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  • 谱域法求解电磁场扩散方程的Fortran程序 A working example of solving the electromagnetic diffusion equation using a

    谱域法求解电磁场扩散方程的Fortran程序 A working example of solving the electromagnetic diffusion equation using a spectral method

    标签: electromagnetic diffusion equation Fortran

    上传时间: 2014-01-10


  • ExcpHook is an open source (see license.txt) Exception Monitor for Windows made by Gynvael Coldwind

    ExcpHook is an open source (see license.txt) Exception Monitor for Windows made by Gynvael Coldwind (of Team Vexillium). t uses a ring0 driver to hook KiExceptionDispatch procedure to detect the exceptions, and then shows information about the exception on stdout (using the ring3 part of the program ofc). The difference between this method, and the standard debug API method it that this method monitores all of XP processes, and the program does not have to attach to any other process to monitor it, hence it s harder to detect. The code currently is considered as ALPHA, and it has been reported to BSoD sometimes (on multi core/cpu machines). Take Care!

    标签: Exception ExcpHook Coldwind Monitor

    上传时间: 2014-02-10


  • 多项式曲线拟合 任意介数 Purpose - Least-squares curve fit of arbitrary order working in C++ Builder 2007 as

    多项式曲线拟合 任意介数 Purpose - Least-squares curve fit of arbitrary order working in C++ Builder 2007 as a template class, using vector<FloatType> parameters. Added a method to handle some EMathError exceptions. If do NOT want to use this just call PolyFit2 directly. usage: Call PolyFit by something like this. CPolyFit<double> PolyFitObj double correlation_coefficiant = PolyFitObj.PolyFit(X, Y, A) where X and Y are vectors of doubles which must have the same size and A is a vector of doubles which must be the same size as the number of coefficients required. returns: The correlation coefficient or -1 on failure. produces: A vector (A) which holds the coefficients.

    标签: Least-squares arbitrary Purpose Builder

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • ami_snake算法源代码

    ami_snake算法源代码,ami_snake is an implementationof the 2D snake technique proposedin . It is alevel set method based on the partial di¡ èerential equation.

    标签: ami_snake 算法 源代码

    上传时间: 2016-04-09


  • This the network curriculum project reported that the topic is the image frequency range enhancement

    This the network curriculum project reported that the topic is the image frequency range enhancement method study, hoped that everybody uses for reference!

    标签: the enhancement curriculum frequency

    上传时间: 2014-12-01


  • 首先对原始数据 归一化 然后进行PCA分析 采用PCs作为特征

    首先对原始数据 归一化 然后进行PCA分析 采用PCs作为特征, 进行模糊聚类分析 fuzzy c-means method

    标签: PCA PCs 数据

    上传时间: 2016-04-21


  • simulates coin tossing. Let the program toss a coin each time the user chooses the “Toss Coin” menu

    simulates coin tossing. Let the program toss a coin each time the user chooses the “Toss Coin” menu option. Count the number of times each side of the coin appears. Display the results. The program should call a separate method flip that takes no arguments and returns false for tails and true for heads. [ Note: If the program realistically simulates coin tossing, each side of the coin should appear approximately half the time.]

    标签: the coin simulates chooses

    上传时间: 2014-08-30


  • Refer to the UML diagram above and implement the Course class. After you define the Course class, yo

    Refer to the UML diagram above and implement the Course class. After you define the Course class, you must create a Course object with the following details: Programming I, WXES1114, taught by SMT. Besides, your program must test all the accessor and mutator methods you had defined and the toString() method. toString() method is a special method inherited from the Object class. You have to override this method to display all the information about a course.

    标签: Course the class implement

    上传时间: 2014-01-26


  • 数值线性代数的Matlab应用程序包 共13个程序函数

    数值线性代数的Matlab应用程序包 共13个程序函数,每个程序函数有相应的例子函数一一对应,以*Example.m命名 程序名称 用途 Method 方法 GrmSch.m QR因子分解 classical Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization 格拉母-斯密特 MGrmSch.m QR因子分解 modified Gram-Schmidt iteration 修正格拉母-斯密特 householder.m QR因子分解 Householder 豪斯霍尔德QR因子分解 ZXEC.m 最小二乘拟合 polynomial interpolant 最小二乘插值多项式 NCLU.m LU因子分解 Gaussian elimination 不选主元素的高斯消元 PALU.m LU因子分解 partial pivoting Gaussian elimination 部分选主元的高斯消元 cholesky.m 楚因子分解 Cholesky Factorization 楚列斯基因子分解 PwItrt.m 求最大特征值 Power Iteration 幂迭代 Jacobi.m 求特征值 Jacobi iteration 按标准行方式次序的雅可比算法 Anld.m 求上Hessenberg Arnoldi Iteration 阿诺尔迪迭代 zuisu.m 解线性方程组 Steepest descent 最速下降法 CG.m 解线性方程组 Gradients 共轭梯度 BCG.m 解线性方程组 Biconjugate Gradients 双共轭梯度

    标签: Matlab 数值 应用程序 函数

    上传时间: 2016-05-17


  • java Labyrinth game;Provides two kinds to produce map s way stochastically: The stochastic distribut

    java Labyrinth game;Provides two kinds to produce map s way stochastically: The stochastic distribution point method and the chart depth first traversal the law two kinds.It can searches the shortest way to demonstrate automatically

    标签: stochastically stochastic Labyrinth distribut

    上传时间: 2016-06-13
