus has becomeincreasingly desirable. Medical, remote data acquisition,power monitoring and other applications are good candidatesfor battery driven, low power operation. Micropoweranalog circuits for transducer-based signal conditioningpresent a special class of problems. Although micropowerICs are available, the interconnection of these devices toform a functioning micropower circuit requires care. (SeeBox Sections, “Some Guidelines for Micropower Designand an Example” and “Parasitic Effects of Test Equipmenton Micropower Circuits.”) In particular, trade-offs betweensignal levels and power dissipation become painful whenperformance in the 10-bit to 12-bit area is desirable.

    标签: 信号调理 微电路

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • 新型精密运算放大器应用

    Application considerations and circuits for the LT1001 and LT1002 single and dual precision amplifiers are illustrated in a number of circuits, including strain gauge signal conditioners, linearized platinum RTD circuits, an ultra precision dead zone circuit for motor servos and other examples.

    标签: 精密 运算放大器

    上传时间: 2013-10-18


  • 水声信号功率放大器的设计与实现

    设计了水声信号发生系统中的功率放大电路,可将前级电路产生的方波信号转换为正弦信号,同时进行滤波、功率放大,使其满足换能器对输入信号的要求。该电路以单片机AT89C52,集成6阶巴特沃思低通滤波芯片MF6以及大功率运算放大器LM12为核心,通过标准RS232接口与PC进行通信,实现信号增益的程控调节,对干扰信号具有良好的抑制作用。经调试该电路工作稳定正常,输出波形无失真,在输出功率以及放大增益、波纹系数等方面均满足设计要求。    This paper presented a design and implementation of underwater acoustic power amplifer. This circuit converted the rectangle signal generated by frontend circuit into the sine signal, then filtered and power amplification, it meets the requirements of the transducer.Included AT89C52, 6th order Butterworth filter MF6, hipower amplififier LM12.Communication with PC through the RS232 port. The signal gain is adjustable and could be remote controlled. It has a good inhibitory effect on the interference signal. After debugged, this circuit works stable, the output waveform has no distortion, it meets the design requirement in outprt power, amplifier gain and ripple factor.

    标签: 水声信号 功率放大器

    上传时间: 2013-11-20


  • ADC转换器技术用语 (A/D Converter Defi

    ANALOG INPUT BANDWIDTH is a measure of the frequencyat which the reconstructed output fundamental drops3 dB below its low frequency value for a full scale input. Thetest is performed with fIN equal to 100 kHz plus integer multiplesof fCLK. The input frequency at which the output is −3dB relative to the low frequency input signal is the full powerbandwidth.APERTURE JITTER is the variation in aperture delay fromsample to sample. Aperture jitter shows up as input noise.APERTURE DELAY See Sampling Delay.BOTTOM OFFSET is the difference between the input voltagethat just causes the output code to transition to the firstcode and the negative reference voltage. Bottom Offset isdefined as EOB = VZT–VRB, where VZT is the first code transitioninput voltage and VRB is the lower reference voltage.Note that this is different from the normal Zero Scale Error.CONVERSION LATENCY See PIPELINE DELAY.CONVERSION TIME is the time required for a completemeasurement by an analog-to-digital converter. Since theConversion Time does not include acquisition time, multiplexerset up time, or other elements of a complete conversioncycle, the conversion time may be less than theThroughput Time.DC COMMON-MODE ERROR is a specification which appliesto ADCs with differential inputs. It is the change in theoutput code that occurs when the analog voltages on the twoinputs are changed by an equal amount. It is usually expressed in LSBs.

    标签: Converter Defi ADC 转换器

    上传时间: 2013-11-12


  • 相敏检波电路鉴相特性的仿真研究

    分析了调幅信号和载波信号之间的相位差与调制信号的极性的对应关系,得出了相敏检波电路输出电压的极性与调制信号的极性有对应关系的结论。为了验证相敏检波电路的这一特性,给出3 个电路方案,分别选用理想元件和实际元件,采用Multisim 对其进行仿真实验,直观形象地演示了相敏检波电路的鉴相特性,是传统的实际操作实验所不可比拟的。关键词:相敏检波;鉴相特性;Multisim;电路仿真 Abstract : The corresponding relation between modulation signal polarity and difference phases of amplitudemodulated signal and the carrier signal ,the polarity of phase2sensitive detecting circuit output voltage and the polarity of modulation signal are correspondent . In order to verify this characteristic ,three elect ric circuit s plans are produced ,idea element s and actual element s are selected respectively. Using Multisim to carry on a simulation experiment ,and then demonst rating the phase detecting characteristic of the phase sensitive circuit vividly and directly. Which is t raditional practical experience cannot be com pared.Keywords :phase sensitive detection ;phase2detecting characteristic ;Multisim;circuit simulation

    标签: 相敏检波 电路 仿真研究 鉴相

    上传时间: 2013-11-23
