single RHS Gauss-Jordan routine for LINEAR Equation
标签: Gauss-Jordan Equation routine single
上传时间: 2013-11-28
The TP4054 is a complete constant-current/constant-voltage LINEAR charger for single celllithium
上传时间: 2013-07-27
数字语音通信是当前信息产业中发展最快、普及面最广的业务。语音信号压缩编码是数字语音信号处理的一个方面,它和通信领域联系最为密切。在现有的语音编码中,美国联邦标准混合激励线性预测(MELP—Mixed Excited LINEAR Prediction)算法在2.4kb/s的码率下取得了较好的语音质量,具有广阔的应用前景。 FPGA作为一种快速、高效的硬件平台在数字信号处理和通信领域具有着独特的优势。现代大容量、高速度的FPGA一般都内嵌有可配置的高速RAM、PLL、LVDS、LVTTL以及硬件乘法累加器等DSP模块。用FPGA来实现数字信号处理可以很好地解决并行性和速度问题,而且其灵活的可配置特性,使得FPGA构成的DSP系统非常易于修改、测试及硬件升级。 本论文阐述了一种基于FPGA的混合激励线性预测声码器的研究与设计。首先介绍了语音编码研究的发展状况以及低速率语音编码研究的意义,接着在对MELP算法进行深入分析的基础上,提出了利用DSP Builder在Matlab中建模的思路及实现过程,最后本文把重点放在MELP声码器的编解码器设计上,利用DSP Builder、QuartusⅡ分别设计了其中的滤波器、分帧加窗处理、线性预测分析等关键模块。 在Simulink环境下运用SignalCompiler对编解码系统进行功能仿真,为了便于仿真,系统中没有设计的模块在Simulink中用数学模型代替,仿真结果表明,合成语音信号与原始信号很好的拟合,系统编解码后语音质量基本良好。
上传时间: 2013-06-02
随着语音技术应用的发展,语音信号数字处理的实时性要求越来越突出。这就要求在系统设计中,对系统的硬件环境要求更高。随着语音处理算法的日益复杂,用普通处理器对语音信号进行实时处理,已经不能满足需要。专用语音信号处理芯片能解决实时性的要求,同时对器件的资源要求也是最低的。 论文利用Altera公司的新一代可编程逻辑器件在数字信号处理领域的优势,对语音信号的常用参数—LPC(线性预测编码,LINEAR Predictive Coding)参数提取的FPGA(现场可编程门阵列,Field Programmable Gate Array)实现进行了深入研究。论文首先对语音的离散数学模型和短时平稳特性进行了分析,深入讨论了语音线性预测技术。第二,对解线性预测方程组的自相关法和协方差斜格法进行了比较,提出了一种基于协方差斜格法的LPC参数提取系统的总体设计方案。第三,对Altera公司的Cyclon系列可编程器件的内部结构进行了研究,分析了在QuartusⅡ开发平台上进行FPGA设计的流程。第四,对系统的各个功能模块进行了设计,所有算法通过Verilog硬件描述语言实现,并对其工作过程进行了详细的分析。最后,在Altera FPGA目标芯片EP1C6Q240C8上,对LPC参数提取系统进行了仿真验证。 系统具有灵活的输入输出接口,能方便地同其它语音处理模块相连,构成一个完整的语音处理专用芯片,可以应用于语音编解码、语音识别等系统。
上传时间: 2013-04-24
· 摘要: 本文研究了由线性反馈移位寄存器(LINEAR Feedback Shift Registers,LFSR)生成m序列的原理,并对LFSR电路结构作了改进,利用基于现代DSP技术的DSP Builder软件,设计了一种周期、相位可调的m序列发生器.经调试与仿真,结果表明该方法硬件结构简单、开发周期短,为系统设计或测试带来很大的便利.
上传时间: 2013-07-18
Industrial systems demand semiconductors that are precise, flexibleand reliable. LINEAR Technology offers a broad line of high performanceanalog ICs that simplify system design with rugged devices featuringparameters fully guaranteed over the -40°C to 85°C temperature range.We back this up with knowledgeable applications support, long productlife cycles and superior on-time delivery.
上传时间: 2013-11-02
LINEAR Technology’s High Frequency Product lineupincludes a variety of RF I/Q modulators. The purpose ofthis application note is to illustrate the circuits requiredto interface these modulators with several popular D/Aconverters. Such circuits typically are required to maximizethe voltage transfer from the DAC to the baseband inputsof the modulator, as well as provide some reconstructionfi ltering.
上传时间: 2013-10-19
This application note describes a LINEAR Technology "Half-Flash" A/D converter, the LTC1099, being connected to a 256 element line scan photodiode array. This technology adapts itself to handheld (i.e., low power) bar code readers, as well as high resolution automated machine inspection applications..
上传时间: 2013-11-21
Sensors for pressure, load, temperature, acceleration andmany other physical quantities often take the form of aWheatstone bridge. These sensors can be extremely LINEARand stable over time and temperature. However, mostthings in nature are only LINEAR if you don’t bend them toomuch. In the case of a load cell, Hooke’s law states that thestrain in a material is proportional to the applied stress—as long as the stress is nowhere near the material’s yieldpoint (the “point of no return” where the material ispermanently deformed).
上传时间: 2013-11-13
Over the past several years LINEAR Technology, the magazine, has come of age. From nothing, the publication has come into its own, as has its subscriber list. Many innovative circuits have seen the light of day in the pages of our now hallowed publication.
上传时间: 2014-12-23