NXP半导体设计的LPC3000系列ARM芯片,适用于要求高性能和低功耗结合的嵌入式应用中。 NXP通过使用90纳米的处理技术,将一个带有矢量浮点协处理器的ARM926EJ-S CPU内核与一系列包括USB On-The-GO在内的标准外设结合起来,从而实现LPC3000的性能目标。LPC3000系列ARM可工作在高于266MHz的CPU频率下。ARM926EJ-S CPU内核加入5级流水处理并采用哈佛结构。该内核还具有一个完整的存储器管理单元(MMU),以提供支持现代操作系统多程序设计所需的虚拟存储器功能。ARM926EJ-S CPU内核还包含了带有单周期MAC操作的一系列DSP指令扩展,以及Jazelle Java字节代码执行。NXP实现的器件具有一个32kB指令高速缓存和32kB数据高速缓存。
上传时间: 2013-11-20
深入浅出AVR单片机思路清晰,以AVR单片机为载体,介绍了初学单片机所必须掌握的专业知识。书中语言严谨但不乏幽默风趣,配以大量的照片、图示和实例程序,使读者在愉悦中完成专业知识的学习,并培养了学习嵌入式系统的兴趣。本书在讲述AVR单片机的同时,更注重于对读者学习和设计能力的启发、培养,帮助他们养成“从实践中来,到实践中去”的科学方法论,为进一步的学习创造了基础。 本书讲述浅显、内容丰富、编排合理、实例详尽。首先介绍了如何阅读器件资料的方法,然后熟悉ICCAVR集成开发环境并搭建实验开发装置,接着从实际应用出发,启发式地介绍AVR单片机的常用资源和对应软件方法,最后较为全面地补充了从事嵌入式系统开发要扩展的软件知识。 第1篇 Are you ready? 第1章 学会阅读Datasheet 1.1 如何阅读PDF文件,如何获得Datasheet文件 1.2 Datasheet告诉我们些什么 1.3 如何看懂AVR的Datasheet 1.4 如何得到帮助 1.5 汇编语言执行时间的计算方法 1.6 ATmega48/88/168常用熔丝的作用及其配置方法 1.7 对误烧写为外部时钟模式的解锁方法 实例1 阅读74HC595 Datasheet 第2章 深入开发环境 2.1 认识ICC编译环境 2.2 事半功倍的代码生成器 2.3 ICC之不得不说的故事 2.4 AVR最小系统和下载线DIY 实例2 AVR最小系统DIY第2篇 Let\'s GO! 第3章 从跑马灯开始 3.1 输入/输出界面 3.1.1 单片机的输入/输出设备——引脚 3.1.2 “芯”里有数——数码管显示 3.1.3 单片机的输入/输出设备——从按键到键盘 3.2 用ATmega48/88/168单片机端口驱动数码管 3.3 操纵ATmega48/88/168单片机端口 3.4 端口内建上拉电阻的使用 3.5 端口位操作 实例3 跑马灯 实例4 数码管的显示(上) 实例5 数码管的显示(下) 实例6 矩阵键盘 第4章 对不起接个电话 4.1 十万火急——中断 4.2 中断的特性 4.3 使用中断时的注意事项 4.4 ATmega48/88/168单片机有哪些中断源 4.5 如何编写一个中断的服务程序代码 4.6 ATmega48/88/168单片机中断的开关控制 4.7 ATmega48/88/168中断标志位 4.8 ATmega48/88/168中断优先级 4.9 ATmega48/88/168单片机中断向量 4.10 中断与查询之争 4.11 用查询方式响应外设中断 4.12 中断误触发 4.13 前后台与原子操作 实例7 中断唤醒的键盘扫描 实例8 旋转编码器 第5章 一秒究竟有多长 5.1 单片机与时间 5.2 软件延时 5.3 不需要加载的“自由计时器” 5.4 通过重加载控制定时中断周期 5.5 使用代码生成器生成定时器1初始化代码 5.6 定时器的其他工作模式 5.7 PWM波及其应用简介 5.8 人类能看懂的电子时钟——实时时钟简介 实例9 闪烁的灯 实例10 渐明渐暗的灯 实例11 复杂闪烁控制 第6章 电量低 6.1 从猜数游戏到A/D转换器 6.2 ATmega48/88/168的A/D转换器 6.3 ATmega48/88/168单片机中与A/D相关的引脚 6.4 ATmega48/88/168单片机中与A/D相关的寄存器 6.5 使用A/D时需要注意些什么 6.6 怎样知道A/D转换完成 6.7 读取A/D的转换结果 6.8 使用代码生成器生成ADC初始化代码 6.9 书写具有工程结构的初始化代码 6.10 电量计原理概述 …… 第7章 正在过收费站 第8章 包装的学问 第9章 傻孩子求职记 第10章 MISSION UPDATE第3篇 Code Name C 第11章 朝花夕拾 第12章 指针都是纸老虎 第13章 来自身边的启示 第14章 初识嵌入式系统
上传时间: 2014-05-05
Internal Interrupts are used to respond to asynchronous requests from a certain part of themicrocontroller that needs to be serviced. Each peripheral in the TriCore as well as theBus Control Unit, the Debug Unit, the Peripheral Control Processor (PCP) and the CPUitself can generate an Interrupt Request.So what is an external Interrupt?An external Interrupt is something alike as the internal Interrupt. The difference is that anexternal Interrupt request is caused by an external event. Normally this would be a pulseon Port0 or Port1, but it can be even a signal from the input buffer of the SSC, indicatingthat a service is requested.The User’s Manual does not explain this aspect in detail so this ApNote will explain themost common form of an external Interrupt request. This ApNote will show that there is aneasy way to react on a pulse on Port0 or Port1 and to create with this impulse an InterruptService Request. Later in the second part of the document, you can find hints on how todebounce impulses to enable the use of a simple switch as the input device.Note: You will find additional information on how to setup the Interrupt System in theApNote “First steps through the TriCore Interrupt System” (AP3222xx)1. It would GObeyond the scope of this document to explain this here, but you will find selfexplanatoryexamples later on.
上传时间: 2013-10-27
The PL2303 USB to Serial adapter is your smart and convenient accessory forconnecting RS-232 serial devices to your USB-equipped Windows host computer. Itprovides a bridge connection with a standard DB 9-pin male serial port connector inone end and a standard Type-A USB plug connector on the other end. You simplyattach the serial device onto the serial port of the cable and plug the USB connectorinto your PC USB port. It allows a simple and easy way of adding serial connectionsto your PC without having to GO thru inserting a serial card and traditional portconfiguration.This USB to Serial adapter is ideal for connecting modems, cellular phones, PDAs,digital cameras, card readers and other serial devices to your computer. It providesserial connections up to 1Mbps of data transfer rate. And since USB does not requireany IRQ resource, more devices can be attached to the system without the previoushassles of device and resource conflicts.Finally, the PL-2303 USB to Serial adapter is a fully USB Specification compliantdevice and therefore supports advanced power management such as suspend andresume operations as well as remote wakeup. The PL-2303 USB Serial cable adapteris designed to work on all Windows operating systems.
上传时间: 2013-11-01
特点 精确度0.25%滿刻度 ±1位數 输入配线系统可任意选择 CT比可任意设定 具有异常电流值与异常次数记录保留功能 电流过高或过低检测可任意设定 报警继电器复归方式可任意設定 尺寸小,穩定性高 2.主要規格 辅助电源: AC110V&220V ±20%(50 or 60Hz) AC220V&440V ±20%(50 or 60Hz)(optional) 精确度: 0.25% F.S. ±1 digit 输入负载: <0.2VA (Current) 最大过载能力 : Current related input: 2 x rated continuous 10 x rated 30 sec. 25 x rated 3sec. 50 x rated 1 sec. 输入电流范围: AC0-5A (10-1000Hz) CT ratio : 1-2000 adjustable 启动延迟动作时间: 0-99.9 second adjustable 继电器延迟动作时间: 0-99.9 second adjustable 继电器复归方式: Manual (N) / latch(L) can be modified 继电器磁滞范围: 0-999 digit adjustable 继电器动作方向: HI /LO/GO/HL can be modified 继电器容量: AC 250V-5A, DC 30V-7A 过载显示: "doFL" 温度系数: 50ppm/℃ (0-50℃) 显示幕: Red high efficiency LEDs high 14.22mm(.56")(PV) Red high efficiency LEDs high 14.22mm(.276")(NO) 参数设定方式: Touch switches 记忆型式 : Non-volatile E2PROM memory 绝缘耐压能力: 2KVac/1 min. (input/output/power) 1600Vdc(input/output 使用环境条件 : 0-50℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) 存放环境条件: 0-70℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) CE认证: EN 55022:1998/A1:2000 Class A EN 61000-3-2:2000 EN 61000-3-3:1995/A1:2001 EN 55024:1998/A1:2001
上传时间: 2013-10-14
特点 精确度0.1%滿刻度 ±1位數 可量測 交直流電流/交直流电压/電位計/傳送器/Pt-100/荷重元/電阻 等信号 显示范围-1999-9999可任意规划 具有异常值与异常次数记录保留功能 异常信号过高或过低或范围內或范围外检测可任意設定 报警继电器复归方式可任意設定 尺寸小,穩定性高 2.主要規格 精确度: 0.1% F.S. ±1 digit 0.2% F.S. ±1 digit(AC) 取样时间: 16 cycles/sec. 显示值范围: -1999 - +9999 digit adjustable 启动延迟动作时间: 0-99.9 second adjustable 继电器延迟动作时间: 0-99.9 second adjustable 继电器复归方式: Manual (N) / latch(L) can be modified 继电器动作方向: HI /LO/GO/HL can be modified 继电器容量: AC 250V-5A, DC 30V-7A 过载显示: "doFL" 温度系数: 50ppm/℃ (0-50℃) 显示幕: Red high efficiency LEDs high 14.22mm(.56")(PV) Red high efficiency LEDs high 7.0mm(.276")(NO) 参数设定方式: Touch switches 记忆型式 : Non-volatile E2PROM memory 绝缘耐压能力: 2KVac/1 min. (input/output/power) 1600Vdc(input/output 使用环境条件 : 0-50℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) 存放环境条件: 0-70℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) CE认证: EN 55022:1998/A1:2000 Class A EN 61000-3-2:2000 EN 61000-3-3:1995/A1:2001 EN 55024:1998/A1:2001
上传时间: 2013-11-02
多远程二极管温度传感器-Design Considerations for pc thermal management Multiple RDTS (remote diode temperature sensing) provides the most accurate method of sensing an IC’s junction temperature. It overcomes thermal gradient and placement issues encountered when trying to place external sensors. PCB component count decreases when using a device that provides multiple inputs.Better temperature sensing improves product performance and reliability. Disk drive data integrity suffers at elevated temperatures. IBM published an article stating that a 5°C rise in operating temperature causes a 15% increase in the drive’s failure rate. The overall performance of a system can be improved by providing a more accurate temperature measurement of the most critical devices allowing them to run just a few degrees hotter.The LM83 directly senses its own temperature and the temperature of three external PN junctions. One is dedicated to the CPU of choice, the other two GO to other parts of your system that need thermal monitoring such as the disk drive or graphics chip. The SMBus-compatible LM83 supports SMBus timeout and logic levels. The LM83 has two interrupt outputs; one for user-programmable limits and WATCHDOG capability (INT), the other is a Critical Temperature Alarm output (T_CRIT_A) for system power supply shutdown.
标签: Considerat Design 远程 二极管
上传时间: 2014-12-21
Abstract: After you park your car and GO into your house, probably the last thing that you want to think about is someone stealing
上传时间: 2014-04-24
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[FK_药品库存_药品资料]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 1) ALTER TABLE [dbo].[药品库存] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_药品库存_药品资料 GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[FK_门诊划价明细_门诊划价]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 1) ALTER TABLE [dbo].[门诊划价明细] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_门诊划价明细_门诊划价 GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[FK_门诊挂号_门诊挂号类型]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 1) ALTER TABLE [dbo].[门诊挂号] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_门诊挂号_门诊挂号类型 GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[产地]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[产地] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[医生资料]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[医生资料]
上传时间: 2013-11-12
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N\'[dbo].[FK_帐单明细_入住单]\') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N\'IsForeignKey\') = 1) ALTER TABLE [dbo].[帐单明细] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_帐单明细_入住单 GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N\'[dbo].[FK_入住单_客房信息]\') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N\'IsForeignKey\') = 1) ALTER TABLE [dbo].[入住单] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_入住单_客房信息 GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N\'[dbo].[FK_客房信息_客房类型]\') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N\'IsForeignKey\') = 1) ALTER TABLE [dbo].[客房信息] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_客房信息_客房类型
上传时间: 2014-03-23