Providing power for the Pentium® microprocessor family isnot a trivial task by any means. In an effort to simplify thistask we have developed a new switching regulator controlcircuit and a new LINEAR regulator to address the needs ofthese processors. Considerable time has been spent developingan optimized decoupling network. Here are severalcircuits using the new LTC®1266 synchronous buck regulatorcontrol chip and the LT®1584 LINEAR regulator toprovide power for Pentium processors and Pentium VREprocessors. The Pentium processor has a supply requirementof 3.3V ±5%. The Pentium VRE processor requires3.500V ±100mV.
上传时间: 2013-11-01
LINEAR Technology has a sabbatical program. Every fiveyears employees are granted sabbatical leave, which maylast up to six weeks. You have 18 months from each fiveyear employment anniversary to take the leave. Sabbaticalis fully company paid and has no restrictions. The time isyours to do with as you please.
上传时间: 2013-10-19
Sensing and/or controlling current flow is a fundamental requirement in many electronics systems, and the tech-niques to do so are as diverse as the applications them-selves. This Application Note compiles solutions to cur-rent sensing problems and organizes the solutions by general application type. These circuits have been culled from a variety of LINEAR Technology documents
标签: 电流检测电路
上传时间: 2013-10-22
LTC3803-5是LINEAR公司的工作在–55℃ 到150℃的固定频率恒流模式的反激电源控制器,最适合用来驱动高输入电压的N-MOSFET.工作电压可低至5V,输出电压精度可达±1.5%,静态电流仅为240uA,主要用在42V和12V汽车电源,通信电源,以太网供电(POE),辅助电源等.本文介绍了LTC3803-5主要特性, 方框图和多种应用电路.
上传时间: 2014-04-30
加利福尼亚州米尔皮塔斯 (MILPITAS, CA) – 2009 年 8 月 31 日 – 凌力尔特公司 (LINEAR Technology Corporation) 推出隔离式 RS485 微型模块 (uModule®) 收发器 LTM2881,该器件针对大的地至地差分电压和共模瞬变提供了保护作用。在实际的 RS485系统中,各节点之间的地电位差异很大,常常超出可容许范围,这有可能导致通信中断或收发器受损。LTM2881 运用内部感应信号隔离来对逻辑电平接口和线路收发器实施隔离,以中断接地环路,从而实现了大得多的共模电压范围和 >30kV/μs 的卓越共模抑制性能。一个低 EMI DC-DC 转换器负责向收发器供电,并提供了一个用于给任何外部支持元件供电的 5V 隔离电源输出。凭借 2,500VRMS 的电流隔离、板上辅助电源和一个完全符合标准的 RS485 发送器和接收器,LTM2881 不需要使用外部元件,从而确保了一款适合隔离串行数据通信的完整、小型μModule 解决方案。
上传时间: 2013-10-25
研究领域:电源管理IC、功率IC 涉及厂商:Fairchild、ST、NS、Onsemiconductor、LINEAR和Maxim等 报告推荐 2009年,受国际金融危机和行业不景气的双重冲击,全球电源管理芯片市场规模出现超过10%的大幅下滑,中国电源管理芯片市场也首次出现负增长。虽然整体市场明显下滑,但分领域来看,汽车电子类电源管理芯片市场依然实现正增长,而计算机、网络通信和消费电子等领域则由于下游整机出口下滑的拖累导致相关领域的电源管理芯片市场出现大幅衰退。整体来看,2009年中国电源管理芯片市场虽然陷入了前所未有的负增长,但下半年以来市场的明显复苏以及人们对节能、绿色以及低碳需求的不断增加,未来电源管理芯片市场依然充满希望。 为了全面而准确的反映中国电源管理芯片市场地发展现状以及未来趋势,推出《2009-2010年中国电源管理芯片市场研究年度报告》,将帮助业界厂商、投资者和相关政府机构更准确地把握中国电源管理芯片市场的发展规律。 深入、翔实的市场研究数据。基于对行业产品的深度研究,提供对产品结构、应用结构等多个角度的市场数据,明晰市场发展方向。 全面、深刻的品牌竞争分析。从市场格局、竞争策略、SWOT分析等多个维度分析企业,评点市场领先要素。 科学、完整的未来发展预测。建立在各重点细分市场上的建模校验,并与相关产业环节进行关联分析,确保给出有价值的趋势分析与定量预测结果。 本报告全面总结了2009年中国电源管理芯片市场的发展状况,全面分析了其推进因素和市场特点,并对主要厂商进行了客观综合的评价,通过大量的调研访谈和详实准确的数据支撑,为客户提供完整的中国电源管理芯片市场信息,为企业提供有效的决策参考,报告主要为客户提供了以下方面的内容。 目前国内电源管理芯片市场规模及特点 按产品细分的电源管理芯片市场情况 按应用领域细分的电源管理芯片市场情况 主要厂商分析 未来各个细分市场的预测 报告框架
上传时间: 2013-11-17
利用单片机具有的智能程序控制的特点,设计了基于STC89C52单片机的"二极管特性测试器",可对二极管一般特性进行快速测试。通过稳定线性电流源给二极管加载恒定电流,然后由高精度模数转换器测试其压降,以此为基础可判断二极管好坏、检测二极管极性和测试二极管伏安特性等,避免了用万用表测试只能测得极性而不知其特性这一缺点。可用于电子设计制作过程中对二极管进行快速测试,以确定被测二极管是否满足电路的设计要求。 Abstract: By making good use of the intelligent control function of the Micro Controller Unit (MCU), the diode trait tester was designed based on the STC89C52,which could be used to test the trait of a diode rapidly. By loading constant current to diode through the stable LINEAR current source, and measuring the voltage drop of the diode by high-precision analogue-to-digital converter (ADC), it can judge whether the diode is good or not, distinguish the polarity of the diode, and test the trait that the diode, which can avoid the fault of using a multimeter can only measure the polarity but not the trait. This device can be used to test the trait of a diode quickly,and to make sure that whether a diode can be used in the electronic design or not.
上传时间: 2013-11-13
LINEAR 公司的LTC4310是绝缘的双向I2C总线通信器件,每个器件可把I2C逻辑状态编码成信号,通过绝缘层传输到另一个器件.接收器件解码,并驱动I2C总线到适当的确逻辑状态.主要用在绝缘的I2C, SMBus和PMBus 接口,绝缘电源,以太网供电和正到负电源通信.本文介绍了LTC4310主要特性,典型应用以及多种应用电路框图.
上传时间: 2013-11-02
CAT5110/18/19/23/24/25 LINEAR-taper digitally programmable potentiometers perform the same function as a mechanical potentiometer or a variable resistor. These devices consist of a fixed resistor and a wiper contact with 32-tap points that are digitally controlled through a2-wire up/down serial interface.
上传时间: 2013-11-22
The TL2575 and TL2575HV represent superior alternatives to popular three-terminal LINEAR regulators. Due totheir high efficiency, the devices significantly reduce the size of the heatsink and, in many cases, no heatsink isrequired. Optimized for use with standard series of inductors available from several different manufacturers, theTL2575 and TL2575HV greatly simplify the design of switch-mode power supplies by requiring a minimaladdition of only four to six external components for operation.
上传时间: 2013-11-20