CP detector (CPD) only reports the onset and removal of a tone. The analysis of timing (IF required) shall be responsibility of a higher-level application due to uncontrollable variability of those parameters from country to country.FOR TI C54X/C55X
标签: detector analysis required reports
上传时间: 2013-12-02
Labview国际象棋,it is useful IF you are learning labview
标签: learning Labview labview useful
上传时间: 2013-12-17
Tell you some basic things about Linux, IF you want to learn this Linux well and can programme in this OS,please don t miss downloading this document.
标签: Linux you programme things
上传时间: 2016-02-19
Mir2 Actor.pas IF (IsFace) and (FaceIndex > -1) then begin d := aFrmMain.WFaceimg.Images[FaceIndex * 10 + (FaceFram) mod 8] /// IF HorseSurface<>nil then // dSurface.Draw (dx+shIFtx, dy + hpy + ShIFtY-60, d.ClientRect, d, TRUE) // else IF d <> nil then begin IF HorseSurface <> nil then dsurface.Draw(SayX - d.Width div 2, dy + hpy + ShIFtY - 60, d.ClientRect, d, True) else dsurface.Draw(SayX - d.Width div 2, dy + hpy + ShIFtY - 50, d.ClientRect, d, True) end end end
标签: FaceIndex aFrmMain WFaceimg IsFace
上传时间: 2016-02-21
The tool presented below tries to detect from remote IF the target machine was compromised with the HACKER Defender rootkit. The tool connect to the remote host, and compares the reply to several known replies. The rootkits that can be detected by the tool are: HACKER Defender v1.0.0 and below.
标签: compromised presented the machine
上传时间: 2016-02-21
IF(e.getActionCommand()=="参数法画圆"){ p=11 } } //actionPerformed //实现接口WindowListener的所有方法,用于处理发生在窗口上的事件 public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
标签: getActionCommand actionPerformed Window IF
上传时间: 2016-02-27
THIS book covers the Java™ Native Interface (JNI). It will be useful to you IF you are interested in any of the following: • integrating a Java application with legacy code written in languages such as C or C++ • incorporating a Java virtual machine implementation into an existing application written in languages such as C or C++ • implementing a Java virtual machine • understanding the technical issues in language interoperability, in particular how to handle features such as garbage collection and multithreading
标签: Interface you interes Native
上传时间: 2013-12-12
老外自编串口组件及串口程序: Commu, a testform to check IF everything is working correctly. XON/XOFF check is not yet implemented. So good luck with communication.
标签: check everything correctly testform
上传时间: 2016-02-28
microfsoft .net develop ppt IF you like .net please download it
标签: microfsoft net download develop
上传时间: 2016-03-02
Status StrAssign(SString T,char *chars) { // 生成一个其值等于chars的串T int i IF(strlen(chars)>MAXSTRLEN) return ERROR else { T[0]=strlen(chars) for(i=1 i<=T[0] i++) T[i]=*(chars+i-1) return OK } }
标签: chars StrAssign SString Status
上传时间: 2014-01-10