This directory contains the Genetic Algorithm Optimization Toolbox for Matlab To use this, IF you are local to NCSU and have AFS access to this directory, simply extend the matlab path using the following command. You can also place this command in a file called startup.m. Everytime you start Matlab in the directory containing this file, the path will always be extended.
标签: Optimization Algorithm directory contains
上传时间: 2014-01-18
delphi中的几个技巧 1、判断一个字符串是否包含于另外一个字符串的方法 例如:IF pos( ab , abcd )<>0 then messagedlg( ab是包含于abcd ,mtConfirmation,[mbYes, mbNo],0) pos(obj,target) 在target字符串中找出第一个出现obj的第一个字符位置,如果找不到,返回0. 2、如何使窗口全屏,类似游戏一样,而不是窗口的最大化! (1) BorderStyle 为 bsNone (2) Windowstate 为 wsMaximized (3) 退出时可加一个按钮之类的,写上 close 即可退出。
标签: abcd messagedlg delphi then
上传时间: 2013-12-31
JAVA得到网卡物理地址(windows和Linux) ,当时觉得挺好,后来正好项目里有需要,就用了它,但好像有点问题.因为它是采用固定字符串搜索(IF (line.indexOf("Physical Address") != -1) )获得MAC 地址的,后来在应用时出了问题,因为没有"Physical Address"这一项.后来在外网在查查了一下,后来发现老外有写一个这样的类,可能那样的方式更加可靠一点.算是做个标记
标签: Physical windows indexOf Linux
上传时间: 2016-01-24
Breakout game,It was developed by Bluej.IF somebody wanna learn Bluej GUI,it is a very useful example to follow.
标签: Bluej developed Breakout somebody
上传时间: 2013-12-19
It is he introduce about CD-ROM s physical structure. Maybe it give you some help, IF you want to know something about CD-ROm.
标签: introduce structure you physical
上传时间: 2013-12-18
IF you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size
标签: features reduce using these
上传时间: 2016-02-07
一个去掉程序中#IFdef #IF 等预处理条件为假的程序
上传时间: 2013-12-19
BGP protocol,it s professional, IF you like, dowload it.
标签: professional protocol dowload it
上传时间: 2014-10-12
robocup 的高层决策机构 IF ball is kickable kick ball to goal else IF i am fastest player to ball and no opponent can intercept ball intercept the ball else move to strategic position and pos ba
标签: ball kickable robocup fastest
上传时间: 2014-01-13
msp430fw427 scan IF 模块使用范例(很难找到的)测转速用的
上传时间: 2013-12-20