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  • Organic Light-Emitting Diodes OLED

    Organic Light-Emitting Diodes OLED

    标签: Light-Emitting Organic Diodes OLED

    上传时间: 2013-07-11


  • LED(Light Emitting Diode)

    LED(Light Emitting Diode),发光二极管,是一种固态的半导体器件,它可以直接把电转化为光

    标签: Emitting Diode Light LED

    上传时间: 2013-12-12


  • Visible Light Communication

    Visible light communications (VLC) is the name given to an optical wireless communication system that carries information by modulating light in the visible spectrum (400–700 nm) that is principally used for illumination [1–3]. The communications signal is encoded on top of the illumination light. Interest in VLC has grown rapidly with the growth of high power light emitting diodes (LEDs) in the visible spectrum. The motivation to use the illumination light for communication is to save energy by exploiting the illumination to carry information and, at the same time, to use technology that is “green” in comparison to radio frequency (RF) technology, while using the existing infrastructure of the lighting system. 

    标签: Communication Visible Light

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • 大功率照明LED开关电源研究.rar

    大功率照明LED(Light Emitting Diode)是新一代光源,它光转换效率高,也称作绿色光源。由于大功率照明LED本身的伏安特性,大功率LED的开关电源的研究从一开始就遇到了困难。而发展LED照明是现在节能环保的大趋势,所以研究开发一种新型的大功率照明LED开关电源是很有必要的。 本文简要介绍了大功率LED的发光特性、伏安特性及其驱动方案,并回顾了大功率LED开关电源的发展历史,展望了未来趋势。给出了大功率LED开关电源课题的背景,并分析了设计难点。在此基础上,提出了一种新型两级式方案,前级为PFC级,后级为DC/DC级。PFC级采用电感电流临界连续模式的Boost变换器,DC/DC级采用准谐振模式的反激变换器。为了提高PFC级在低电压输入时的效率,采用了变电压输出的控制方案。 文中首先对采用临界连续工作模式的功率因数校正级的工作原理和主电路参数进行推导与设计,以及对基于L6562的PFC控制电路的设计进行了详细的研究。其次详细介绍了准谐振模式的理论基础和应用,对基于NCP1377B的反激变换器的工作原理和稳态特性进行了详细的分析;在此基础上提出了一种高效低损耗的准谐振变换器的设计方案。论文详细介绍了该方案的工作原理和特点,并分析了钳位电路及基于TSM103的恒压/恒流电路及线性稳压器在提出的两级式方案中的应用。 结合上面提到的方案,本文研制了一台全球输入电压范围(90~265Vac),12V/5A输出的大功率照明LED开关电源,实验结果验证了所提方案的可行性。

    标签: LED 大功率 照明

    上传时间: 2013-07-15


  • LED电源驱动器測試解決方案

    發光二極體(Light Emitting Diode, LED)為半導體發光之固態光源。它成為具省電、輕巧、壽命長、環保(不含汞)等優點之新世代照明光源。目前LED已開始應用於液晶顯示

    标签: LED 电源 方案 驱动器

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • LED显示屏控制器的研究与开发

    近年来,LED(light emitting diode,发光二极管)电子显示屏作为一种高科技产品日益引起人们的重视。它可以实时显示或循环播放文字、图形和图像信息,具有显示方式丰富、观赏性强、显示内容修改方便、亮度高、显示稳定且寿命长等多种优点,被广泛应用于商业广告、体育比赛、交通信息报导等诸多领域。 LED显示屏的核心技术主要集中在控制器中。目前,大部分异步显示屏采用的是8位或16位的微控制器,由于受到微处理器的处理速度、体系架构、寻址范围、外围接口资源等诸多限制,已难以在要求显示较多像素、显示内容帧频较高、动态显示效果复杂的情况下得到良好的动态视觉效果。 针对以上情况,本文研究开发了一种全新的,由32位高性能ARM微处理器组成的LED显示屏控制系统,就控制平台、硬件结构和软件开发实现给出了驱动部分和控制部分的详细分析与设计。 本文根据LED显示屏在列车车厢和火车、汽车车站旅客导向系统中为应用背景,结合LPC2138的功能特点和LED显示屏的功能需求。详细介绍了显示屏控制系统中包括电源模块、复位模块、RS485通讯电路等主要模块的设计。成功实现了数据扫描、数据发送、数据通讯等LED显示屏所需的功能。 结合控制系统RS485通讯协议和系统显示的要求,分析了LED显示屏通讯和控制系统的软件开发流程。并详细分析了显示屏的静、动态图文显示软件流程结构;系统从上位机接受数据到信息显示的整个软件处理流程。 最后本文分析了LED显示屏控制系统研发中所遇到的几个难点问题,包括:提高RS485总线可靠性和抗干扰问题、系统在频繁更换内容死机的问题、显示内容较多时视觉效果的处理问题,并给出了解决方法。 经过实际测试,本文所述LED显示屏控制系统性能良好,工作稳定可靠,易于维护升级,具有很高的性价比。

    标签: LED 显示屏 控制器

    上传时间: 2013-05-28


  • LED的电源管理

    A Light-Emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that emits narrow-spectrum incoherent light when forward-biased.The color of the emitted light depends on the chemical composition of the semiconductor material used, and can benear-ultraviolet, visible or infrared. LEDs are more prevalent today than ever before, replacing traditional incandescent andfluorescent bulbs in many lighting applications. Incandescents use a heated filament, are subject to breakage and burnoutand operate at a luminous efficiency of 2% to 4%. Fluorescents are more efficient, at 7% to 12%, but require highdrive voltage and contain mercury, a toxic substance that may be eventually banned in certain countries. LEDs, however,produce light directly through electroluminescence, operate at low voltage and can deliver over 20% luminous efficiency.

    标签: LED 电源管理

    上传时间: 2013-11-07


  • A Single-Chip Pulsoximeter Des

    This application report discusses the design of non-invasive optical plethysmographyalso called as pulsoximeter using the MSP430FG437 Microcontroller (MCU). Thepulsoximeter consists of a peripheral probe combined with the MCU displaying theoxygen saturation and pulse rate on a LCD glass. The same sensor is used for bothheart-rate detection and pulsoximetering in this application. The probe is placed on aperipheral point of the body such as a finger tip, ear lobe or the nose. The probeincludes two light emitting diodes (LEDs), one in the visible red spectrum (660nm) andthe other in the infrared spectrum (940nm). The percentage of oxygen in the body isworked by measuring the intensity from each frequency of light after it transmitsthrough the body and then calculating the ratio between these two intensities.

    标签: Pulsoximeter Single-Chip Des

    上传时间: 2013-10-27


  • 水位监测报警系统原理

    摘要:本水位监测报警器使用5V低压直流电源(也可以用3节5号电池代替)就可以对5~15厘米的水位进行监测,用LED显示和数码管显示水位,并可以对不再此范围内的水位发出报警。主要采用CD4066、74LS86、74LS32、CD4511芯片,再加上数码管、蜂鸣器、发光二极管、电阻这些器件组成一个简单而灵敏的监测报警电路,操作简单,接通电源即可工作。因为大部分电路采用数字电路,所以本水位监测报警器还具有耗能低、准确性高的特点。关键字:译码电路    报警电路    监测电路 Abstract: The water level alarm monitoring the use of 5 V low-voltage DC power (can also use three batteries replaced on the 5th) will be able to 5 to 15 centimeters of water level monitoring, with LED display and digital display of water level, and this can no longer Within the scope of a water level alarm. Mainly CD4066, 74LS86, 74LS32, CD4511 chips, coupled with digital control, buzzer, Light-Emitting diode, the resistance of these devices composed of a simple and sensitive monitoring alarm circuits. Because the majority of circuits using digital circuitry, so the water level monitored alarm system also has low energy consumption, high accuracy of the characteristics. Keyword: Decoding circuit alarm circuit monitoring circuit

    标签: 水位 监测报警 系统原理

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • This application report discusses the design of non-invasive optical plethysmography also called as

    This application report discusses the design of non-invasive optical plethysmography also called as pulsoximeter using the MSP430FG437 Microcontroller (MCU). The pulsoximeter consists of a peripheral probe combined with the MCU displaying the oxygen saturation and pulse rate on a LCD glass. The same sensor is used for both heart-rate detection and pulsoximetering in this application. The probe is placed on a peripheral point of the body such as a finger tip, ear lobe or the nose. The probe includes two light emitting diodes (LEDs), one in the visible red spectrum (660nm) and the other in the infrared spectrum (940nm). The percentage of oxygen in the body is worked by measuring the intensity from each frequency of light after it transmits through the body and then calculating the ratio between these two intensities.

    标签: plethysmography non-invasive application discusses

    上传时间: 2014-01-17
