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  • 程序所在目录:ex4_SCI 采用标准DB9 串口直连线将PC 串口和扩展板串口相连。打开PC 上的串口调试软件。默认设置COM1,9600N,8,1。选择按16 进制接收和发送。 然后打开

    程序所在目录:ex4_SCI 采用标准DB9 串口直连线将PC 串口和扩展板串口相连。打开PC 上的串口调试软件。默认设置COM1,9600N,8,1。选择按16 进制接收和发送。 然后打开CC2000,进行如下操作: 1.Project->Open ,打开该目录中的工程文件。 2.Project->Rebuild ALL,编译链接 3.File->Load Program 4.Debug->GO Main 5.Debug->RUN (快捷键F5) 然后在串口调试助手中马上可以看到上部的接收显示区不断接收到数据57(为16 进制)。在串口助手的下部的发送区填入56,选中自动发送。数据即可通过串口发送到目标板。 查看DSP 是否收到数据,按如下操作:打开View->Watch window ,在下面刚弹出的Watch 区域中点右键,选择Insert, 出现的信息框中填入SCI_RXDATA,x 即可按十六进制方式显示出变量SCI_RXDATA 的值。如果正常,应可以看到该变量值为0x56。即说明RS232 双向通讯正常。

    标签: 9600 串口 SCI DB9

    上传时间: 2014-01-02


  • 程序所在目录:ex5_SPI D/A 转换芯片选用的是SPI 接口的TLC5620,串行4 通道8 位DA 转换。 打开CC2000,进行如下操作: 1.Project->Open

    程序所在目录:ex5_SPI D/A 转换芯片选用的是SPI 接口的TLC5620,串行4 通道8 位DA 转换。 打开CC2000,进行如下操作: 1.Project->Open ,打开该目录中的工程文件。 2.Project->Rebuild ALL,编译链接 3.File->Load Program 4.Debug->GO Main 5.Debug->RUN (快捷键F5) 用示波器可以看到DA_OUT1 接口输出三角波 DA_OUT2 输出三角波 用万用表可以测到DA_OUT3 输出2.475V DA_OUT4 输出1.65V 各路的DA 输出均由程序控制,用户可参照程序中的注释更改。

    标签: SPI Project 5620 2000

    上传时间: 2017-04-26


  • This is a desktop application written in java which sends email using gmail smtp. You do not need to

    This is a desktop application written in java which sends email using gmail smtp. You do not need to GO to the browser to send email. If you do not have a gmail account that is ok too because you can send email by a default account and of course by your own account. You need jdk 1.6 or higher to run it.

    标签: application desktop written email

    上传时间: 2014-01-14


  • USACO 1.1.1 美国信息学奥林匹克竞赛第一题题解。 http://ace.delos.com/usacoprob2?a=tm4lT30HPme&S=ride 问题描述 科学家们在

    USACO 1.1.1 美国信息学奥林匹克竞赛第一题题解。 http://ace.delos.com/usacoprob2?a=tm4lT30HPme&S=ride 问题描述 科学家们在研究彗星后惊讶地发现,在每一个彗星后面都有一个不明飞行物UFO。 这些不明飞行物时常来带走来自地球上的一些支持者。不幸地,他们的空间在每次旅行只能带上一群支持者。 他们要做的是用一种聪明的方案让某个支持彗星UFO的团体都被彗星带走。他们为每个彗星起了一个名字,通过这些名字来决定一个团体是不是特定的彗星带走。 那个相配方案的细节是这样的: 所有团体的名字和彗星的名字都以下列各项方式转换成一个数字: 这个最后的数字代表名字中所有字母的信息,"A" 是 1 和 "Z" 是 26。 举例来说,团体 "USACO" 会是 21*19*1*3*15=17955 。 如果团体的数字 mod 47 等于慧星的数字 mod 47,那么你要告诉这个团体:准备好行李,走吧 ! 现在,你要写一个程序来通过团体的名字和彗星的名字来决定一个组是否应该与在那一颗彗星后面的不明飞行物搭配。 写一个程序读入彗星的名字和团体的名字,如果搭配打印"GO"否者打印"STAY" 团体的名字和彗星的名字将会是没有空格或标点的一串大写字母(不超过6个字母)。

    标签: usacoprob USACO delos HPme

    上传时间: 2017-05-20


  • Game programmers, check out the only book on data structures written especially for you! Described i

    Game programmers, check out the only book on data structures written especially for you! Described in layman s terms, this book will explain all of the essential data structures that are used in video game programming. It will also GO over some of the more advanced and specialized data structures, too. Data Structures for Game Programmers is written in C++, and any special skills required to understand the book will be explained within it. The CD will include source code of the book, compiled demo s of the source, graphical demo code, plus tools such as Visual C++ 5, SDL, STLPort, Paint Shop Pro, and an SDL Primer by Ernest Pazera.

    标签: programmers especially structures Described

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • This contribution provides functions for finding an optimum parameter set using the evolutionary alg

    This contribution provides functions for finding an optimum parameter set using the evolutionary alGOrithm of Differential Evolution. Simply speaking: If you have some complicated function of which you are unable to compute a derivative, and you want to find the parameter set minimizing the output of the function, using this package is one possible way to GO.

    标签: contribution evolutionary functions parameter

    上传时间: 2017-06-03


  • Electronics Design Checklist C) 2003 Hank Wallace This is a checklist for electronics designers. T

    Electronics Design Checklist C) 2003 Hank Wallace This is a checklist for electronics designers. The idea is for engineers and technicians to share experiences and create a detailed checklist, which the individual designer can pare down to meet his or her specific needs. There are many details that GO into the making of a first-run design success, and this checklist helps prevent Murphy s gremlins from marring an otherwise healthy design.

    标签: Electronics electronics Checklist checklist

    上传时间: 2017-06-17


  • This book’s primary GOal is to help you prepare to take and pass Microsoft’s exam number 70-290, Ma

    This book’s primary GOal is to help you prepare to take and pass Microsoft’s exam number 70-290, Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment. Our secondary purpose in writing this book is to provide exam candidates with knowledge and skills that GO beyond the minimum requirements for passing the exam, and help to prepare them to work in the real world of Microsoft computer networking.

    标签: Microsoft primary prepare number

    上传时间: 2014-03-11


  • What happens with your machine when you need to move away from the computer for 10 or more minutes?

    What happens with your machine when you need to move away from the computer for 10 or more minutes? How secure is your data? Can someone sit on your chair while you are at a coworkers office and play with your data? Maybe you need a computer locking tool that is small and easy to use yet powerful enough to make sure your machine is locked when you need to GO out for a break.

    标签: computer happens machine minutes

    上传时间: 2017-08-24


  • As a general rule, PhD students and their supervisors tend to focus primarily, or even exclusively,

    As a general rule, PhD students and their supervisors tend to focus primarily, or even exclusively, on the content of the research that will GO into the doctoral thesis. Other issues are often taken for granted: how to organize your work, give a presentation, work in a team, cope with your supervisor, and how to effectively manage your time.When asked, former PhD students usually claim that the general experience of being a graduate student, which includes learning how to solve complex problems and work well with others, was of greater value to their careers than the actual topic of their thesis.

    标签: exclusively supervisors primarily students

    上传时间: 2013-12-16
