OLED,即有机发光二极管(Organic Light-Emitting Diode),由于同时具备自发光,不需背光源、对比度高、厚度薄、视角广、反应速度快、可用于挠曲性面板、使用温度范围广、构造及制程较简单等优异之特性,被认为是下一代的平面显示器新兴应用技术。其根据驱动方式的不同分为主动式OLED(AMOLED)和被动式OLED(PMOLED)。近年来,OLED因其优势在各领域有了突破性发展,并广泛应用于MP3显示,在照明领域也有可观的前景。许多公司也于展览会、期刊等展示了OLED的各种先进产品。本文将讨论各种OLED技术和适当的偏压电源供应电路,而关于OLED技术和驱动方法的选择,也会影响电源供应电路的需求。并应用单片机驱动OLED显示相应文字图案。
标签: 0.96寸OLED并口驱动显示
上传时间: 2015-06-08
LED 线阵显示装置, 分为 LED 线性旋转显示主机和图文录入器两部分。主机用直流电机带动由红绿 LED 组成的线阵旋转, 同时线阵按照时序依次切换显示状态, 在固定区域利用视觉暂留效果形成 16×16 点阵, 用以显示图文;图文录入器用 HMI 触控屏作为人机交互界面, 实现图文录入和回放功能。主机与图文录入器通过无线通信方式进行信息交互,可由图文录入器控制主机切换不同工作任务, 以及改变线阵显示内容。The LED linear array display device is divided into two parts:the one is the main unit used to display content,and the other one is used to input the contents.The main unit is driven by a DC motor to rotate the linear array composed by red and green light emitting diodes.At the same time,the 16×16 dot matrix that switching the display state according to the time sequence on the main unit displays pictures and texts in the fixed area,by using the visual temporary effect.The HMI touch screen is used as human machine interface to realize the function that input and playback pictures and texts.The two parts of the device communicate with each other through wireless communication.The image and text input controller can control the main unit to switch different tasks and change the content of linear array displayed.
标签: stc12c5a60s2 单片机 led
上传时间: 2022-03-28
标签: oled
上传时间: 2022-06-07
管理员用户名:light 密码:123 程序名:在线考试系统
上传时间: 2014-06-04
SQLDirect Component Library is a light-weight Borland Database Engine replacement for Borland Delphi v.4 - 9(2005) and C++Builder v.4 - 6. It uses the native application programming interfaces to access to the following SQL-servers: * Centura (formerly, Gupta) SQLBase Server * IBM DB2 Universal Database * Informix Server * Interbase/Firebird Server * Microsoft SQL Server * MySQL Server * Oracle Database Server * PostgreSQL Server * Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise and Adaptive Server Anywhere * ODBC datasources * OLEDB datasources
标签: Borland light-weight replacement SQLDirect
上传时间: 2013-12-10
The traffic light is timed and lets cars pass during a specific time period. There is a pedestrial crossing button that lets pedestrians cross. The lights are connected to Port 1. You can see this in action using dScope.
标签: pedestrial specific traffic during
上传时间: 2014-01-22
traffic light c program for hoteck .
标签: traffic program hoteck light
上传时间: 2015-05-01
Traffic light written with Verilog
标签: Traffic Verilog written light
上传时间: 2013-12-10
这个是我最近得到的支持向量机 light 的源码包。。。这个源码包主要是用作文本分类,它是由Joachims首先提出并实现。。。希望对大家有帮助!
上传时间: 2015-05-10
一款国外的CMS管理系统 PHP-Fusion is a light-weight open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP4. It uses a mySQL database to store your site content and includes a simple yet comprehensive adminstration system. PHP-Fusion includes the most common features you would expect to see in many other CMS packages including news, articles, forums, polls, shoutbox, comments, ratings & much more
标签: light-weight open-source PHP-Fusion management
上传时间: 2015-05-15