上传时间: 2014-11-10
MicroSoft的Windows嵌入式开发系列课程(1):Windows CE系统定制开发入门
上传时间: 2013-12-20
MicroSoft Windows嵌入式开发系列课程(4):Windows CE电源管理
标签: Windows MicroSoft 嵌入式 开发系列
上传时间: 2016-10-16
自己编写的playfair加密/解密完整源程序.是用VC6 MFC编写的.Windows运行界面.可在MicroSoft Visual C++ 6.0集成开发环境下直接编译运行.
标签: MicroSoft playfair Windows Visual
上传时间: 2013-12-05
Inside MicroSoft SQL Server 2005: T-SQL Programming。
标签: Programming MicroSoft Inside Server
上传时间: 2016-10-21
MicroSoft Internet Explorer 5程序设计 VC++ &VB 编写IE浏览器程序的绝版电子书
标签: MicroSoft Internet Explorer VC
上传时间: 2013-12-15
This book shows you how to write programs that run under MicroSoft Windows 98, MicroSoft Windows NT 4.0, and Windows NT 5.0. These programs are written in the C programming language and use the native Windows application programming interfaces (APIs). As I ll discuss later in this chapter, this is not the only way to write programs that run under Windows. However, it is important to understand the Windows APIs regardless of what you eventually use to write your code.
标签: MicroSoft Windows programs shows
上传时间: 2013-12-13
The release of the MicroSoft Visual Studio .NET (and Visual C++ .NET in particular) has underscored MicroSoft’s increasing focus on Internet technologies, which are at the heart of the MicroSoft .NET architecture. In addition to supporting the .NET initiative, Visual C++ .
标签: Visual underscored particular MicroSoft
上传时间: 2014-11-23
Clase para imprimir desde un documento de MicroSoft word
标签: documento MicroSoft imprimir Clase
上传时间: 2014-01-03
理解使用数据库的原因 掌握数据库的基本概念和特点 理解MicroSoft SQL Server简史 理解MicroSoft SQL Server系统的体系结构 理解数据库和数据库对象的特点 理解管理工具的特点 理解数据库管理员的任务
上传时间: 2016-10-27